Search results: 39 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
X — (unassigned; ID 63630)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ Θ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ, Θ Nike advancing left holding wreath in right and palm in left
X — (unassigned; ID 63619)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ Nike advancing right holding wreath in left and palm in right
X — (unassigned; ID 63620)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ Nike standing left, on globe holding wreath in right and palm in left
X — (unassigned; ID 84705)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ Pisidian moon-goddess standing facing, crescent on head, between the two Dioscuri, each holding spear, next to their horses
X — (unassigned; ID 63618)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ Radiate male riding on horse right, mantle billowing behind, left hand holding reins and right hand holding uncertain object (?)
X — (unassigned; ID 63622)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟ-ΝΩΝ shrine with two columns; within, Solymos (?) standing left, holding sceptre in left and crowning trophy with right; at his feet, eagle
X — (unassigned; ID 63639)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΩΝ Solymos seated left, raising right hand and resting left on arm of throne
X — (unassigned; ID 73725)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ϹΟΛΥΜΟϹ Solymos seated left, raising right hand and resting left on arm of throne
X — (unassigned; ID 85286)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ Solymos seated left, raising right hand and resting left on arm of throne
X — (unassigned; ID 70494)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΩΝ around Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia
X — (unassigned; ID 63657)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ Θ laureate head of Zeus, right ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΩΝ, Θ Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia
X — (unassigned; ID 63617)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia
X — (unassigned; ID 63643)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΩΝ Θ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ, Θ Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia
X — (unassigned; ID 63631)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ Θ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ, Θ Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia
X — (unassigned; ID 63649)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΩΝ Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia, crowned by Nike standing left
X — (unassigned; ID 63633)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ Θ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ, Θ Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia, crowned by Nike standing left
X — (unassigned; ID 63616)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia, crowned by Nike, standing left
X — (unassigned; ID 63623)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, r ΤΩΝ ΜΕΙΖΟΝΩΝ around. Zeus seated left, holding Nike in extended right and sceptre in left
X — (unassigned; ID 63647)
Lycia-Pamphylia Termessus Major ΤΕΡΜΗϹϹΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΩΝ Zeus seated left, holding sceptre in left and Nike in extended right