ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Δ; Athena standing facing, head left, holding Nike with wreath and inverted spear; at her feet, shield
D 4204, Geissen 2389, E 2988 (4) 13
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Δ; Dikaiosyne standing facing, head left, holding scales and cornucopia
D 4206, E 2989 (4) 10
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Δ; eagle standing facing with open wings, head right, holding wreath in beak
D 4213, BMC 1564, E 2990 (4) 12
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Δ; Homonoia standing facing, head left, holding double cornucopia and raising right hand
D 4207, M 2805, Geissen 2390, E 2994 (4) 14
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Δ; Nike advancing left, holding palm branch and wreath
D 4208, E 2996 (4) 3
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Δ; Nike advancing right, holding palm branch and wreath
D 4209, E 2995 (4) 2
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Δ; Nilus seated left, on rocks, holding reed and cornucopia
D 4210, BMC 1563, E 2998 (4) 4
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Δ; Sarapis bust right, draped and wearing kalathos
BMC 1561, E 3000 (4) 4
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Ammon bust right, with horn and disc
E 3003 (5) 3
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Ares standing facing, head left, holding inverted spear and parazonium; at his feet, shield
E 2985A (5) 2
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Athena bust right, wearing Corinthian helmet (sphinx under the crest) and aegis
D 4203, E 2986Α (5) 10
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Athena standing facing, head left, holding Nike with wreath, right and resting on shield
D 4205, Ο 2838, Geissen 2391, E 2987 (5) 8
No image
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Emperor and Nike; he is standing facing, head right, in military dress and holding spear and parazonium, and is crowned with wreath by Nike standing facing, head left, holding palm
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Emperor in quadriga left, wearing toga, raising right hand and holding sceptre
D 4201, BMC 1565, E 2991 (5) 7
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Helios and Selene, jugate busts right; Helios is radiate; Selene wears crescent
BMC 1557, E 2993 (5) 2
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Hermanubis bust right, radiate and wearing kalathos and lotus petal, palm over shoulder; in front, winged caduceus combined with palm branch
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Nike and Emperor; she is standing right, with palm, presenting wreath to Emperor, in military dress, standing facing, head left, holding spear
D 4202, E 2992 (5) 4
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Nike in galloping biga, right
E 2996A (5) 1
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Nilus and Euthenia, jugate busts, right; to left, cornucopia
E 2999 (5) 3
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ϹΟΑΙΜΙΑϹ ϹΕΒ; draped bust of Julia Soaemias, right
L Ε; Nilus reclining left, wearing lotus wreath, holding reed and cornucopia, from which emerges Genius crowning Nilus with wreath; three little Genii climb up his legs, right; to left, nilometer and Genius
D 4210, E 2997 (5) 2