Search results: 67 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 51AA
Lusitania Salacia head of Neptune, with trident behind, right IMP SAL between lines (or without) and two dolphins
I 51BB
Lusitania Salacia head of Neptune, with trident behind, right IMP (above) SALAC (below) dolphin
I 51CC
Lusitania Salacia cross, ended with brackets to right, with small circles in the quarters IMP (above) SAL (below) dolphin
I 52
Lusitania Pax Iulia Augustus bare head of Augustus, right PAX IVL female figure seated left, holding caduceus and cornucopia
I 52AA
Lusitania Pax Iulia Augustus [C]AESAR bare head of Augustus, right PAX IVLIA female figure seated left, holding caduceus and cornucopia
I 53
Lusitania Pax Iulia Augustus bare head of Augustus, right PAX IVL legend between lines in field
I 53AA
Lusitania Baesuri M AN (or AV?) ANT ET CONL two lines above, fish BAESVRI two corn ears