Search results: 3,309 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 5436AA
Asia Cnidus veiled head of Demeter, right; in front, poppy ΚΝΙΔΙΩΝ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm
I 5436BB
Asia Cnidus veiled head of Demeter, right; in front, poppy ΚΝΙΔΙΩΝ ΜΟΣΧΟΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm
I 5466
Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Σ[ ] bare head, right ΓΟΡΤ[ ] Artemis drawing bow, right, star in field, left
I 5467
Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain bare head, right VICTORIA palm branch and club
I 5476
Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain CAESAR bare head, right star and crescent
I 5477
Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain bare head, right ϹΚ[--]/ΠΙωΝ legend in two lines
I 5479
Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain [ ] ϹΕΒΑϹΤ[ ] youthful male bust, dr., left [ ]ΙΑΣΕΩΝ female bust left
I 5481
Uncertain Uncertain [ ] head in lion skin, right ΚΩ[ ] veiled head, right
I 5482
Uncertain Uncertain veiled bust, right Cybele (?) reclining on eagle flying right; to right, star (?)
I 5485
Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain head of Tiberius (?), right three cornucopias
I 5489
Uncertain Uncertain Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑ[ ] Α (or Λ) laureate head, right [ ]ΑΝΙΑΣ Μ[ ] eagle standing, left (head right)
I 5489AA
Uncertain Uncertain Augustus AVGVSTVS bare head of Augustus, right OB CIVIS SERVATOS shield and wreath
I 5490
Asia Cibyra Aulus Didius Gallus ΔΙΔΙΟΝ ΓΑΛΛΟΝ bare head of Didius Gallus, right ΚΙΒΥΡΑΤωΝ Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre
I 5491
Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain bare head, left female head, left (uncertain letters before)
I 5493
Uncertain Uncertain COL [ ] herm plough within wreath
II 301
Macedonia Stobi (M-V) Victory standing, left, on globe, holding wreath and trophy STOBENSIVM ox to right
II 302
Macedonia Stobi MVNICIP Victory standing, left, on globe, holding wreath and trophy STOBENSIVM ox to right
II 302AA
Macedonia Stobi STOBENSIVM Victory standing right, on globe, holding wreath and trophy MVNICIPI ox to right
II 303
Macedonia Stobi BONA FORTV veiled and turreted head of city-goddess, right MV/NIC / STO/B within laurel wreath
II 303AA
Macedonia Stobi MVN in wreath STOB ox to right