Search results: 58,007 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 2010AA
Bithynia-Pontus Apamea Augustus AVGVSTVS IMP C I C bare head of Augustus, right C L CAESARES AVG F heads of Caius and Lucius, right
I 2011
Bithynia-Pontus Apamea Agrippa M AGRIPPA TR POT C I C bare head of Agrippa, right AGRIPPA AVG NEPO head of Agrippa Postumus
I 2012
Bithynia-Pontus Apamea Agrippina I ; Julia Drusilla ; Julia the Elder DIVAE DRVSILLAE (retrograde) IVLIAE AGRIPPINAE busts of Drusilla, Iulia and Agrippina AGRIPPINA C CAESARIS AVG GERMANICI MATER C I C, D D (in field) Agrippina seated, left, holding sceptre and patera
I 2013
Bithynia-Pontus Apamea Caligula C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT laureate head of Caligula, left GERMANICVS CAESAR DEC DEC C I C, AQ-P(VL) bare head of Germanicus, left
I 2014
Bithynia-Pontus Apamea Drusus Caesar ; Nero Caesar DRVSVS NERO CAESARES D D (retrograde) heads of Nero Caesar and Drusus Caesar, face to face AGRIPPINA DIVA DRVSILLA IVLIA, C I C (in exergue) Caligula's three sisters standing facing; Agrippina holds cornucopia in right, resting on column with left, on shoulder of Drusilla, who holds patera in right hand and cornucopia in left; Julia holds rudder with right and cornucopia in left
I 2015
Bithynia-Pontus Apamea Agrippina I AGRIPPINA CAESARIS AVG MATER head of Agrippina, right GENIVM C I C Tyche holding rudder and cornucopia, left
I 2016
Bithynia-Pontus Apamea Augustus DVIO (sic) AVG radiate head of Divus Augustus, left VICT AVG C I C A, D D (in field) Victory with shield, left
I 2017
Bithynia-Pontus Caesarea Germanica Germanicus ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΚΤΙΣΤΗΣ bare head of Germanicus, right ΚΑΙΣΑΡΗΑ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΗ view of city gate, in exergue monogram
I 2018
Bithynia-Pontus Prusa ad Olympum Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ radiate head of Nero, right ΠΡΟΥΣΑΕΩΝ wreath
I 2019
Bithynia-Pontus Prusa ad Olympum Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right ΠΡΟΥΣΑΕΩΝ eagle facing, on branch (?)
I 2020
Bithynia-Pontus Cius Orsobaris Musa ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΟΡΣΟΒΑΡΙΟΣ ΜΟΥΣΗΣ diademed head of Orsobaris Musa, left ΠΡΟΥΣΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΗΙ head of Heracles, left
I 2021
Bithynia-Pontus Cius Orodaltis ΩΡΟΔΑΛΤΙΔΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΚΟΜΗΔΟΥΣ ΘΥΓΑΤΡΟΣ diademed head of Orodaltis, right ΠΡΟΥΣΙΕΩΝ ΠΡΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΗ winged thunderbolt in wreath
I 2022
Bithynia-Pontus Cius Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ bare head of Claudius, right ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ ΚΤΙΣΤΗΣ ΚΙΑΝΩΝ Heracles standing, left, with club and lion skin
I 2023
Bithynia-Pontus Cius Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ bare head of Claudius, right ΗΡΑΚΛΗΕΟΥΣ ΚΤΙΣΤΟΥ ΚΙΑΝΩΝ lion skin draped over club
I 2024
Bithynia-Pontus Cius Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ bare head of Claudius, right ΗΡΑΚΛΗΕΟΥΣ ΚΤΙΣΤΟΥ ΚΙΑΝΩΝ quiver and arrows in case
I 2025
Bithynia-Pontus Cius Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ bare head of Claudius, right ΗΡΑΚΛΗΕΟΥΣ ΚΤΙΣΤΟΥ ΚΙΑΝΩΝ club
I 2025AA
Bithynia-Pontus Cius lyre ΚΙΑΝΩΝ club
I 2026
Bithynia-Pontus Nicaea Julius Caesar ΝΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ bare head of Julius Caesar, right ΕΠΙ ΓΑΙΟΥ ΟΥΙΒΙΟΥ ΠΑΝΣΑ, ϚΛΣ Nike advancing, right, with palm and wreath; below two monograms
I 2027
Bithynia-Pontus Nicaea Augustus ΝΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ bare head of Augustus, left ΕΠΙ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΥ ΘΩΡΙΟΥ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ Nike advancing, right, with palm and wreath; two monograms and letters
I 2028
Bithynia-Pontus Nicaea ΝΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ bare head of Thorius Flaccus, right ΕΠΙ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΥ ΘΩΡΙΟΥ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ, ΗΡΑ curule chair; two monograms (and letter?)