Search results: 1,463 entries found.

IV.3 7209 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 2.68 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡ(Ο); laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, right
ΕΤΟ ΖϹ (Ζ reversed); tripod the upper part of which shows two heads (Apollo and Hermes?) in profile; to left, laurel-branch, to right, caduceus
IV.3 7208 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 2.50 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙοΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡο (faciong outward); laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, right
ΕΤΟ ΖϹ; tripod the upper part of which shows two heads (Hermes and Apollo?) in profile; to left, caduceus; to right, laurel-branch
IV.3 3622 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 5.13 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΤΗϹ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛ ; laureate head of Zeus, right
ΕΤ ; turreted(?) Tyche standing, left, holding hand over figure of Daphne being transformed into a tree and cornucopia
IV.3 25101 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 2.89 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ [ ]; laureate head of Zeus, right
ΕΤ ϚΙϹ; decorated altar on stand
IV.3 7193 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (ΤΗϹ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕωϹ); laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, right
ΕΤ ΔϞΡ and above, numeral letter Β or Ϛ; laurel-branch
IV.3 25037 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.40 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕω ΤΗϹ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, left
ΕΤΟΥϹ ΔϞΡ; Artemis standing left, holding bow and long torch
IV.3 7210 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 2.61 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟ; laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, right
ΕΤΟΥ(Ϲ) ΖϹ (Ζ may be shaped as reversed Ζ); draped bust of Artemis, right; having quiver at shoulder
IV.3 7201 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.56 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ Τ(ΗϹ) Μ(ΗΤ(ΡΟΠΟΛΕωϹ)); laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, right
ΕΤ(Ο) ΕϞΡ (and numeral letter Α Ζ or Θ); laurel-branch
IV.3 7194 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.63 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (ΤΗϹ) ΜΗ(ΤΡΟΠΟΛΕωϹ); laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, left
ΕΤ(Ο(ΥϹ)) ΔϞΡ (numeral letter Ζ); laurel-branch
IV.3 7185 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 2.78 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ; laureate(?)-headed and draped bust of Apollo, right
ϞΡ (and numeral letter Β); laurel-branch
IV.3 7199 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.66 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
[ΑΝΤΙΟ]ΧΕ[ΩΝ] ΤΗϹ ΜΗΤΡο; laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, right
ΕΤο ΕϞΡ and above, numeral letter; lyre
IV.3 7200 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.83 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ; laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, left
ΕΤΟ(Υ(Ϲ)) ΕϞΡ (and above, numeral letter Α, Δ? or Ϛ); lyre
IV.3 7196 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.93 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ [ΤΗϹ] ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ(ΛΕωϹ); laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, left
ΕΤ(ΟΥ(Ϲ)) ΔϞΡ (and numeral letter Ϛ, Η or Ι); winged caduceus
IV.3 7195 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Α[ΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ Μ]ΗΤΡΟΠΟ; laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, right
ΕΤΟ(ΥϹ) ΔϞΡ; winged caduceus
IV.3 7204 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.84 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Τ(ΗϹ) ΜΗ(ΤΡΟΠΟΛΕωϹ)); laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, left
ΕΤ(Ο(Υ(Ϲ))) ΕϞΡ (and numeral letter Α, Β, Δ, Ζ, Θ or Ι?); winged caduceus
IV.3 7203 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.74 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Τ(ΗϹ) Μ(ΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕωϹ)); laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, right
ΕΤΟ(Υ(Ϲ)) ΕϞΡ (and numeral letter Β, Γ?, Δ, Ϛ, Η or Θ); winged caduceus
IV.3 7202 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.91 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
[ ]; laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, left
ΕΤΟΥϹ ΕϞΡ (facing outward); laurel-branch
IV.3 9814 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.66 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, right
ΕΤΟΥϹ ΔϞΡ and above, numeral letter Α(?) Β(?) or Ι; lyre
IV.3 8995 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.79 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ Τ Μ; draped bust of Tyche, right
ΕΤΟΥ ΕϞΡ and numeral letter Δ (facing outward); winged caduceus
IV.3 7211 (temporary)
Antioch  Syria Syria
Æ 1.04 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
[ ]; head of Heracles (bearded) wearing diadem, right
ΖϹ (Ζ reversed); boar standing, right