Search results: 678 entries found.

VIII — (unassigned; ID 3184)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.09 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕ(Β); diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L - Ϛ; Athena standing left, holding Nike and shield set on ground
BMC 2008; D 4966; M 3749 9
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2909)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.26 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕ Ϲ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ϛ; Dikaiosyne standing left, holding scales and cornucopia
M 3757 7
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2606)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 13.02 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕ(Β); diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ϛ; Dikaiosyne standing left, holding scales and cornucopia
BMC 2010; D 4971; M 3750–6, 3758; Geissen 2777 34
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2944)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕ Ϲ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L - Ϛ; Elpis advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt
DS 10417 1
VIII — (unassigned; ID 3070)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.66 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕ(Β); diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L - Ϛ; Elpis advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt
BMC 2013; D 4975; M 3759 13
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2757)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕ Ϲ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ϛ; helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust of Roma, right
DS 10405 1
VIII — (unassigned; ID 3179)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.17 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕ(Β); diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L (-) Ϛ; helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust of Roma, right
BMC 2007; D 4963–4; M 3749a 8
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2658)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Drachm 21.10 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕΒ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ϛ; Alexandria standing left, holding bust of Sarapis and sceptre; at left, palm
D 5011 1
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2826)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Drachm 19.86 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕΒ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ϛ; eagle standing left, head right, holding wreath in beak; at left, palm
D 5015 16
VIII — (unassigned; ID 8247)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Drachm 18.33 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕΒ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ϛ; Hermanubis standing right, wearing kalathos, holding winged caduceus and palm-leaf; behind, jackal, and palm
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2596)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Drachm 19.86 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕΒ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ϛ; Homonoia standing left, raising right arm, holding double cornucopia; at left, palm
D 5012 5
VIII — (unassigned; ID 3044)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Drachm 19.70 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕΒ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ϛ; Nike advancing right, holding wreath and palm over shoulder; at left, palm
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2913)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Drachm 17.80 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕΒ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ϛ; Sarapis seated left, extending arm over Cerberus, and holding sceptre; Nike(?) on throne
Geissen 2779 1
VIII — (unassigned; ID 3050)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Drachm 19.36 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕΒ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L - Ϛ; serpent (Uraeus) erect, right, crowned with disc and horns, coiled around sistrum, facing serpent (Agathodaemon) erect, left, crowned with skhent, coiled around caduceus and stalk of corn; below, palm
D 5014; Geissen 2778 7
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2537)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Drachm 20.80 g. LϚ = year 6 (AD 248/9)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ ϹΕΒ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ϛ; Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia; at right, palm
BMC 2038; D 5013; Geissen 2780 11
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2544)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.77 g. LΖ = year 7 (AD 249)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ Ϲ ϹΕ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ζ; Eirene standing left, holding ears of corn and caduceus
BMC 2012; D 4974; M 3782; Geissen 2781 10
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2904)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 12.35 g. LΖ = year 7 (AD 249)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ Ϲ ϹΕ; diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ζ; conjoined bust of Helios, radiate and draped, with bust of Selene, draped, with crescent, right
D 4980 6
VIII — (unassigned; ID 2858)
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Tetradrachm 11.66 g. LΖ = year 7 (AD 249)
Μ ωΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕ Μ Ϲ ϹΕ(Β); diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right
L Ζ; Roma standing left, raising right arm and holding sceptre and paludamentum
D 4995 2