Search results: 929 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 2332
Asia Adramyteum Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ laureate head of Augustus, right ΓΕΣΣΙΟΣ, ΑΔΡΥ helmeted head of Athena, right
I 2332AA
Asia Adramyteum Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ bare head (of Augustus?), left laureate head of Zeus, left
I 2332BB
Asia Adramyteum Augustus ΘΕΑΝ ΡΩΜΗΝ ΙΕΡ ΦΥ ΠΡ ΑΔΡΑΜ turreted bust of Roma, right ΘΕΟΝ ΣΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ ΣΤΡΑ ΑΦΦΙΑ(ΝΟΥ) draped bust of the Senate, right
I 2332CC
Asia Adramyteum Augustus ΘΕΑΝ ΡΩΜΗΝ ΙΕΡ ΦΥ ΠΡ ΑΔΡΑΜ turreted bust of Roma, right ΘΕΟΝ ΣΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ ΣΤΡΑ ΟΝΑ (?) draped bust of the Senate, right
I 2332DD
Asia Adramyteum Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ bare head, with drapery (of Augustus?), right [ΓΕΣΣΙΟΣ?], ΧΑ, ΑΔΡ Helmeted head of Athena, right
I 2338
Asia Methymna Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΜΑΘΥ bare head of Augustus, right ΘΕΑ ΛΙΒΙΑ head of Livia, right
I 2339
Asia Methymna Augustus ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΙϹ ΜΑΘΥΜΝΑΙΟΙ laureate head of Augustus, right ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΙϹ ΜΑΘΥΜΝΑΙΟΙ two laureate heads, of Gaius and Lucius???, facing each other
I 2355
Asia Pergamum Augustus ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΟΙ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΝ laureate head of Augustus, right; in front, capricorn ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΑ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΑ temple with four columns enclosing statue of Augustus, resting on spear with his right hand; below monogram including ΟΑΥ?
I 2356
Asia Pergamum Augustus ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΑ laureate head of Augustus, right ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΟΙ temple with four columns enclosing statue of Augustus, resting on spear with his right hand
I 2358
Asia Pergamum Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ laureate head of Augustus, right ΧΑΡΙΝΟΣ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΥΩΝ temple with six columns
I 2360
Asia Pergamum Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩΙ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ ΒΟΥΛΑΙΩΙ laureate head of Augustus, right Α ΦΟΥΡΙΟΣ ΙΕΡΕΥΣ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΑΡΧΩΝ, ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΩΝ basin
I 2368
Asia Pergamum Augustus ; Tiberius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΙ, ΕΠΙ ΠΟΠΠΑΙΟΥ laureate heads of Augustus and Tiberius facing each other ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΝ ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΩΝ ΜΗΝΟΓΕΝΗΣ Livia seated on throne, right, holding sceptre and ears of corn
I 2392
Asia Pitane Augustus ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΝ ΠΙΤΑΝΑΙΟΙ laureate head of Augustus, right Π ϹΚΙΠΙωΝΑ bare head of Scipio, right; before, facing Ammon head and pentagram
I 2398
Asia Elaea Augustus ΕΛΑΙΤΩΝ bare head of Augustus, right ΕΠΙ ΜΝΗΣΙΘΕΟΥ poppy between two ears of corn
I 2399
Asia Elaea Augustus ΕΛΑΙΤΩΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Augustus (?), right ΕΠ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΔΟΥ poppy between two ears of corn
I 2424AA
Asia Myrina Augustus ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate head of Augustus, right ΜΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ tripod
I 2427
Asia Aegae Augustus ΑΙΓΑΕΩΝ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ bare head of Augustus, right ΔΙΦΙΛΟϹ ΦΑΙΤΑ ΑΓΩΝΟΘΕΤΑϹ Apollo standing, right, holding taenia and laurel branch
I 2436
Asia Phocaea Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΦΩ bare head of Augustus, right ΜΟΣΧΟΣ ΜΕΝΑΝΔΡΟΣ Nike standing, left, with wreath and palm
I 2446
Asia Temnus Augustus ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΠΛΟΥϹΙΑϹ ΥΠΑΤΗΑϹ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΠΟΛΛΑϹ ΦΑΙΝΙΟΥ ΤΑΜΝΙΤΑΝ helmeted Athena standing, left, holding Nike and bunch of grapes in right hand and spear and shield in left hand
I 2449
Asia Magnesia ad Sipylum Augustus ; Livia ΜΑΓΝΗΤΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΣΙΠΥΛΟΥ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩΙ laureate head of Augustus and draped bust of Livia, jugate, right ΚΙΛΑΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΟΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΟΥ ΙΕΡΕΥΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ heads of Gaius and Lucius Caesar, facing each other