bust of Athena wearing aegis, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; nude male figure (Apollo, Hermes or Theseus ?) standing, facing, head, right, holding uncertain object (arrow and bow or strigil?), resting transverse sceptre/club on altar?
Kroll, Agora 270, Svoronos, Athens 95.10–12, BMC 759 5
head of Athena with traces of drapery, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; nude Theseus standing, right, raising rock at Troezen
Kroll, Agora 274, Svoronos, Athens 95.26–7 and 29, BMC 760 9
head of Athena (with traces of drapery), right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Themistokles standing on galley, right, wearing military dress, holding trophy and wreath; on prow, owl
Kroll, Agora 278–9, Svoronos, Athens 97.15–19, BMC 787–8, Cop 345 22
head of Athena, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Theseus driving Marathonian bull, right
Kroll, Agora 273, Svoronos, Athens 95.21–2, BMC 767 6
head of Athena (with traces of drapery), right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; to left, Athena standing, facing, head, right; to right, nude Marsyas advancing, left, raising right arm
Kroll, Agora 262, Svoronos, Athens 89.26–32, Cop 351 13
bust of Athena wearing aegis, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and long sceptre
Kroll, Agora 263, Svoronos, Athens 92.1–2, BMC 754 6
head of Athena (with traces of drapery), right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Athena advancing, right, head, left, extending right arm, carrying shield and transverse spear; to left, olive-tree entwined by serpent; to right, owl standing, right
Kroll, Agora 255(2), Svoronos, Athens 85.32–4 10
head of Athena (with traces of drapery), right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Athena advancing, right, head, left, extending right arm, carrying shield and transverse spear; to left, owl standing, right, to right, serpent coiling, right
Kroll, Agora 254(2), Svoronos, Athens 85.9–10, Cop 353 6
head of Athena, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Athena Parthenos standing, left, holding Nike over bucranium, resting arm on shield; next to shield, upright spear(?)
Kroll, Agora 249 2
head of Athena with traces of drapery, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Athena standing, left, holding transverse spear, resting arm shield; to left, olive-tree with owl; between tree and Athena, serpent coiling, left
Kroll, Agora 258(2), Svoronos, Athens 87.18–19, BMC 696 9
bust of Athena wearing aegis, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; bucranium with long fillet on each horn
Kroll, Agora — 1
bust of Athena wearing aegis, right
ΑΘΗΝΑ[ΙΩΝ]; Themistokles standing on galley, right, wearing military dress, holding trophy and wreath; on prow, owl
Kroll, Agora 279 var. 1
bust of Athena wearing necklace and aegis, right
ΑΘΗ; nude Theseus advancing, right, brandishing club, about to hit Minotaur standing, left, extending arms
Kroll, Agora —, Svoronos, Athens 96.35–6, Cop 325 4
head of Athena with traces of drapery, right
[ ]; Athena standing, left, holding Nike over serpent and spear; leaning against spear, shield
Kroll, Agora 252 1
Æ (21 mm) 5.34 g.
helmeted and draped bust of Athena, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Acropolis seen from north and west; to the right can be seen the steps leading up to the Propylaia, to the left of which stands the colossal statue of Athena. The Erechtheum temple can be seen in the middle, and below is the cave of Pan.
Agora 375 12
Æ (21 mm) 5.42 g.
helmeted head of Athena, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; agonistic table with wreath, head of Athena, right, and owl;
Agora 388var.; SNG Cop 366 1
Æ (21 mm) 4.82 g.
helmeted and draped bust of Athena, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Apollo Lykeios standing right, holding bow with right and placing left atop head; at right, tripod entwined with serpent
Agora 363 1
Æ (21 mm) 5.17 g.
helmeted and draped bust of Athena, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Apollo Lykeios standing right, holding bow with right and placing left atop head; at right, tripod entwined with serpent; to left, laurel bush
Agora 364 3
Æ (21 mm) 7.04 g.
helmeted and draped bust of Athena, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Apollo naked advancing right, raising arm over head and resting hand on lyre, placed on rock
Agora 362 1
Æ (21 mm) 6.86 g.
helmeted and draped bust of Athena, right
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ; Apollo naked standing right, holding bow in left and branch in right
Agora 361 5