Search results: 57,791 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
III 623
Macedonia Thessalonica Βearded and horned Pan, naked but mantle over left arm, standing left, protecting himself from the sun with his right arm, holding pedum in left hand ΘΕϹ/ϹΑΛΟ/ΝΙΚΕ/ωΝ in four lines within laurel wreath; (above inscription, eagle looking right)
III 2419AA
Asia Maeonia Βearded head of Heracles, left ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ ΜΑΙΟΝΩΝ Omphale wearing lion skin advancing right, holding club over left shoulder
III 2419
Asia Maeonia Βearded head of Heracles, right ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ ΜΑΙΟΝΩΝ Omphale wearing lion skin advancing right, holding club over left shoulder
III 407
Achaea Athens Βust of Athena right, wearing helmet and aegis ΑΘΗ Triptolemus seated left, in winged chariot drawn by two serpents
III 2468
Asia Traianopolis Βust of Athena with crested Corinthian helmet and aegis, left ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ cult statue of Artemis Ephesia with supports
III 1891
Asia Elaea Βust of Athena, right, wearing helmet and aegis ΕΛΑΙΤΩΝ Telesphorus standing facing
III 1530
Asia Cyzicus Βust of Kore Soteira right, wearing corn-wreath; All within wreath of corn Κ-Υ/Ζ-Ι Telesphorus standing facing
III 1532
Asia Cyzicus Βust of Kore Soteira right, wearing corn-wreath; all within wreath of corn ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ Triton, right holding rudder and tuna fish
III 2543BB
Asia Saitta ΖΕΥϹ ΠΑΤΡΙΟϹ Βust of Zeus Patrios, wearing taenia, right ΕΠΙ ΚΛ ΜΑΧΑΙΡΙΩΝΟϹ ΑΡΧ ϹΑΙΤΤΗΝΩΝ Mên standing left holding pine cone on his right hand, left resting on staff
III 2544AA
Asia Saitta ΖΕΥϹ ΠΑΤΡΙΟϹ Βust of Zeus Patrios, wearing taenia, right ΕΠΙ ΟΚΤΑ ΚΙΝΒΡΟΥ ΑΡΧ ϹΑΙΤΤΗΝΩΝ Mên standing left holding pine cone on his right hand, left resting on staff
III 246
Achaea Corinth Ηead of Aphrodite (?), with earring and necklace, right, hair brought back and tied behind, leaving loose ends COL L IVL COR lioness standing, left, over prostrate ram, on capital of Doric column, part of the fluted shaft of which is shown
III 247
Achaea Corinth Ηead of Aphrodite (?), with earring and necklace, right, hair brought back and tied behind, leaving loose ends COL L IVL COR lioness standing, left, over prostrate ram, on capital of Doric column; very little of the fluted shaft is shown
III 248
Achaea Corinth Ηead of Aphrodite (?), with earring and necklace, right, hair brought back and tied behind, leaving loose ends COL L IVL COR lioness standing, right, over prostrate ram, on capital of Doric column
III 249
Achaea Corinth Ηead of Aphrodite (?), with earring and necklace, right, hair brought back and tied behind, leaving loose ends COL L IVL COR Bellerophon riding Pegasus flying right, slaying with spear Chimaera, left beneath him
III 250
Achaea Corinth Ηead of Aphrodite (?), with earring and necklace, right, hair brought back and tied behind, leaving loose ends COL L IVL COR Bellerophon riding Pegasus galloping right, slaying with spear Chimaera, left beneath him
III 251
Achaea Corinth Ηead of Aphrodite (?), with earring and necklace, right, hair brought back and tied behind, leaving loose ends COL L IVL COR Bellerophon riding Pegasus flying right, slaying with spear Chimaera, right beneath him
III 252
Achaea Corinth Ηead of Aphrodite (?), with earring and necklace, right, hair brought back and tied behind, leaving loose ends COL L IVL COR Pegasus flying, right
III 253
Achaea Corinth Ηead of Aphrodite (?), with earring and necklace, right, hair brought back and tied behind, leaving loose ends COL L IVL COR Aphrodite standing facing, head left, holding with both hands shield as a mirror; at her feet, right, Eros holding wreath
III 254
Achaea Corinth Ηead of Aphrodite (?), with earring and necklace, right, hair brought back and tied behind, leaving loose ends COL L IVL COR Aphrodite, standing facing, head right, resting on sceptre with right hand, holding an apple in left
III 255
Achaea Corinth Ηead of Aphrodite (?), with earring and necklace, right, hair brought back and tied behind, leaving loose ends COL L IVL COR Tyche standing, left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopia in left