Search results: 294 entries found.

Nero Nero (Augustus)
Magnesia ad Sipylum  Lydia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (19 mm); 6.40 g (10)
ΝΕΡΩΝΑ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΑ; laureate head of Nero and draped bust of Agrippina II, jugate, right
ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ; Agrippina as Demeter standing with ears of corn and sceptre, being crowned (?) by togate figure of Nero, who stands behind holding a short sceptre
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  4298
SNG 387 
 20 5.56   12 

Augustus Augustus
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (16 mm); 3.33 g (3)
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ ΑΤΤΑΛΟϹ, ΛΑΟ; facing cult statue of Artemis Anaïtis; monogram
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  8141
SNG 298 
 16 2.48   12 

Augustus Augustus
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (18 mm); 4.58 g (4)
ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ ΑΡΤΕΜΙΔΩΡΟϹ; laureate head of Zeus, right
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 7, 297 
 19 4.55   12 

Tiberius Tiberius (Augustus)
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (19 mm); 4.59 g (2)
ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ; laureate head of Tiberius, right
ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ ΜΕΝΕΚΡΑΤΗΣ; Dionysus standing, left, with cantharus and thyrsus
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 7, 300 
 20 4.61  

Tiberius Tiberius (Augustus)
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (15 mm); 2.52 g (3)
ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ; bare head of Germanicus, right
ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ ΣΑΚΑΝΤΗΣ; facing cult statue of Artemis
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 7, 304 
 14 2.45   12 

Tiberius Tiberius (Augustus)
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (19 mm); 4.13 g (6)
ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ; laureate head of Tiberius, right
ΜΕΝΕΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ; Zeus standing, left holding branch (?)
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 7, 302 
 20 3.81   12 

Tiberius Tiberius (Augustus)
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (19 mm); 4.13 g (6)
ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ; laureate head of Tiberius, right
ΜΕΝΕΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ; Zeus standing, left holding branch (?)
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 7, 301 
 21 4.9   12 

Tiberius Tiberius (Augustus)
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Brass (19 mm); 3.87 g (5)
ΤΙΒΕΡΙ[ΟΝ] ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ; laureate head of Tiberius, right
ΥΠΑΙΠ[ ]ΚΑΝΤΗΣ; Dionysus standing, left, with cantharus and thyrsus
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 7, 303 
 19 4.07   12 

Tiberius Germanicus (Caesar)
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (17 mm); 2.86 g (4)
ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; bare head of Germanicus, right
ΣΩΣΘΕΝΗΣ ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ; facing cult statue of Artemis
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  2089
SNG 299 
 17 2.89   12 

Uncertain Agrippina II
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (12 mm); 2.28 g (11)
ϹΕΒΑϹ(Ϲ)ΤΗ; draped bust of Agrippina II (?), right
ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ; facing cult statue of Artemis
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 7, 309 
 15 2.39   12 

Nero Nero (Augustus) ; Statilia Messalina (Augusta)
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Leaded bronze (23 mm); 10.32 g (14)
ΝΕΡΩΝ ΜΕΣΣΑΛ(Ε)ΙΝΑ; draped bust of Statilia Messalina, right, facing laureate head of Nero, left
ΥΠΑ(Ι) ΙΟΥ ΓΡ ΗΓΗΣΙΠΠΟϹ; facing cult statue of Artemis
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  3360
SNG 308 
 25 10.67   12 

Nero Nero (Augustus) ; Statilia Messalina (Augusta)
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Leaded bronze (23 mm); 9.50 g (5)
ΝΕΡΩΝ ΜΕΣΣΑΛ(Ε)ΙΝΑ; draped bust of Statilia Messalina, right, facing laureate head of Nero, left
ΙΟΥ(ΛΙΟΣ) ΗΓΗΣΙΠΠ(ΟΣ) ΥΠΑΙΠ(ΗΝΩΝ) ΓΡ; facing cult statue of Artemis
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 7, 308 
 25 10.67   12 

Nero Nero (Augustus)
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Leaded bronze (20 mm); 5.34 g (18)
ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΥΠΑ(Ι) ΙΟΥ ΓΡ ΗΓΗϹΙΠΠΟϹ; Zeus standing, left, with thunderbolt and sceptre
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 7, 306 
 19 5.94  

Nero Nero (Augustus)
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (20 mm); 6.77 g (3)
ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΥΠΑ ΓΡ ΙΟΥ ΗΓΗΣΙΠΠΟΣ; Dionysus standing, left, with cantharus and thyrsus
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  1546
SNG 305 
 20 7.88   12 

Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Leaded bronze (15 mm); 5.67 g (1)
diademed head of Artemis, right, with quiver behind
ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ (monogram with Α); male figure standing left, holding rod (?); to left, heap of ash (?)
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  4870
SNG 7.271 = S. Altınoluk, 'A Miracle Told by Pausanias and a Unique Coin of Hypaipa',in Antalya Proceedings I, pp. 1-6; cf. K. Sheedy, RBN 162 (2016), p. 324 (second century). 
 18 5.67  

Augustus Augustus
Dioshieron  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (18 mm); 3.14 g (7)
ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ; bare head of Augustus, right; before, lituus
ΔΙΟΣΙΕΡΙΤΩΝ ΠΑΠΙΩΝ, ΠΡΑ; laureate head of Zeus, right;
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 213-15 

Dioshieron  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (15 mm); 2.41 g (3)
ΔΙΟϹΙΕΡΙΤΩΝ ΠΑΠΙΩΝ; eagle standing, left (head, right); monogram ΠΡ
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; capricorn with cornucopia, left
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 232-234 

Uncertain Tiberius (Augustus)
Dioshieron  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (15 mm); 2.36 g (5)
ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; laureate head of Tiberius (?), right
ΔΙΟϹΙΕΡΙΤΩΝ; Zeus standing, left, with patera
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 225 
 16 2.26   12 

Uncertain Tiberius (Augustus)
Dioshieron  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Æ (18 mm); 3.49 g (9)
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; laureate head of Tiberius (?), right
ΔΙΟΣΙΕΡΙΤΩΝ; laureate head of Zeus, right
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 216-221 

Nero Nero (Augustus)
Dioshieron  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus)
Leaded bronze (21 mm); 6.97 g (6)
ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΖΕΥΣ; laureate head of Nero, right, facing laureate head of Zeus, left
ΔΙΟΣΙΕΡΙΤΩΝ ΚΟΡΒΟΥΛΩΝ, ΗΡΑ; Hera standing, left, with sceptre; monogram ΓΡ
Ödemiş: Ödemiş Museum (Turkey)  
SNG 234-235