II 1012
Publius Calvisius Ruso Iulius Frontinus (proconsul); Myrton (stephanephoros and daughter of the people); Rheginos (strategos)
Leaded bronze (25 mm) 13.53 g. AD 84
ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΩ ΦΡΟΝΤΕΙΝΩ ϹΤΡΑΤΗΓΟϹ ΡΗΓΕΙΝΟϹ; Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and sceptre
ΕΠΙ ϹΤΕ ΜΥΡΤΟΥ ΘΥΓΑΤΡΟϹ ΤΟΥ ΔΗΜΟΥ ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ; two Nemeses standing facing each other, holding bridle and yard
Klose IV A; Stumpf 407 9
II 1013
Publius Calvisius Ruso Iulius Frontinus (proconsul); Myrton (stephanephoros and daughter of the people); Rheginos (strategos)
Æ (21 mm) 7.29 g. AD 84
ΑΝΘΥ ΦΡΟΝΤΕΙΝΩ ΖΜΥΡ; draped bust of Cybele, right
ΕΠΙ ΜΥΡΤΟΥ ϹΤΡΑ ΡΗΓΕΙΝΟϹ; Amazon Smyrna standing, left, with spear and double axe
Klose IV B; Stumpf 408 34
II 1014
Publius Calvisius Ruso Iulius Frontinus (proconsul); Myrton (stephanephoros and daughter of the people); Rheginos (strategos)
Bronze (18 mm) 4.29 g. AD 84
ΑΝΘΥ ΦΡΟΝΤΕΙΝΩ ΖΜΥΡ; bearded head of Heracles, right
ΕΠΙ ΜΥΡΤΟΥ ΡΗΓΕΙΝΟϹ; river god reclining left, holding reed and resting arm on urn
Klose IV C; Stumpf 409 86
II 1015
Bronze (26 mm) 9.24 g.
ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ; Semele seated, left, on throne, holding infant Dionysus; statuette of Dionysus to left
Klose IV D 9
II 1016
Bronze (16 mm) 3.57 g.
ΕΠΙ ΜΥΡΤΟΥ; humped bull, right
ΖΜΥΡ ΡΗΓΕΙΝΟϹ; Nike advancing right, with trophy on shoulder
Klose IV E 26