Search results: 57,859 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 1348
Achaea Chalcis Livia ΧΑΛΚΙΔΕΩΝ head of Livia, right head of Hera wearing polos, right
I 1349
Achaea Chalcis Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΕΠΙΜ(ΕΛ) ΚΛΕΟΝΙ(ΚΟΥ) draped bust of Hera wearing polos, (on Ionic capital, right)
I 1350
Achaea Chalcis Agrippina II ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑ bust of Agrippina, right ΕΠΙΜΕ(Λ) ΚΛΕΟ(Ν)(Ι)(ΚΟΥ) draped bust of Hera wearing polos, (on Ionic capital, right)
I 1350AA
Achaea Chalcis Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑ bust of Agrippina, right
I 1351
Achaea Chalcis ΕΠΙΜ ΚΛΕΟ(Ν) head of Hera wearing polos, right (ΚΛΕΟΝΙ) baetyl in Ionic temple with two columns
I 1352
Achaea Chalcis Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head of Nero, right ϹΤΡΑ ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥ ΕΥΘΥΚΛΙ, ΧΑΛ head of Hera wearing polos, on Ionic capital, right
I 1352AA
Achaea Chalcis Poppaea ΠΟΠΠΑΙΑ [ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ] draped bust of Poppaea, right Ϲ[ΤΡΑ ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥ] ΕΥΘΥΚΛΙ ΧΑΛ Hera seated left, holding patera and sceptre; to right, A[?]
I 1353
Achaea Chalcis Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head of Nero, right ϹΤΡΑ ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥ ΕΥΘΥΚΛΙ, ΧΑΛ head of Hera wearing polos, right
I 1354
Achaea Chalcis ϹΤΡΑ ΕΥΘΥΚΛΙ dolphin and trident ΧΑΛ baetyl
I 1355
Achaea Carystus Augustus ΚΑΡΥϹΤΙ bare head of Augustus, right head of Poseidon, right, between dolphin and trident
I 1356
Achaea Carystus bare-headed bust, with drapery and sceptre, right ΚΑΡ filleted head of bull
I 1357
Achaea Carystus Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΚΑΡΥ head of Poseidon, right, between dolphin and trident
I 1357AA
Achaea Carystus Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΚΑΡΥϹΤΙΩΝ head of Poseidon, right
I 1358
Achaea Carystus Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ [ ] laureate head of Nero, left ΚΑΡΥϹΤΙΩΝ head of Poseidon, right
I 1359
Achaea Cephallenia (monogram) ΚΦΑΛΟ terminal bust of Zeus, right C PROCVLEI L F skate fish
I 1360
Achaea Cephallenia (monogram) ΙΘΑΚ head of Zeus, right C PROCVLEI L F double axe
I 1361
Achaea Cephallenia (monogram) ΙΘΑΚ head of Tyche right C PROCVLEI L F column on base
I 1362
Achaea Cephallenia laureate head of Apollo (?), left [C P]ROCVL L F double axe
I 1363
Achaea Nicopolis Augustus ΚΤΙΣΜΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ head of Augustus, right; all in wreath ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ ΙΕΡΑ thunderbolt with caduceus
I 1364
Achaea Nicopolis Augustus ΚΤΙΣΜΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ head of Augustus, right ΙΕΡΑ ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ Nike standing, left, holding wreath