ΑΥ Κ Μ(Α) ΟΠΕΛ ϹΕ(Ο)ΥΗ ΜΑΚΡΙΝΟϹ; laureate and draped bust of Macrinus, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙΑϹ ΕΤ Α; Mount Argaeus with star on (garlanded) altar
S —; Ganschow 656, 657g-l 10
Μ ΟΠΕΛ(ΛΙΟϹ) ΑΝΤΟΝ(Ε)Ι(Ν)(ΟϹ) (Κ)(ΑΙ); draped bust (bare-headed) of Diadumenian, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ(Ο) ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ(Α)(Ϲ) ΕΤ Α; Mount Argaeus with star, on garlanded altar
S 509; Ganschow 670 11
Α Κ Μ ΟΠ ϹΕΟΥ ΜΑΚΡ(Ε)ΙΝΟϹ (ϹΕΒ) Μ ΟΠ ΔΙΑΔΟΥ(ΜΕΝ(Ι) ΑΝΤω(ΝΕΙ) (Κ); laureate and draped bust of Macrinus, right, facing draped bust (bare-headed) of Diadumenian, left
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ(Λ)(Ε) ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙΑϹ ΝΕΩΚΟΡΟΥ ΕΤ Β; Mount Argaeus with standing figure; below, temple with four columns; between two prize crowns; (in fields, star and crescent)
S 507–508, 507a; Ganschow 668 31
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΟΠ(Ε) ϹΕ(ΟΥ)(Η) ΜΑΚΡΕΙΝΟϹ; laureate and draped bust of Macrinus, right
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ(ΙΑ) (ΝΕ)(ΩΚΟΡ) ΕΤ Β; Mount Argaeus (with star) on garlanded) altar
S 505–506, 504a; Ganschow 660, 662, 665 15
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΟΠ ϹΕΟΥΗ [ΜΑΚΡΕΙΝΟϹ]; laureate and draped bust of Macrinus, right
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙΑ ΝΕΩΚΟΡ, ΕΤ Β; Mount Argaeus (with star) on inscribed altar
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΟΠ ϹΕ ΜΑΚΡΕΙΝΟϹ; laureate and draped bust of Macrinus, right
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙΑ ΕΤ Β; Mount Argaeus with star
S —; Ganschow 659 1
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΟΠ ϹΕ(ΟΥ) ΜΑΚΡΕΙΝΟϹ; laureate and draped bust of Macrinus, right
ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹΑ(Ρ)Ι ΕΤ(Ο) Β; Mount Argaeus with wreath
S 505a; Ganschow 658 3
(ΑΥ Κ) Μ ΟΠ(Ε) ϹΕ(ΟΥ) ΜΑΚΡΕΙΝ(ΟϹ); laureate and draped bust of Macrinus, right
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ(Ο) ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ(Α) (ΝΕΩΚ) ΕΤ Β; Mount Argaeus with wreath on (garlanded) altar; (to left and right, star and crescent)
S 505a; Ganschow 661, 663, 664 14
Μ ΟΠ ΔΙΑΔΟΥ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙ; draped bust (bare-headed) of Diadumenian, right, seen from front
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ(Ι) ΕΤ Β; Mount Argaeus (with wreath) on (garlanded) altar
S —; Ganschow 671–2 2
Μ ΟΠ ΔΙΑΔΟΥ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙ; draped bust (bare-headed) of Diadumenian, right, seen from front
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ(Ι) ΕΤ Β; Mount Argaeus with wreath on inscribed altar
S —; Ganschow - 1
Μ ΟΠ(Ε)(Λ) ΔΙΑΔ(Ο)(Υ) ΑΝΤ(ω)(ΝΕΙΝΟϹ); draped bust (bare-headed) of Diadumenian, right, seen from front
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ(Ο)(Λ) ΚΑΙϹΑΡ(Ι)(Α)(Ϲ) ΕΤ Β; altar, decorated with Mount Argaeus, with four corn ears
S 509a; Ganschow 673 12
Μ ΟΠΕ ϹΕΟΥ ΜΑΚΡΙΝΟ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Macrinus, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΙ ΕΤ Β; figure seated left, on rocks, holding branch and globe
S —; Ganschow — 1
Μ ΟΠΕ ϹΕ ΜΑΚΡΙΝΟϹ; laureate and draped bust of Macrinus, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟ [ ] ΕΤ Β; temple with two columns enclosing agalma of Mount Argaeus
Μ ΟΠΕ ϹΕ ΜΑΚ; laureate and draped bust of Macrinus, right
ΜΗΤΡΟ(ΟΠΟ) ΚΑΙ(ϹΑ) ΕΤ(Ο) Β; temple with two columns enclosing agalma of Mount Argaeus
S —; Ganschow 667 7
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΟΠ ϹΕΟ ΜΑΚΡΙΝΟϹ; laureate head of Macrinus, right
ΜΗΤ(Ρ)(Ο)(Π)(Ο) ΚΑΙ(ϹΑΡ) ΕΤ Β; temple with two columns enclosing agalma of Mount Argaeus
S 506a; Ganschow 666 7
[ ] ΔΙΑΔΟΥ[ ]; draped bust (bare-headed) of Diadumenian, right, seen from front
ΜΗΤΡΟΠ ΚΑΙϹ ΕΤ Β; Bust of city goddess veiled right
S —; Ganschow 674 2
Μ ΟΠ ΔΙΑΔ ΑΝΤω?[....]; draped bust (bare-headed) of Diadumenian, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡ(ΟΠ) ΚΑΙϹ(Α) ΕΤ Β; figure seated left, on rocks, holding branch and globe
S —; Ganschow — 7
Μ ΟΠ(ΕΛ) ΔΙΑΔΟΥ; draped bust (bare-headed) of Diadumenian, right, seen from front
ΜΗΤΡ(Ο) ΚΑΙϹΑ ΕΤ Β; temple with two columns enclosing agalma of Mount Argaeus
S —; Ganschow — 2
[ ] ΔΙΑ[ ]; bare head of Diadumenian, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛ [ΚΑΙ...] ΕΤ Β; temple with two columns enclosing agalma of Mount Argaeus
S —; Ganschow 675a 2
Μ ΟΠ(ΕΛ) (ΑΝ) ΔΙΑΔΟΥ; draped bust (bare-headed) of Diadumenian, right, seen from rear
ΜΗΤΡΟ(Π)(Ο)(Λ) ΚΑΙ(Ϲ)(Α) ΕΤ Β; temple with two columns enclosing agalma of Mount Argaeus
S 510, 510a; Ganschow 675 17