Search results: 2 entries found.

I 4125a
Antioch  Syria Syria
Tetradrachm 15.36 g. posthumous tetradrachms of Philip
diademed head of Philip Philadelphus, right
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ, ΚΡΑ, ΚΑ; Zeus, seated left, holding Nike and sceptre, thunderbolt above, the whole encircled by laurel wreath
A.R. Bellinger, NC 1944, 56, Prieur 2, McAlee 2 6
I 4126
Roman Republic Gaius Cassius
Antioch  Syria Syria
Tetradrachm 15.09 g. posthumous tetradrachms of Philip
diademed head of Philip Philadelphus, right
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ, Γ ΚΑϹ; Zeus, seated left, holding Nike and sceptre
A. R. Bellinger, NC 1944, 56, Prieur 3, McAlee 3 13