Search results: 309 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 1306
Achaea Athens helmeted head of Athena, right ΑΘΕ Demeter standing, right, holding torch; to right, kernos
I 1307
Achaea Athens helmeted head of Athena Parthenos, right ΑΘΕ Nike advancing right, with fillets: all in wreath
I 1308
Achaea Athens helmeted head of Athena Parthenos, right ΑΘΕ Zeus standing, right, with thunderbolt; all in wreath
I 1309AA
Achaea Athens helmeted head of Athena Parthenos, right ΑΘΕ Athena advancing, right, with spear pointing upwards; to right, owl; all in wreath
I 1309BB
Achaea Athens helmeted head of Athena Parthenos, right ΑΘΕ Athena advancing, right, holding spear pointed upwards; to right, serpent; all in wreath
I 1310
Achaea Athens helmeted head of Athena Parthenos, right ΑΘΕ owl standing on prow; to right, ear of corn; all in olive branch
I 1311
Achaea Athens helmeted head of Athena Parthenos, right ΑΘΕ sphinx wearing kalathos, right; all in wreath
I 1312AA
Achaea Athens helmeted head of Athena Parthenos, right ΑΘΕ owl standing on amphora; to right, coiled serpent
I 1312BB
Achaea Athens helmeted head of Athena Parthenos, right ΑΘΕ owl standing on amphora; to right, cicada
III 406
Achaea Athens Ηead of Athena with Attic helmet or bust of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet and aegis, right ΑΘΕ (162, or ΑΘΗ, 163-7) owl standing right (162-4, 167) or left (165-6); to left, olive branch with two leaves and berry
III 407
Achaea Athens Βust of Athena right, wearing helmet and aegis ΑΘΗ Triptolemus seated left, in winged chariot drawn by two serpents
IV.1 25258 (temporary)
Achaea Athens helmeted head of Athena, right [Α]ΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ prow
IV.1 3510 (temporary)
Achaea Athens bust of Athena wearing aegis, right; in laurel wreath ΑΘΗΝΑΙωΝ Acropolis-hill surmounted by temple (Erechtheium, on left), colossal statue of Athena Promachos (in centre) and Propylaea (on, right); descending from Propylaea, stairs; halfway up Acropolis-rock, cave enclosing statue of Pan
IV.1 10723 (temporary)
Achaea Athens bust of Athena wearing necklace and aegis, right; in laurel wreath(?) ΑΘΗΝΑΙ[Ω?]Ν (facing outward) Athena advancing, left, holding patera (or extending hand?) over coiled serpent, carrying shield and spear; to left, owl standing
IV.1 3508 (temporary)
Achaea Athens bust of Athena wearing aegis, right [ΑΘΗ]ΝΑΙ[? to left, Persephone standing, right, extending hand, holding long torch; to right, Demeter standing, left, holding ears of corn and long torch; between above, bucranium
IV.1 8184 (temporary)
Achaea Athens head of Athena with traces of drapery, right ΑΘΗΝΑΙωΝ Athena Parthenos standing, left, holding Nike over bucranium, resting arm on shield; next to shield, upright spear; between Athena and shield, serpent coiling, left
IV.1 8190 (temporary)
Achaea Athens bust of Athena wearing necklace and aegis, right; in laurel wreath ΑΘΗΝΑΙωΝ Athena standing, left, holding transverse spear, resting arm on hip; to right, shield; to left, olive-tree with owl; between tree and Athena, serpent coiling, right
IV.1 8189 (temporary)
Achaea Athens head of Athena with traces of drapery, right ΑΘΗΝΑΙωΝ Athena standing, left, holding transverse spear, resting arm on hip; to right, shield; to left, olive-tree with owl; between tree and Athena, serpent coiling, right, head between Athena and shield
IV.1 8187 (temporary)
Achaea Athens head of Athena (with traces of drapery), right ΑΘΗΝΑΙωΝ Athena standing, right, holding spear (downwards) and Nike
IV.1 8213 (temporary)
Achaea Athens bust of Athena wearing necklace and aegis, right; (in laurel wreath) ΑΘΗΝΑΙωΝ (Νs may be shaped as И, ω may be inverted) bucranium with long fillet on each horn