Search results: 148 entries found.

II 15
Vespasian Titus (Caesar)
Koinon of Crete  Crete Crete
Æ (31 mm) 24.45 g. Second emission (AD 77)
ΑΥΤΟ ΤΙΤΟ [ ]; laureate head of Titus, right
ΖΕΥΣ ΚΡΗΤΑΓΕΝΗΣ; Zeus standing, right, hurling thunderbolt; stars in field to left and right
Sv 45 4
II 16
Vespasian Titus (Caesar)
Koinon of Crete  Crete Crete
Æ (21 mm) 8.90 g. Second emission (AD 77)
ΑΥΤΟ ΤΙΤΟΣ ΣΕΒ [ΥΙΟΣ ΥΠΑ ΤΟ] Ϛ; laureate head of Titus, right
two Kouretes/Korybantes
Sv 48 2
II 17
Vespasian Titus (Caesar)
Koinon of Crete  Crete Crete
Copper (20 mm) 3.89 g. Second emission (AD 77)
ΑΥΤΟ ΤΙΤΟΣ ΣΕΒ ΥΙΟΣ ΥΠΑ ΤΟ Ϛ; laureate head of Titus, right
Artemis with bow, right
Sv 47 corr. 11
II 23
Vespasian Titus (Caesar)
Koinon of Crete  Crete Crete
Æ (24 mm) 11.77 g. Third emission
ΤΙΤΩ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ; laureate head of Titus, right
ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΩ; laureate head of Domitian, left
II 310
Vespasian Titus (Caesar)
Stobi  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (25 mm) 8.55 g. Titus cos VI (AD 77/8)
T IMP VESPASIANVS AVG F COS VI; laureate head of Titus, right; globe at end of truncation
MVNICIPIVM STOBENSIVM; temple with four columns on podium with two steps within which cult statue, right; globe in pediment
Petrovic 3; AMNG 3, Josifovski Titus 40–45 17
II 310A
Vespasian Titus (Caesar)
Stobi  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (25 mm) 8.67 g. Titus cos VI (AD 77/8)
T IMPERATOR AVG F COS VI; laureate head of Titus with small aegis, right
MVNICIPIVM STOBENSIVM; temple with four columns on podium with two steps within which cult statue
II 310B
Vespasian Titus (Caesar)
Stobi  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (27 mm) 11.84 g. Titus cos VI (AD 77/8)
[T IMP VESP]ASIANVS AVG F COS VI; laureate head of Titus, right
MVNICIPIVM STOBENSIVM; Tyche in short chiton standing, left, holding Victory on her extended right hand and cornucopia in left; at her feet, shield on left and armor on right
II 311
Stobi  Macedonia Macedonia
Copper (24 mm) 8.24 g. Titus and Domitian (under Vespasian)
T CAESAR IMP DOMITIANVS CAESAR; laureate and draped bust of Titus, right, seen from rear, facing head of Domitian, left
MVNICIPI STOBENSIVM; temple with four columns; inside, cult figure; globe on pediment
Petrovic 5, Josifovski Titus and Domitian 14-31 19
II 311b
Stobi  Macedonia Macedonia
Copper (25 mm) 8.52 g. Titus and Domitian (under Vespasian)
T CAESAR IMP DOMITIANO CAESAR; laureate and draped bust of Titus, right, seen from rear, facing head of Domitian, left
MVNICIPI STOBENSIVM; temple with four columns; inside, cult figure; globe on pediment
II 312
Stobi  Macedonia Macedonia
Copper (22 mm) 7.66 g. Titus and Domitian (under Vespasian)
T IMP DOM CAES; laureate head of Titus, right, facing head of Domitian, left
MVN STOB; temple with four columns; inside, pellet
BMC 1; Petrovic 6; AMNG 4 12
II 316
Cassandrea  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (21 mm) 8.31 g.
T CAES(AR) IMP DOMIT(IAN) CAES; laureate and draped bust of Titus, right, facing laureate head of Domitian, left
COL IVL AVG CASSANDRENS; bearded head of Jupiter Ammon, left
AMNG 6–7 12
II 316A
Cassandrea  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (20 mm) 6.45 g.
T CAES(AR) IMP DOMIT(IAN) CAES; bare head of Titus, right, facing bare head of Domitian, left
COL IVL AVG CASSANDR; bearded head of Jupiter Ammon, left
II 321
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Copper (23 mm) 9.36 g.
ΤΙΤΟΝ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΑ ΔΟΜΕΤΙ(ΑΝ)ΟΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΑ; Head of Titus, right, facing head of Domitian, left
ΘΕΣΣΑ/ΛΟΝ[Ε]ΙΚΕ/ΩΝ; in three lines within oak wreath; above inscription, eagle standing, left, head right
Touratsoglou, Titus and Domitian 25–43 25
II 338
Amphipolis  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (20 mm) 7.44 g.
ΤΙΤΟϹ ΚΑΙ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝ ΚΑΙϹ; Titus and Domitian standing, facing each other
ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΤΩ; Artemis Tauropolos riding on bull, right
II 366
Vespasian Titus (Caesar)
Byzantium  Thrace Thrace
Æ (15 mm) 3.37 g.
ΤΙΤΟΥ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΟϹ; laureate head of Titus, left
ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΩΝ; basket containing corn-ears and poppy
Sch. 1319 2
II 604
Brass (28 mm) 13.03 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ ΤΙΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣ ΥΙΟΣ; laureate head of Titus, right
ΕΠΙ Μ ΜΑΙΚΙΟΥ ΡΟΥΦΟΥ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΥ; palm tree; to left, cuirass with helmet and two spears; to right, shield and two spears
Rec 16, Stumpf 366 13
II 605
Brass (25 mm) 8.45 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΤΙΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣ ΥΙΟΣ; laureate head of Titus, right
ΕΠΙ Μ ΜΑΙΚΙΟΥ ΡΟΥΦΟΥ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΥ, ΒΙΘΥΝΙΑ (in field); Dionysus standing, left holding cantharus and sceptre
Rec 14 corr., Stumpf 364 corr. 4
II 606
Æ (25 mm) 8.84 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ ΤΙΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣ ΥΙΟΣ; laureate head of Titus, right
ΕΠΙ Μ ΜΑΙΚΙΟΥ ΡΟΥΦΟΥ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΥ, ΒΙΘΥΝΙΑ (in field); Dionysus standing, left holding cantharus and sceptre
Rec 15, Stumpf 365 1
II 608
Æ (20 mm) 4.35 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ ΤΙΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣ ΥΙΟΣ; laureate head of Titus, right
Rec 17, Stumpf 367 8
II 609
Æ (17 mm) 3.01 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ ΤΙΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣ ΥΙΟΣ; laureate head of Titus, right
Rec 18, Stumpf 368 4