Search results: 3,987 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 4456
Syria Claudia Leucas Mark Antony head of Antony, right ΒΑΛΑΝΕΩΤΩΝ, ΑϘϹΥ (in field), ΔΙ (under forelegs of the quadriga) quadriga, left, with god wearing tiara
I 4457
Syria Claudia Leucas veiled bust of Tyche, right ΒΑΛΑΝΕΩΤΩΝ, ΑΙΖΗ (or ΑϘϹΥ, in field), ΔΙ (in exergue) Nike standing left, with wreath and palm
I 4458
Syria Claudia Leucas radiate head, right ΒΑΛΑΝΕΩΤΩΝ, ΑϘϹΥ (to l.) cornucopia
I 4459
Syria Claudia Leucas bust of Hermes with caduceus, right ΒΑΛΑΝΕΩΤΩΝ, ΙΑΠΖ (?) (to l.) ear of corn
I 4460
Syria Claudia Leucas Augustus bare head of Augustus, right ΒΑΛΑΝΕΩΤΩΝ, Ν (above) quadriga, left, with god wearing tiara
I 4461
Syria Claudia Leucas Tiberius bare head of Tiberius, right ΒΑΛΑΝΕΩΤΩΝ, ΘΝ (above) quadriga, left, with god wearing tiara
I 4462
Syria Claudia Leucas veiled head of Tyche, right ΒΑΛΑΝΕΩΤΩΝ, ΘΝ (in field) Nike standing, right, with wreath and palm
I 4463
Syria Claudia Leucas Claudius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ laureate head of Claudius, right ΚΛΑΥΔΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΛΕΥΚΑΔΙΩΝ, Α (above) quadriga, right, with god wearing tiara
I 4464
Syria Claudia Leucas ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑΙΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ veiled head of Tyche, right ΛΕΥΚΑΔΙΩΝ Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm
I 4465
Syria Claudia Leucas ΚΛΑΥΔΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ female bust with crescent, right ΛΕΥΚΑΔΙΩΝ radiate head, right
I 4465AA
Syria Claudia Leucas ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑΙΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ god, wearing tiara, facing, with sceptre and foot on ?prow ΛΕΥΚΑΔΙΩΝ upper part of river god Chrysoroas
I 4465BB
Syria Claudia Leucas ΛΕΥΚΑΔΙΕΩΝ Nike standing, left, with palm and wreath ΧΡΥϹ ΛΕΥΚΑΔΙΕΩΝ upper part of river god Chrysoroas
I 4768
Syria Chalcis ad Belum ΠΤΟ diademed head, right ΒΟϹ (ΛΥϹΑΝΙΟΥ) (ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕ) Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm; various monograms
I 4769
Syria Chalcis ad Belum female head, right ΛϹΑ ΤΕΤΡ ΑΡΧ ΦΙ double cornucopia
I 4770
Syria Chalcis ad Belum ΠΤΟ diademed head, right ΛΥΣΑΝΙΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΩΣ, ΦΛ (to r.) Athena standing, left, holding Nike and resting hand on shield
I 4771
Syria Chalcis ad Belum Cleopatra VII ΒΑϹΙΛΙϹϹΗϹ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑϹ bust of Cleopatra, right ΕΤΟΥϹ ΚΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ Ϛ ΘΕΑϹ ΝΕΩΤΕΡΑϹ bare head of Antony, right
I 4772
Syria Chalcis ad Belum Cleopatra VII ΒΑϹΙΛΙϹϹΗϹ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑϹ bust of Cleopatra, right ΕΤΟΥϹ ΚΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ Ϛ ΘΕΑϹ ΝΕΩΤΕΡΑϹ Nike advancing, right, with palm and wreath; all in wreath
I 4773
Syria Chalcis ad Belum Cleopatra VII ΒΑϹΙΛΙϹϹΗϹ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑϹ bust of Cleopatra, right ΕΤΟΥϹ ΚΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΙ Ϛ ΘΕΑϹ ΝΕΩΤΕΡΑϹ Athena advancing, left, with shield and spear
I 4774
Syria Chalcis ad Belum Augustus ΝΕ L ΒΠΣ bare head of Octavian, right ΖΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΕΙ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ bare head of Zenodorus, left
I 4774AA
Syria Chalcis ad Belum head of Zeus, right Ν-Ε, L ΒΠΣ (to r.) Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm