Search results: 3,330 entries found.

VIII — (unassigned; ID 2860)
Philip I Philip I (Augustus)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 11.86 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Α Κ Μ ΙΟΥ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ΕΥϹΕΒ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I, right, seen from rear
L - Δ; Sarapis standing left, extending right arm over Cerberus, holding sceptre
VIII — (unassigned; ID 3132)
Philip I Philip I (Augustus)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 11.85 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Α Κ Μ ΙΟΥ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ΕΥϹΕΒ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I, right, seen from rear
L - Δ; trophy of arms with two shields, a bound and seated captive on each side
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2820)
Philip I Philip II (Caesar)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.63 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ΙΟΥ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ Κ Ϲ(Ε)(Β); bare-headed and cuirassed bust of Philip II, right, seen from front, with gorgoneion on cuirass
L - Δ; Philip I, laureate, on horseback, riding right, raising right arm, and holding sceptre over left shoulder
BMC 2052; D 5016–17; M 3687–8; Geissen 2791–2 37
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2588)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.01 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Α Κ Μ ΙΟΥ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ΕΥϹΕ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Philip II, right, seen from front, with gorgoneion on cuirass
L - Δ; Philip I, laureate, on horseback, riding right, raising right arm, and holding sceptre over left shoulder
VIII — (unassigned; ID 8246)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 11.53 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΤ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L - Δ; Alexandria standing left, holding bust of Sarapis and sceptre
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2617)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.24 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΤ(Ρ)(Α); diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L (-) Δ; turreted and draped bust of Alexandria, left
BMC 2032; D 4958; M 3680–1; Geissen 2769 21
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2802)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.39 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΤ Ϲ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Δ; Eusebeia standing left, dropping incense on lighted altar
Geissen 2770 18
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2831)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.50 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΤ(Ρ)(Α); diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L (-) Δ; Eusebeia standing left, dropping incense on lighted altar
BMC 2014; D 4976; M 3654–9 38
VIII — (unassigned; ID 3079)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 10.00 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΤΡΑ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Δ; Homonoia standing left, raising right arm, holding double cornucopia
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.85 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΤΡΑ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L - Δ; Nike advancing right, palm over shoulder, writing over shield on cippus
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2618)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 11.74 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΤ Ϲ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L - Δ; draped bust of Nike, right
Geissen 2771 5
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2644)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.59 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΤ(ΡΑ); diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L - Δ; draped bust of Nike, right
BMC 2021; D 4987; M 3661 7
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2751)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.92 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΤ Ϲ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L - Δ; helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust of Roma, right, with spear pointing forward
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2951)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 11.54 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ Ϲ(ΤΡ)(Α); diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L - Δ; helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust of Roma, right, with spear pointing forward
D 4965 8
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 11.06 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΤΡΑ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L - Δ; Tyche seated left, holding rudder and cornucopia
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2522)
Philip I Philip II (Caesar)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.76 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ΙΟΥ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ Κ Ϲ(Ε)(Β); bare-headed and cuirassed bust of Philip II, right, seen from front, with gorgoneion on cuirass
L - Δ; Hermanubis standing right, wearing kalathos, holding winged caduceus and palm-leaf; behind, jackal
BMC 2050; D 5029; M 3676–7; Geissen 2790 24
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2686)
Philip I Philip II (Caesar)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 11.98 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ΙΟΥ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ Κ Ϲ(ΕΒ); bare-headed and cuirassed bust of Philip II, right, seen from front, with gorgoneion on cuirass
L (-) Δ; Triptolemus holding seeds in chlamys, driving biga drawn by winged serpents, right
BMC 2041; D 5041; M 3643–5 18
VIII — (unassigned; ID 3169)
Philip I Philip II (Caesar)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.43 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Μ ΙΟΥ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ Κ Ϲ(Ε)(Β); bare-headed and cuirassed bust of Philip II, right, seen from front, with gorgoneion on cuirass
L (-) Δ; Tyche seated left, holding rudder and cornucopia
BMC 2048; D 5044; M 3672–5; Geissen 2793–4 54
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2671)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 11.83 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Α Κ Μ ΙΟΥ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ΕΥϹΕ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Philip II, right, seen from front, with gorgoneion on cuirass
L - Δ; Hermanubis standing right, wearing kalathos, holding winged caduceus and palm-leaf; behind, jackal
D 5053; Geissen 2795 3
VIII — (unassigned; ID 3109)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 11.60 g. LΔ = year 4 (AD 246/7)
Α Κ Μ ΙΟΥ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ΕΥϹΕ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Philip II, right, seen from front, with gorgoneion on cuirass
L Δ; Triptolemus holding seeds in chlamys, driving biga drawn by winged serpents, right