Search results: 535 entries found.

II 1308
Sardis  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Brass (18 mm) 4.75 g. No magistrate's name
ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ϹΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ; temple with four columns
II 1311
Sardis  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Bronze (27 mm) 11.69 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙϹ ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΩ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙ (Τ) ΦΛ ΕΙϹΙΓΟΝΟΥ ϹΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ; Pluto and Persephone in quadriga, right
Cop 525 16
II 1312
Sardis  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Æ (21 mm) 6.39 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙϹ ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΩ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙ Τ ΦΛ ΕΙϹΙΓΟΝΟΥ ϹΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ (ϹΤΡΑ); Mên standing, left, holding sceptre, and pine cone over altar and staff
II 1313
Sardis  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Leaded bronze (21 mm) 6.97 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙϹ ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΩ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙ ΦΛ ΕΙϹΙΓΟΝΟΥ ϹΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ ϹΤΡΑ; in five lines in oak and laurel wreath
BMC 126 1
II 1313A
Sardis  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Æ (21 mm) 7.37 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙϹ ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΩΝ (sic); laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙ / Τ ΦΛ ΕΙϹΙΓ/ΟΝΟΥ ϹΑΡΔΙΑΝ/ΩΝ; in five lines in oak and laurel wreath
II 1314
Sardis  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Leaded bronze (21 mm) 6.61 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙϹ ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΩ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙ ΦΛ (Τ) ΕΙϹΙΓΟΝΟΥ ϹΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ; in five lines in laurel wreath
BMC 127 6
II 1315
Sardis  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Leaded bronze (21 mm) 6.51 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚ ΚΑΙϹ ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΩ(Ν); laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΦΛ ΕΙϹΙΓΟΝΟΥ ϹΑΡΔΙΑ; inscription in four lines in laurel wreath
II 1324
Daldis  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Brass (24 mm) 7.27 g.
ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙ ΤΙ ΦΛΑ ΥΛΑ ΦΛΑ ΚΑΙ ΔΑΛΔΙ; Cybele seated, left, holding patera and resting arm on tympanum
II 1328
Bronze (22 mm) 7.94 g.
ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΘ ΗΡΩΔΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, ΦΛΑΒΙ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛ; Zeus standing, left, holding eagle and sceptre
BMC 60, Hochard 1423 6
II 1329
Æ (23 mm) 7.99 g.
ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΘ(ΕΝΤΩΝ) ΠΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΗΡΩΔΟΥ, ΦΛΑΒΙ(ΩΝ) ΦΙΛΑΔΕ(ΛΦΕΩΝ); Zeus standing, left, holding eagle and sceptre; in field, altar
BMC 61, Hochard 1424-6 20
II 1346
Blaundus  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Æ (22 mm) 9.06 g.
ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΦΟΙΝΙΞ ΕΠΙ ΙΤΑΛΙΚΟΥ ΒΛΑΟΥΝΔΕΩΝ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ; Apollo standing, right, holding plectrum and lyre set on column
BMC 69; Cop 87; Stumpf 327 13
II 1347
Blaundus  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Æ (22 mm) 9.43 g.
ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΦΟΙΝΙΞ ΕΠΙ ΙΤΑΛΙΚΟΥ ΒΛΑΟΥΝΔΕΩΝ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ; Dionysus standing facing, leaning on column and holding up thyrsus
BMC 70; Cop 88; Stumpf 328–9 11
II 1389
Apamea  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Leaded bronze (30 mm) 10.27 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΣ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
BMC 150 32
II 1399
Brass (25 mm) 10.24 g.
ΚΟΤΙΑΕΙΣ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΑ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙ Κ ΑΡΕΤΙΔΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΡΙΔ; Asclepius standing, left, on basis, holding serpent staff
BMC 36 4
II 1400
Æ (27 mm) 10.47 g.
ΚΟΤΙΑΕΙΣ ΟΥΕΣ[ΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΝ] ΚΑΙΣΑΡΑ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙ ΤΙ ΚΛΑ ΑΡΕΤΙΔΟΣ; Dionysus standing, left, with cantharus and thyrsus
II 1401
Brass (21 mm) 5.19 g.
ΚΟΤΙΑΕΙΣ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΝ ΚΑΙΣΑ(Ρ)(Α); laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙ Κ(Λ)(ΑΥ) ΑΡΕΤΙΔΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΠΑ(ΤΡΙ); Zeus (?) standing, left, with hand raised
BMC 34 14
II 1402
Æ (21 mm) 4.85 g.
ΚΟΤΙΑΕΙΣ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΝ ΚΑΙΣΑ(Ρ)(Α); laureate head of Vespasian, left
ΕΠΙ Κ ΑΡΕΤΙΔΟΣ [ΦΙ]ΛΟΠΑΤΡΙ; Zeus (?) standing, left, with hand raised
II 1403
Æ (25 mm) 8.96 g.
ΚΟΤΙΑΕΙΣ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΝ ΚΑ[ΙΣΑ]ΡΑ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
[ΕΠΙ ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙ]ΟΥ ΣΕΚΟΥΝΔΟΥ; Asclepius standing, left, on basis, holding serpent staff
II 1404
Æ (25 mm) 10.46 g.
ΚΟΤΙΑΕΙΣ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΑ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙ ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΣΕΚΟΥΝΔΟΥ; Dionysus standing, left, with cantharus and thyrsus; to left, panther; to right, vine growing round column
II 1405
Æ (21 mm) 5.01 g.
ΚΟΤΙΑΕΙΣ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΝ ΚΑΙΣΑ; laureate head of Vespasian, right
ΕΠΙ ΚΛΑΥΔ(Ι) ΣΕΚΟΥΝΔΟΥ; Zeus (?) standing, left, with hand raised