Search results: 3,659 entries found.

Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 18.51 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕ, [ ]; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear; above, star
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ; Athena standing left, holding statuette of Nike in extended right and in left shield
Watson — 1
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 16.44 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear; above, star
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ (ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ); Athena standing left, holding statuette of Nike in extended right and shield
Watson 1660 7
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 16.71 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ; Athena standing right, holding spear in right and thunderbolt in left; to right, shield and palm branch; to left, pomegranate; (palm)
Watson 1650–1651 9
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 16.34 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ; Athena standing right, holding spear, clasping hands with Apollo Sidetes standing left, holding sceptre; between, altar or small temple (?)
Watson 1654 5
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 18.17 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ; city gate of Side; within opening, Nike standing left, holding wreath and palm; to left, standard
Watson 1656 3
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 17.19 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear; above, star
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΠΥΘΕΙΑ; Helios, radiate, standing left, holding cornucopia and raising right
Watson 1666 4
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 17.41 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΠΥΘΕΙΑ; Heracles standing facing, head right, leaning with left on club on rock, right hand on hip
Watson 1665 2
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 19.52 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear
ΙΕΡΟϹ ΜΥϹΤΙΚΟϹ ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ; prize crown with three palm branches on table with curved legs
Watson 1658 1
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 17.41 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear
ΙΕΡΑ ΠΥΘΙΑ ΕΙΕΡΟϹ ΜΥϹΤΙΚΟϹ, ϹΙΔΗϹ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΟΥ ΟΙΚΟΥΜΕΝΙΚΟΙ; table with two prize crowns, each with three palm branches
Watson 1657e 6
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 18.71 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear
ΟΙΚΟΥΜΕΝΙΚΟΙ, ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ, ΙΕΡΑ ΠΥΘΙΑ ΙΕΡΟϹ ΜΥϹΤΙΚΟϹ, ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ; table with two prize crowns, each with three palm branches
Watson 1657a-d 6
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 17.31 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ; temple with six columns, enclosing Apollo Sidetes standing facing, holding holding sceptre and palm branch
Watson 1655 1
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 17.68 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear; (above, star?)
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ; tripod supporting prize crown from which emerge two palm branches; purse to left, amphora to r
Watson — 1
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 18.10 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΙΕΡΟΙ ΟΙΚΟΥΜΕΝΙΚΟΙ - ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ; Tyche seated left on rock; to left and right, prize crown with palm branches
Watson 1653 2
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 17.13 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ; Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia
Watson 1652 2
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 14.88 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear; above, star
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ; Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia
Watson 1664 2
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 16.60 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙ ΓΑΛ(Λ)ΙΗΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus, right, seen from rear; (above, star)
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ; Apollo Sidetes standing left, holding patera in right and laurel branch in left
Watson 1675a-c 4
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 16.40 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΑΙ(sic) ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus, right, seen from rear; beneath, eagle, wings open, flying right (branch)
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ; Apollo Sidetes standing left, holding patera in right and long laurel branch in left
Watson 1710 (branch) 8
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 15.91 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus, right, seen from rear; beneath, eagle, wings open, flying right (wreath)
ϹΙΔΗΤΩΝ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΩΝ; Apollo Sidetes standing left, holding patera in right and long laurel branch in left; (to right, pomegranate)
Watson 1695b-e (wreath) 5
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 13.80 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟ Ϲ[ΕΒ], ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus, right, seen from rear; below, eagle, wings spread, head right (wreath)
ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΟϹ ϹΙΔΗΤΟΥ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΟΥ; Apollo Sidetes standing left, holding patera in right and staff of laurel in left
Watson 1695a 1
Side  Pamphylia Lycia-Pamphylia
Æ (30 mm) 13.59 g. Phase 4: coins with ΙΑ and Η (lighter standard)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΠΟ ΛΙΚ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ, ΙΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus, right; above, star
ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΟϹ ϹΙΔΗΤΟΥ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΟΥ; Apollo Sidetes standing left, holding staff of laurel in left and patera in extended right
Watson 1675d corr. 1