Search results: 3 entries found.

IV.2 25211 (temporary)
Harpasa  Caria Asia (conventus of Alabanda)
Æ (33 mm) 18.43 g. Marcus Aurelius as Caesar (c. 139–146)
] ΤΙ ΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝ[; laureate-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing cuirass(?) and paludamentum, right, seen from rear
[ΕΠΙ?] ΚΑΝ ΚΕΛ ΑΡΠΑϹ[ΗΝΩΝ]; Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and long sceptre
IV.2 897 (temporary)
Harpasa  Caria Asia (conventus of Alabanda)
Æ (24 mm) 8.49 g. Marcus Aurelius as Caesar (c. 139–146)
Μ ΑΥΡΗΛΙοϹ οΥΗΡοϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (youthful - lightly bearded), right
ΕΠΙ ΚΑΝ(ΔΙΔοΥ) ΚΕΛ(ϹοΥ) ΑΡΠΑϹΗΝΩΝ; river-god (Harpasos) reclining, left, wearing wreath, holding reed and cornucopia, resting on water-urn
BMC 10, Stumpf 596 15
IV.2 898 (temporary)
Harpasa  Caria Asia (conventus of Alabanda)
Æ (20 mm) 5.87 g. Marcus Aurelius as Caesar (c. 139–146)
ΔΗΜοϹ ΑΡΠΑϹΗΝΩΝ; head of the Demos (youthful), right
ΕΠΙ ΚΑΝΔΙΔοΥ ΚΕΛϹοΥ; Athena advancing, right, brandishing spear, holding shield
BMC 4, Stumpf 597, Martin, Demos, Harpasa 1 2