Search results: 692 entries found.

Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (24 mm) 10.93 g. II: smaller coins
ΚΟΡΝ ϹΑΛΟΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓΥ; draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΜΗΤΡ ΚΟ Β ΝΕ, ΠΥΘΙΑ; inscribed prize crown with palms protruding from top and bottom
Touratsoglou type 51 2
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (24 mm) 9.23 g. II: smaller coins
ΚΟΡΝ ϹΑΛΟΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓΥ; diademed and draped bust of Salonina, right
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΜΗ ΚΟ Β Ν, ΠΥΘΙΑ; tripod on which five apples and laurel wreath
Touratsoglou type 49 5
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (22 mm) 7.71 g. II: smaller coins
ϹΑΛΩΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ; diademed and draped bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ Β ΝΕ; aedicula with two columns with gabled roof; within, Kabeiros standing front head left, holding rhyton in right and hammer in left; on ground to left lighted altar, to right, elehpant’s tusk (?)
Touratsoglou type 58 6
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (22 mm) 6.56 g. II: smaller coins
ϹΑΛΩΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ; diademed and draped bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ Β ΝΕΩ; Kabeiros standing facing, head right; he holds in left rhyton, in right hammer; to left, lighted altar, to right elephant tusk
Touratsoglou type 60 2
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (22 mm) 7.18 g. II: smaller coins
Ϲ[ΑΛΩ]ΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ; diademed and draped bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ Β ΝΕ; Nike advancing right holding Kabeiros in right and palm branch in left
Touratsoglou type — 1
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (22 mm) 7.45 g. II: smaller coins
ΚΟΡΝΗ Ϲ[ΑΛΩ]ΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ; diademed and draped bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ Β ΝΕ; Nike advancing right holding palm branch and wreath
Touratsoglou type — 1
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (22 mm) 8.13 g. II: smaller coins
ϹΑΛΩΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ; diademed and draped bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ Β ΝΕ; Nike standing left, holding Kabeiros in right and palm branch in left
Touratsoglou type 62 3
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (22 mm) 8.40 g. II: smaller coins
ϹΑΛΩΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ; draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΜΗΤ ΚΟ Β [ ], ΠΥΘΙΑ; tripod on which rest wreath and five apples
Touratsoglou type 50 2
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (22 mm) 5.43 g. II: smaller coins
ϹΑΛΩΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ; draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ, Β ΝΕ; two prize crowns with palm branch and central stripe
Touratsoglou type 56 2
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (22 mm) 8.74 g. II: smaller coins
(ΚΟΡΝΗ) ϹΑΛΩΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ; draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΜΗΤ ΚΟΛ, Β ΝΕ; two prize crowns with palm branch and central stripe; above, small prize crown with palm branch (?)
Touratsoglou type 55 and var. 3
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (22 mm) 8.74 g.
ϹΑΛωΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ; diademed and draped bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΜΗ ΚΟ Γ ΝΕ; agonistic crown containing palm branch; across middle, five apples
Touratsoglou (sole reign) type 4 corr. 2
Thessalonica  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (22 mm) 11.10 g.
ϹΑΛωΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ; draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝ ΜΗ Κ Γ ΝΕ, Δ; Kabeiros standing facing, head left; he holds in right rhyton, in left hammer; to left, lighted altar, to right elephant tusk
Touratsoglou — 1
Koinon of Thessaly  Thessaly Macedonia
Æ (23 mm) 9.07 g.
ΚΟΡΝ(Η) ϹΑΛΩΝΙΝΑ (ΑΥΓ); draped bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΘΕϹϹΑΛΩΝ, Δ; Athena advancing right holding shield on left arm and brandishing spear with right
Rogers 132-133 24
Koinon of Thessaly  Thessaly Macedonia
Æ (21 mm) 6.04 g.
ΚΟΡΝΗ ϹΑΛΩΝΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ; draped bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ΘΕϹϹΑΛΩΝ ΚΟΙΝΟΝ, Γ; Nike driving galloping triga right
Rogers 134 11
Edessa  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (22 mm) 5.54 g.
ϹΑΛΩ[ΝΙΝ]Α ΑΥ; diademed and draped bust of Salonina, right, crescent at shoulders
ΕΔΕϹϹΑΙΩΝ, Δ; wreath
Papaefthymiou 1 (D1/R1, Tranquillina) 2
Byzantium  Thrace Thrace
Æ (21 mm) 4.94 g.
ΚΟΡ ϹΑΛΩΝΕΙΝΑ (Ϲ)(Ε); draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right
ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΩΝ; two tuna fish above and below dolphin right; the one above to left, that below to right
Schönert-Geiss 1834-5 and var. 6
Byzantium  Thrace Thrace
Æ (21 mm) 5.09 g.
ΚΟΡΝ ϹΑΛΩΝΕΙΝΑ ϹΕ (sometimes retrograde); diademed and draped bust of Salonina, left
ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΩΝ; two tuna fish above and below dolphin right; the one above to right, that below to left
Schönert-Geiss 1831–3 7
Serdica  Thrace Thrace
Æ (22 mm) 11.40 g.
ΚΟΡ ϹΑΛΩΝ ΑΥΓ; draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right, on crescent
ϹΕΡΔΙΚΗϹ; Athena standing left, resting hand on shield and holding spear; altar at feet
Ruzicka, Serdica 502, Hristova & Jekov, Serdica 2
Apamea  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (22 mm) 5.37 g.
CORN SALONINA AVG; draped bust of Salonina right
COL IV CON APAM AVG, D D; Aphrodite/Venus on dolphin left, holding small Eros and holding up mirror
Æ (26 mm) 7.25 g.
ΚΟΡΝΗ[Λ] ϹΑΛΩΝΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒ; draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right
ΒΕΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Zeus seated left, holding patera in right and long sceptre in left
Rec — 1