GIC 484
?, varioulsy described at a 'T', a 'hammer', or a 'poppy head'
5.5 mm tall 4.5 mm across at widest point 
as it’s Dionysopolis might be a styalised bunch of grapes? 

Coins with this countermark

Number Image TypeNumber CoinNumber VolumeNumber
RPC I, 1801A Show 1801 1 1
RPC I, 1801A Show 1801 4 1
RPC I, 1801A Show 1801 5 1
RPC I, 1801A Show 1801 6 1
RPC I, 1801A Show 1801 2 1
RPC V.2, — (number not assigned), type ID 73621 Show 4721 37 5.2