Search results: 48 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
II 301
Macedonia Stobi (M-V) Victory standing, left, on globe, holding wreath and trophy STOBENSIVM ox to right
II 302
Macedonia Stobi MVNICIP Victory standing, left, on globe, holding wreath and trophy STOBENSIVM ox to right
II 302AA
Macedonia Stobi STOBENSIVM Victory standing right, on globe, holding wreath and trophy MVNICIPI ox to right
II 303
Macedonia Stobi BONA FORTV veiled and turreted head of city-goddess, right MV/NIC / STO/B within laurel wreath
II 303AA
Macedonia Stobi MVN in wreath STOB ox to right
II 303BB
Macedonia Stobi MVN wolf and twins STOB two crossed cornucopias; star in the centre
II 303CC
Macedonia Stobi ox to right STOB three standards
II 304
Macedonia Stobi Vespasian IMP CAES VESP AVG P M T P COS IIII CENS laureate head of Vespasian, right MVNICIPI STOBENSIVM Genius standing, left, holding three corn-ears and cornucopia
II 305
Macedonia Stobi Vespasian IMP CAES VESP AVG P M T P COS IIII CENS laureate head of Vespasian, right MVNICIPI STOBENSIVM temple with four columns; inside, cult figure, left; globe on pediment
II 306
Macedonia Stobi Vespasian IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN(VS) AVG COS VIII laureate head of Vespasian, right MVNICIPI(VM) STOBENSIVM Tyche with Victory and cornucopia standing, left; at feet, shield and cuirass, left and helmet, right
II 307
Macedonia Stobi Vespasian IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG COS VIII laureate head of Vespasian, right MVNICIPI STOBENSIVM Virtus standing, right, resting on spear with his right and holding cornucopia, right foot on shield
II 307AA
Macedonia Stobi Vespasian IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG COS VIII laureate head of Vespasian, right MVNICIPI STOBENSIVM Virtus standing left, holding cornucopia and resting on spear, right foot on shield
II 307BB
Macedonia Stobi Vespasian IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG COS VIII laureate head of Vespasian, right MVNICIPIVM STOBENSIVM Virtus standing left, holding spear and parazonium, right foot on shield
II 308
Macedonia Stobi Vespasian CAESAR VESPASIAN[ ] laureate head of Vespasian, right MVNIC[ ]VM Tyche with Victory and cornucopia standing, left; shield at feet
II 309
Macedonia Stobi Vespasian IMP VESPASIANVS AVG laureate head of Vespasian, right MVN[ ] Genius holding three corn-ears and cornucopia, standing, left
II 310
Macedonia Stobi Titus T IMP VESPASIANVS AVG F COS VI laureate head of Titus, right; globe at end of truncation MVNICIPIVM STOBENSIVM temple with four columns on podium with two steps within which cult statue, right; globe in pediment
II 310AA
Macedonia Stobi Titus T IMPERATOR AVG F COS VI laureate head of Titus with small aegis, right MVNICIPIVM STOBENSIVM temple with four columns on podium with two steps within which cult statue
II 310BB
Macedonia Stobi Titus [T IMP VESP]ASIANVS AVG F COS VI laureate head of Titus, right MVNICIPIVM STOBENSIVM Tyche in short chiton standing, left, holding Victory on her extended right hand and cornucopia in left; at her feet, shield on left and armor on right
II 310CC
Macedonia Stobi Domitian CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS V laureate of head of Domitian, right MVNICIPI STOBENSIVM temple with four columns on podium with two steps within which cult statue
II 311
Macedonia Stobi Titus ; Domitian T CAESAR IMP DOMITIANVS CAESAR laureate and draped bust of Titus, right, seen from rear, facing head of Domitian, left MVNICIPI STOBENSIVM temple with four columns; inside, cult figure; globe on pediment