Search results: 3,284 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
II 1729.08
Cilicia Tarsus Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΣΩ/ΚΡΑ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1729.09
Cilicia Tarsus Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΦΙ/ΛΟ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1729.11
Cilicia Tarsus Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΧΑΡΙ / ΘΕΟ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1729.12
Cilicia Tarsus Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΑΛΕ / ΝΙΚ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1729.13
Cilicia Tarsus Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΔΙΟ-ΧΑΡ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1729.14
Cilicia Tarsus Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΑΣΚ / ΔΙΟ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1729.15
Cilicia Tarsus Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), (ΠΑ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1730.1
Cilicia Tarsus Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ (on r.), ΗΡ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1730.2
Cilicia Tarsus Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ (on r.), ΠΡΩ/ΤΟ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1730.3
Cilicia Tarsus Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ (on r.), ϹΙΚ/ϹΟϹ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1731.1
Cilicia Tarsus ΑΡϹ/ΑΚΟ/Υ (in field, l.) Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΤΕΝ/ΟΝ/ΤΟϹ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1731.2
Cilicia Tarsus ΤΕΝ/ΟΝ/ΤΟϹ (in field, l.) Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΑΡϹ/ΑΚΟ/Υ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1732
Cilicia Tarsus ΟΡΤΥ/ΓΟΘΗ/ΡΑ (in field, l.) Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΜΑΞΙ / ΝΙΚΟ/ΛΑ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre, eagle under throne
II 1733
Cilicia Tarsus ΟΡΤΥΓΟΘΗΡΑ Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ, ΜΑΞΙΜΟΥ / ΝΙΚΟ/ΛΑΟΥ (in field, l.) Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre, eagle under throne
II 1770
Cilicia Aegeae head of Perseus, right; harpa on left shoulder ΑΙΓΕΑΙΩΝ, ΕΙΡ bust of Athena, left; spear on right shoulder; in right field, two monograms
II 1770AA
Cilicia Aegeae head of Asclepius, right; before, serpent staff ΑΙΓΕΑΙΩΝ, [ ] Hygieia standing left feeding serpent from patera
II 1783
Cilicia Hierapolis-Castabala head of Dionysus, right; thyrsus on left shoulder; in right field, bunch of grapes ΙΕΡΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟϹ ΤΩ ΠΥΡΑΜΩ Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
II 1784
Cilicia Hierapolis-Castabala ΙΕΡΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ veiled head of Tyche, right ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟϹ ΤΩ ΠΥΡΑΜΩ upper part of river god Pyramos swimming right, holding lighted torch in left hand
II 1784AA
Cilicia Hierapolis-Castabala ΙΕΡΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ veiled head of Tyche, right ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟϹ ΤΩ ΠΥΡΑΜΩ Boule seated left on throne decorated with griffin, dropping pebble into amphora.
II 2112BB
Syria Philadelphia ΔΗ[ ]ΤΡΑ(Ϲ) (?) veiled bust right ΦΙΛ cow standing right