Search results: 1,348 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
VI 6948 (temporary)
Cilicia Coracesium Maximus Γ Ι ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΟϹ ΚΑΙϹ bare head of Maximus, right ΚΟΡΑΚΗϹΙΩΤΩΝ Nike standing facing, head left, holding palm branch and wreath
VI 6949 (temporary)
Cilicia Laerte Julia Mamaea ΙΟΥΛΙΑΝ ΜΑΜΕΑ Ϲ[Ε?] draped bust of Julia Mamaea, right ΛΑΕΡΤΕΙΤΩΝ Demeter standing facing, head left, wearing crescent, holding patera and torch
VI 6950 (temporary)
Cilicia Laerte Maximus Γ ΙΟΥΛ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΜΑΞΙΜΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from rear ΛΑΕΡΤΕΙΤΩΝ Zeus seated on stool, right, holding thunderbolt and long sceptre
VI 30075 (temporary)
Cilicia Laerte Maximinus ΑΥ Κ Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥ ΜΑΞΙΜΕΙΝΟϹ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, right, seen from rear ΛΑΕΡΤΕΙΤΩΝ Zeus standing left, holding patera and long sceptre, with eagle at feet; to left, veiled Hera standing right, holding sceptre; to right, Athena standing left, extending right hand, holding spear
VI 6951 (temporary)
Cilicia Laerte Maximinus ΑΥ Κ Γ ΙΟ ΟΥ ΜΑΞΙΜΕΙΝΟϹ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, right, seen from rear ΛΑΕΡΤΕΙΤΩΝ two nude athletes facing each other, wrestling
VI 6952 (temporary)
Cilicia Laerte Maximus Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗΡ ΜΑΞΙΜΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from rear ΛΑΕΡΤΕΙΤΩΝ Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding serpent-staff
VI 6953 (temporary)
Cilicia Laerte Maximus Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΟϹ ΚΑΙ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from rear ΛΑΕΡΤΕΙΤΩΝ Nike advancing, left, holding wreath and palm branch
VI 30737 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Elagabalus Α Κ Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ draped, laureate and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from frint ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ Ares standing facing, head left, between Dike standing left, head right, holding sword in her right hand, and Hermes standing left, holding caduceus
VI 6954 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Julia Maesa ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΜΑΙϹΑ ϹΕ draped bust of Julia Maesa, right ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ Aphrodite standing facing, head right, dressing her hair
VI 6955 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Julia Maesa ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΜΑΙϹΑ ϹΕ draped bust of Julia Maesa, right ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ Athena standing facing, head left, holding spear and resting on shield behind her
VI 6957 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Severus Alexander Α Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΟΥΗΡ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ Ares standing in military dress facing, head right, holding inverted spear, parazonium and chlamys
VI 6960 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Severus Alexander Α Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΟΥΗΡ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ Demeter standing, right, holding long torch in each hand
VI 6958 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Severus Alexander Α Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΟΥΗΡ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ Hephaestus standing nude, facing, head right, holding hammer and tongs(?); at his feet, anvil
VI 30340 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Severus Alexander Α Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΟΥΗΡ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from front ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ Hygieia standing right, feeding snake, facing Asclepius standing left, holding serpent staff
VI 6959 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Severus Alexander Α Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΟΥΗΡ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ within laurel wreath
VI 6956 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Severus Alexander Α Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΟΥΗΡ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from front ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ Zeus standing, left, holding Nike and long sceptre; at his feet, eagle, left, looking back
VI 6964 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Severus Alexander ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΟΥΗ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ Hermes seated on rock, left, holding caduceus and purse
VI 6961 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Severus Alexander ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΟΥΗ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ two nude athletes facing each other, wrestling
VI 30418 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Julia Mamaea ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΜΑΜΕΑ ϹΕΒ draped bust of Julia Mamaea, right ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ Artemis Phosphoros standing right, wearing chiton, holding a torch pointed downwards in each hand
VI 6962 (temporary)
Cilicia Syedra Julia Mamaea ΙΟΥΛ ΜΑΜΕΑ ϹΕΒ draped bust of Julia Mamaea, right ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ Dionysus standing facing, head left, holding long thyrsus and cantharus over panther, left