Leaded bronze (24 mm) 7.60 g. AD 21
DRVSO CAESARI; bare head of Drusus, left
PERMISSV L APRONI PROCOS III; bust of Mercury, left
Mu 333, APT 26, Alexandropoulos 99 8
Æ (22 mm) 7.40 g. AD 21
DRVSO CAESARI; bare head of Drusus, left
PER[ ]BLAESI PROCOS; bust of Mercury, left
APT 28 corr., Alexandropoulos 99 2
Æ (24 mm) 8.36 g. AD 23
DRVSO CAESARI; bare head of Drusus, left
PER P DOLABELLAE PROCOS C P G CAS; bust of Mercury, left
Mu 340, APT 31, Alexandropoulos 99 7
Æ (25 mm) 13.33 g. AD 23–9
DRVSVS; bare head of Drusus Caesar, left
NERO IVL TIN; bare head of Nero Caesar, right
Maz 625–6, Amandry VII, Alexandropoulos 158 9
Æ (17 mm) 5.13 g.
TI AVG DRVSVS CAESAR; jugate heads of Tiberius and Drusus, right
two priests ploughing, right
BMC 92 9
Æ (17 mm) 4.75 g.
DRV CAES; bare head of Drusus, right
two priests ploughing, right
Æ (21 mm) 6.96 g.
DRVSVS NERO CAESARES D D (retrograde); heads of Nero Caesar and Drusus Caesar, face to face
AGRIPPINA DIVA DRVSILLA IVLIA, C I C (in exergue); Caligula's three sisters standing facing; Agrippina holds cornucopia in right, resting on column with left, on shoulder of Drusilla, who holds patera in right hand and cornucopia in left; Julia holds rudder with right and cornucopia in left
Rec 252, n.2 5
DRVSO CAESARI; bare head of Drusus, right
EX D D C I F AN LXIIII; inscription in wreath
APT 18, no. 53 3
Æ (17 mm) 5.26 g.
ΔΡΟΥϹΟϹ ΗΡΩϹ; laureate head of Drusus, right
ΚΛΑΖΟΜΕΝΙΩΝ; altar surmounted by serpent
Cop 118 3
Leaded bronze (20 mm) 6.58 g.
ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΔΡΟΥΣΟΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΙ; facing bare heads of Germanicus and Drusus
ΤΑΒΗΝΩΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΓΟΡΑΣ ΣΕ; inscription in four lines in an oak wreath
Robert AS corr. 11
Æ (28 mm) 12.90 g.
ΔΡΟΥΣΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕΣ ΝΕΟΙ ΘΕΟΙ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΙ; togate figures of Drusus and Germanicus seated, left, on curule chairs, one holding out lituus
BMC Sardis 104 19
Æ (28 mm) 12.21 g. c. AD 28/9 (?)
ΔΡΟΥΣΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕΣ ΝΕΟΙ ΘΕΟΙ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦ(ΟΙ); togate figures of Drusus and Germanicus seated, left, on curule chairs, one holding out lituus
BMC Sardis 106, Cop 518 58
Didrachm 7.30 g.
NERO CLAVD DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP; laureate head of Drusus, right
DE GERMANIS; inscription on architrave of triumphal arch surmounted by equestrian statue
S 62, RIC 125–6, Ganschow 42 4
Æ (14 mm) 3.59 g.
DRV; bare head of Drusus, right
GER; bare head of Germanicus, right
Æ (18 mm) 4.72 g.
ΔΡΟΥΣΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ; bare head of Drusus, right
Grant, NC 1950, 140 7