Search results: 1,023 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
VI 3964 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Elagabalus ANTONINVS PIVS AV laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from rear COL ALEX AVG she-wolf, right, looking back and feeding twins
VI 3965 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Elagabalus IMP C M(AR) AV(R) ANTON(INVS) PIV (or AV) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from rear COL ALEX AVG she-wolf, right, looking back and feeding twins
VI 3966 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Elagabalus ANTONINVS PIVS AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from rear COL ALE[X]A AVG statue of Marsyas standing, right on pedestal, holding wineskin over shoulder and raising hand
VI 3967 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Julia Maesa IVLIA MAESA AV draped bust of Julia Maesa, right COL ALEXA AVG Alexander the Great(?) on horseback advancing, left, wearing chlamys and saluting, in front of cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing, right
VI 3973 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Julia Maesa IVLIA MAESA AV draped bust of Julia Maesa, right COL ALEX AVG horse advancing, right, grazing
VI 3975 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Julia Maesa IVLIA MAESA AV draped bust of Julia Maesa, right COL ALEX AVG she-wolf, right, looking back and feeding twins
VI 3968 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Julia Paula IVLIA PAVLA A draped bust of Julia Paula, right COL AVG TRO ALEX (or COL ALEX AVG) cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing on basis, right, holding bow and patera over lighted tripod
VI 3969 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Julia Paula IVLIA PAVLA A draped bust of Julia Paula, right COL ALEX(A) AVG horse advancing, right, grazing
VI 3970 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Julia Paula IVLIA PAVLA A draped bust of Julia Paula, right COL ALEX (RO) AVG she-wolf, right, looking back and feeding twins
VI 3971 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Aquilia Severa IVLIA SEVERA diademed and draped bust of Aquilia Severa, right COL ALEX [AVG?] horse advancing, right, grazing
VI 30541 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Elagabalus ANTONINVS PIVS AV laureate, draped and cuirassed bust, right, seen from rear COL ALEX AVG nude Apollo standing with foot on pedestal (or omphalos?), left, leaning forward, resting elbow on knee, holding branch
VI 4006 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Severus Alexander IM S ALEXANDER laureate head of Severus Alexander, right COL AL AV TRO Alexander the Great(?) on horseback advancing, left, wearing chlamys and saluting, in front of cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing, right
VI 4007 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Severus Alexander IMP SE ALEXANDRVS laureate head of Severus Alexander, right COL AL (AV) TRO(A) Alexander the Great(?) on horseback advancing, left, wearing chlamys and saluting, in front of cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing, right
VI 4032 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Severus Alexander S ALEXANDRVS (sic) laureate bust of Severus Alexander, right, wearing decorated cuirass, seen from front COL AL AVG TRO(A) Alexander the Great(?) on horseback advancing, left, wearing chlamys and saluting, in front of cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing, right
VI 4008 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Severus Alexander M AVR SEVERV ALEXANDRVS AVG (sic) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear COL AL AVG TRO(A) Alexander the Great(?) on horseback advancing, left, wearing chlamys and saluting, in front of cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing, right
VI 3989 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Severus Alexander IMP M AV S ALEXANDRVS laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear COL ALEX TROA Alexander the Great(?) standing, left, wearing chlamys, holding sceptre and patera(?) over tripod, in front of cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing on basis, right; above, eagle flying, right, holding bucranium in talons
VI 3988 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Severus Alexander IM(P) A SE ALEXANDER AV laureate head of Severus Alexander, right COL TRO Alexander the Great(?) standing, left, wearing chlamys, holding sceptre and patera(?) over tripod, in front of cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing on basis, right; above, eagle flying, right, holding bucranium in talons
VI 3990 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Severus Alexander IM AVΡ (or MAR AV) SEV (retrograde S) ALEXAND(ER) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear TROA COL AVG (or COΛ X TROAϹ, sic) Alexander the Great(?) standing, left, wearing chlamys, holding sceptre and patera(?) over tripod, in front of cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing on basis, right; above, eagle flying, right, holding bucranium in talons
VI 4033 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Severus Alexander IM SE ALEXANDRVS (sic) laureate bust of Severus Alexander, right, wearing decorated cuirass, seen from front COL TRO(?) Alexander the Great(?) standing, left, wearing chlamys, holding sceptre and patera(?) over tripod, in front of cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing, right; above, eagle flying, right, holding bucranium in talons
VI 3985 (temporary)
Asia Alexandria Severus Alexander IM SE ALEXANDER AVG laureate head of Severus Alexander, right COL AL AV TRO Apollo nude standing, left, placing foot on pedestal, holding laurel branch