Search results: 3,056 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 4948
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare head of Tiberius, right; before, laurel branch ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΤΙΣ, LΛΔ (in field) temple with four columns
I 4949
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Livia ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ draped bust of Livia, right ΚΑΡΠΟΦΟΡΟΣ, LΛΔ (in field) hand holding three ears of corn
I 4950
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Philip, son of Herod ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ bare head of Philip, right L ΛΔ in wreath
I 4951
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Livia ; Tiberius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩΝ jugate heads of laureate Tiberius (?) and Livia, right ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ temple with four columns enclosing circular object
I 4952
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare head of Tiberius, right; in front, laurel branch; below, thunderbolt ΕΠΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ, LΛΖ (in field) temple with four columns
I 4952AA
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Livia ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ draped bust of Livia, right ΚΑΡΠΟΦΟΡΟΣ, LΛΖ (in field) hand holding three ears of corn
I 4953
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Philip, son of Herod ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ bare head of Philip, right LΛΖ in wreath
I 4973
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Caligula ΓΑΙΩ[ ] , LΒ (to left) laureate head of Caligula, left [ΙΟΥ]ΛΙΑ ΔΡΟΥΣΙΛΛΑ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑ the three sisters of Caligula, holding cornucopias; Julia leans on a column
I 4974
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Agrippa I ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑΣ diademed head of Agrippa, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ ΥΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, LΒ (below) Agrippa II on horseback, right
I 4975
Judaea Caesarea Paneas ]ΝΑ(?) ΣΕΒΑΣΤ[ draped female bust, right ]ΓΑΙΩ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ[ , [L]Β (in field) hand holding three ears of corn
I 4976
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Caligula ΓΑΙΩ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚ[Ω laureate head of Caligula, left ΝΟΜΙΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ, L Ε Germanicus in triumphal chariot, right
I 4977
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Milonia Caesonia ΚΑΙΣΩΝΙΑ ΓΥΝΗ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ draped bust of Caesonia, left ΔΡΟΥΣΙΛΛΑ ΘΥΓΑΤΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ, LΕ (to left) Drusilla, standing, holding Nike and branch
I 4978
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Agrippa I ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ (?) diademed head of Agrippa, right ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗ ΚΥΠΡΩ, LΕ Kypros standing left, holding sceptre
I 4979
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Agrippa II ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ ΥΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ, LΕ (to left) bare head of Agrippa II, left ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ ΦΙΛΟΚΑΙΣΑΡ crossed cornucopias
I 4991
Judaea Caesarea Paneas ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙΑ ΤΗ ΚΑ ΝΕΡΩΝΙΑΔΙ head of Tyche, right ΒΑϹ ΑΓΡ ΕΤΟΥΣ ΑΙ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ, (around) Ϛ
I 4992
Judaea Caesarea Paneas Agrippa II ΒΑϹΙΛΕΟϹ ΜΑΡΚΟΥ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΟΥ hand holding ears of corn ΕΤΟΥϹ ΑΙ ΤΟΥ, (around) Ϛ
II 1901
Syria Antioch Vespasian IMP CAESAR VESPASIA AVG laureate head of Vespasian, right LIBERTAS AVGVSTA Libertas standing, left, holding scales and staff
II 1902
Syria Antioch Vespasian IMP CAESAR VESPASIA AVG laureate head of Vespasian, right T FLAVI VESPASIANVS CAESAR laureate head of Titus, right
II 1903
Syria Antioch Vespasian IMP CAESAR VESPASIA AVG laureate head of Vespasian, left, with drapery on shoulder T ELAVI VESPASIANVS CAESAR laureate head of Titus, right
II 1904
Syria Antioch Vespasian IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG laureate head of Vespasian, right COS ITER TR ROT or T OROT (sic) Pax standing, left, holding branch and caduceus