Search results: 2,834 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
IV.3 10309 (temporary)
Cilicia Pompeiopolis Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and long sceptre; five-pointed star between Nike and Zeus ΠΟΜΠΗΙΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ ΘΚϹ Male bearded figure (Aratos the astronomer?), facing, head, right
IV.3 10310 (temporary)
Cilicia Pompeiopolis Apollo standing, left, holding laurel-branch, resting lyre on column ΠΟΜΠΗΙΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ ΘΚϹ draped bust of Athena, right
IV.3 5841 (temporary)
Cilicia Pompeiopolis Pompey ΓΝ ΠοΜΠΗΙοϹ head of Pompey, right ΠΟΜΠΕΙΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ ΘΚϹ turreted and veiled Tyche seated, left, resting foot on swimming river-god; Tyche's seat decorated with sphinx
IV.3 10307 (temporary)
Cilicia Pompeiopolis Pompey ΓΝ ΠΟΜΠΗΙΟϹ head of Pompey, right ΠΟΜΠΗΙΟΠΟΛΕΙΤωΝ Dionysus (youthful) standing, left, holding cantharus over panther and long thyrsus
IV.3 5840 (temporary)
Cilicia Pompeiopolis ΘΚϹ draped bust of Chrysippos, right, touching beard with hand ΠΟΜΠΗΙΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ draped bust of Aratos, right, looking upward
IV.3 17500 (temporary)
Cilicia Pompeiopolis ΧΡΥϹΙΠΠΟϹ draped bust of Chrysippos, right ΠΟΜΠΗΙΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding caduceus; to right, serpent-entwined tree
IV.3 10311 (temporary)
Cilicia Pompeiopolis ΘΚϹ galley, left ΠΟΜΠΗΙΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ two bunches of grapes on stalk shaped as thyrsus
IV.3 5839 (temporary)
Cilicia Pompeiopolis ΘΚϹ star with eight rays ΠΟΜΠΗΙΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ bunch of grapes on stalk
IV.3 9828 (temporary)
Cilicia Zephyrium Faustina II Φ[ΑΥϹ]ΤΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II wearing stephane, right ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ ΖΕΦΥΡΙΩΤΩΝ female figure (Tyche or Demeter?) seated, left, wearing kalathos, holding ears of corn and cornucopia
IV.3 5848 (temporary)
Cilicia Tarsus ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ (or ΗϹ) ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and long sceptre ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ turreted and veiled Tyche seated, right, holding poppy and two ears of corn, resting foot on swimming river-god (Kydnos), wearing sedge; Tyche's seat decorated with sphinx; all in laurel wreath
IV.3 8506 (temporary)
Cilicia Tarsus turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right (around, wreath) ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΝ ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ Sandan standing on horned lion, right, raising arm, holding wreath, carrying something over shoulder
IV.3 5040 (temporary)
Cilicia Tarsus Crispina ΚΡΙϹΠΕΙΝΑΝ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗΝ draped bust of Crispina, right ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗϹ ΤΑΡϹΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ Athena standing, facing, head, left, holding owl and spear, resting arm on shield
IV.3 9738 (temporary)
Cilicia Tarsus Crispina ΚΡΙϹΠΕ[Ι]ΝΑΝ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗΝ draped bust of Crispina, right ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗ ΤΑΡϹΟϹ Η ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΙϹ turreted and veiled Tyche seated on rock, left, holding poppy and two ears of corn, resting foot on swimming river-god (Kydnos), wearing sedge
IV.3 10733 (temporary)
Cilicia Mallus turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right ΜΑΛΛΩΤΩΝ Athena Magarsis standing, facing, head, right, extending arms, holding spear
IV.3 10201 (temporary)
Cilicia Aegeae Crispina ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗΝ [ draped bust of Crispina, right ωΝ ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ ΖΚϹ draped bust of Hygieia, right; serpent coiling around shoulders
IV.3 6194 (temporary)
Cilicia Mopsus ΑΔΡΙ ΜΟΨΕΑΤΩΝ turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right ΕΤΟΥϹ ΛϹ (above date, line) male figure (Mopsus in the guise of Apollo?) standing, left, holding laurel wreath, resting left arm on tripod
IV.3 5821 (temporary)
Cilicia Mopsus ΕΤ ΛϹ crab surmounted by star ΑΔΡΙΑ ΜΟΨΕΑΤΩΝ altar on stand
IV.3 17186 (temporary)
Cilicia Mopsus ΜΟΨΕ crab surmounted by star Ε[Τ?] ΛϹ altar on stand
IV.3 4976 (temporary)
Cilicia Hierapolis-Castabala Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II wearing crescent, right ΙΕΡΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ nude Helios standing, left, holding (torch,) whip and chlamys; to left at his feet, torch
IV.3 6183 (temporary)
Cilicia Hierapolis-Castabala Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II (as Silene) wearing crescent, right ΙΕΡΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ radiate-headed and draped bust of Helios (head assimilated to portrait of Marcus Aurelius), left