Search results: 9,916 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
VI 11021 (temporary)
Asia Apamea ΔΗΜΟϹ diademed head of the Demos (youthful), right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ river god reclining left, holding reed and cornucopia resting on overturned vase from which water flows
VI 5715 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Elagabalus ΜΑΡ ΑΥΡΗ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ ΑΥΓ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from rear ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ Cybele seated on throne between two lions, left, holding patera and leaning elbow on tympanum
VI 5716 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Elagabalus ΑΥΤ Κ ΜΑΡ ΑΥΡΗΛ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Elagabalus, right ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ Nemesis standing facing, head left, holding bridle and raising hand to pluck chiton; at her feet, wheel
VI 5717 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Elagabalus ΜΑΡ ΑΥΡΗ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ ΑΥ(Γ) laureate head of Elagabalus, right ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ Nemesis standing facing, head left, holding bridle and raising hand to pluck chiton; at her feet, wheel
VI 5720 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Severus Alexander Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΥΗ ΑΛΕΖΑΝΔΡΟϹ ΑΥ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ΕΠΙ ΤΕΤΡΩΝΙΑΝΟΥ ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ Cybele seated on throne between two lions, left, holding patera and leaning elbow on tympanum
VI 5721 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Severus Alexander Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΥΗ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ΑΥ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, left, seen from rear ΕΠΙ ΤΕΤΡΩΝΙΑΝΟΥ ΑΡΧ ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ Heracles(?) seated on rock, left, holding bow and apple(?)
VI 5722 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Severus Alexander Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΥΗ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ΑΥΓ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, left, seen from rear, holding spear and shield decorated with Nike in biga ΕΠΙ ΤΕΤΡΩΝΙΑΝΟΥ ΑΡΧ ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ river god Tembris reclining, left, holding reed and resting on vase from which water flows
VI 5718 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Julia Mamaea ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΜΑΜΑΙΑ ΑΥΓ draped bust of Julia Mamaea, right ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ Athena standing facing, head left, holding spear with shield and patera
VI 5719 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Severus Alexander [Μ ΑΥΡ?] ϹΕΥΗ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right seen from rear ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ Nike standing, left, holding wreath and palm branch
VI 5725 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Maximinus ; Maximus Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΕΙΝΟϹ ΑΥΓ Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΟϹ Κ facing busts of Maximinus, laureate, draped and cuirassed, right, and Maximus, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed, left ΕΠ ΠΑΥΛΟΥ ΑΡΧ ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ Cybele seated on throne between two lions, left, holding patera and leaning elbow on tympanum
VI 5727 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Maximinus Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΕΙΝΟϹ Α laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, right, seen from rear ΕΠΙ ΠΑΥΛΟΥ ΑΡΧ ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ river god Tembris reclining, left, holding reed and resting on vase from which water flows
VI 5726 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Maximinus ; Maximus Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΕΙΝΟϹ ΑΥΓ Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΟϹ Κ facing busts of Maximinus, laureate, draped and cuirassed, right, and Maximus, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed, left ΕΠΙ ΠΑΥΛΟΥ ΑΡΧ ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ Zeus standing facing, head left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre
VI 5724 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Maximus Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΟϹ Κ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from front ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ Nemesis standing facing, head left, holding cubit rule and raising hand to pluck chiton; at her feet, wheel
VI 5723 (temporary)
Asia Dorylaeum Maximus Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΟϹ Κ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from front ΔΟΡΥΛΑΕΩΝ Sarapis seated, left, holding long sceptre and extending hand
VI 5729 (temporary)
Asia Midaeum Severus Alexander ΑΥΡ ϹΕΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ΑΥΓ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ΜΙΔΑΕΩΝ Cybele seated on throne between two lions, left, holding patera
VI 5731 (temporary)
Asia Midaeum Severus Alexander Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ΑΥΓ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ΜΙΔΑΕΩΝ Heracles standing facing, head left, resting on club, holding lion skin and carrying infant Telephus, left; before him, stag, right, looking back
VI 5730 (temporary)
Asia Midaeum Severus Alexander Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ΑΥΓ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ΜΙΔΑΕΩΝ ΤΕΜΒΡΟϹ river god Tembros reclining, left, holding a water-plant in each hand and resting on vase from which water flows
VI 5728 (temporary)
Asia Midaeum Severus Alexander Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ΑΥΓ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ΜΙΔΑΕΩΝ the Tyche of the city seated, left, holding corn ears(?); at ther feet, river god(?); behind, Eros holding torch
VI 5732 (temporary)
Asia Midaeum Severus Alexander Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ΑΥΓ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right seen from rear ΜΙΔΑΕΩΝ Dionysus standing facing, head left, holding cantharus over panther, looking back, and long thyrsus
VI 30462 (temporary)
Asia Midaeum Severus Alexander Μ ΑΥΡ ϹΕΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ ΑΥΓ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear ΜΙΔΑΕΩΝ draped bust of Midas, in Phrygian cap, right