Search results: 11 entries found.

Vol. Province Region City Issue Dating Magistrates Denomination Person(s) Obv. inscription Obv. design Rev. inscription Rev. design Reference Note Internal note Coin Number Museum Inventory Number Bibliography Weight Diameter Axis Quantity Obv. die Rev. die Obv. cmks Rev. cmks Note Obv. img Rev. img Plate Uri link
I 4451 Syria Syria Gabala Æ (20 mm) bare head, right ΓΑΒΑΛΕΩΝ, ΓΚ(?), Ϙ (in l. field), [ ]ΔΗ (in exergue) goddess seated, left, with poppy and long sceptre; before, sphinx The year is probably 23, though the second digit is not certain. For the date, probably 9/8 BC rather than 24/23 BC, see Introduction. 5 Kadman 20 12 1 GIC 658i (monogram {P VAR}) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4809 Syria Syria Gadara Year 34 AD 3/4 Æ (20 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ bare head of Augustus, right ΓΑΔΑΡΕΙΣ L ΛΔ veiled head of Tyche, right; all in wreath Spijkerman 9 Monika Bernett has pointed out that the coins dated year 34 cannot date to 31/0 since they give Augustus the title sebastos. The era must in this case be not the normal Pompeian era but a different, probably Augustan one. A. Stein [= Kushnir-Stein], Studies in Greek and Latin Inscriptions on the Palestinian Coinage under the Principate (Ph.D. thesis, Tel-Aviv University, 1990), discussed Gadara on pp. 26–8, and after confirming on the basis of inscriptions and coins of Elagabalus, that year 1 = 64/3 BC, she went on (pp. 27-8): ‘Apart from a single issue all known dates conform to an era of 64 BC. The only exception is the series dated ‘year 34’ and bearing on the obverse the portrait of Augustus and the legend ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ. The era employed cannot be that of 64 BC since by this calculation the coins would have been struck in 31/30 BC - too early a date for Octavian to be called ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ (Augustus). The era in question is most probably that of 31 BC (often called ‘Actian’) used at the time by many other cities of Syria. This would date the coins to 3/4 AD. The use of the ‘Actian’ era was discontinued after the death of the first princeps. The next emission of the city - from the time of Tiberius - is dated by the city era, and so are all its subsequent issues.’ 2 Kadman 6.05 20 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4820 Syria Syria Gadara Year 114 AD 50/1 Æ (13 mm) Claudius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΓΑΔΑΡΑ, ΔΙΡ (in field) crossed cornucopias Spijkerman 20 3 Kadman see Rosenberger 27 2.2 13 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4860 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima c. 55 Æ (22 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕ draped bust of Nero, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΙΝΗΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΣ Agrippina II, veiled, seated left, holding branch and cornucopia; above, crescent 10 Kadman 5060 22 12 1 GIC 597 (LVS); GIC 727 (XF) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4860 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima c. 55 Æ (22 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕ draped bust of Nero, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΙΝΗΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΣ Agrippina II, veiled, seated left, holding branch and cornucopia; above, crescent 11 Kadman 5062 22 12 1 GIC 727 (XF) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4860 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima c. 55 Æ (22 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕ draped bust of Nero, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΙΝΗΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΣ Agrippina II, veiled, seated left, holding branch and cornucopia; above, crescent 12 Kadman 5063 22 12 1 GIC 727 (XF) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4860 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima c. 55 Æ (22 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕ draped bust of Nero, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΙΝΗΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΣ Agrippina II, veiled, seated left, holding branch and cornucopia; above, crescent 13 Kadman 5068 22 12 1 GIC 727 (XF) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4862 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima 68 Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right; in front, star ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙΑ Η ΠΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΛΙΜΕΝΙ, L ΙΔ (in field) figure, standing left, holding human bust and standard BMC 5 The legend(s) are sometimes retrograde; both letter forms Ϲ and W and Σ and Ω are used. Countermarks: XF (GIC 727); head, r. (GIC 115); ΚΑΙ (GIC 543) and ΚΟΒ (= 2 quadrantes; GIC 548). The cmk. LVS (GIC 597), not otherwise recorded for 4862, is discussed by D. Barag and S. Qedar, ‘A Countermark of the Legio Quinta Scytica from the Jewish War’, INJ 13 (1994-99), pp. 66-9. They discuss further the name of the legion (Scythica rather than Macedonica). 80 Kadman Kanitz, pl. 4 (obv. only) = Kadman CNP, p. 100 no.12 and p. 189, no 4. 'Excavated at Sheikh-Bader, Jerusalem'. 8.5 1 GIC 548 (ΚΟΒ in rectangular punch) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4982 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima Æ (25 mm) Agrippa I ; Claudius ; Herod ΒΑΣ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑΣ ΣΕΒ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΒΑΣ ΗΡΩ[ΔΗΣ], LΗ Kings Agrippa and Herod crown the emperor Claudius, who stands wearing a toga capite velatio ΟΡΚΙΑ ΒΑΣ ΜΕ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ ΠΡ ΣΕΒ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ[Α Κ ΣΥ]ΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ Κ ΔΗΜ(Ο) ΡΩΜ ΦΙΛΙ Κ ΣΥ(Ν)ΜΑΧ(Ι) ΑΥΤ(ΟΥ) wreath enclosing clasped hands Meshorer 5; Burnett Agrippa (1987) no. 8;  Burnett, Agrippa (2014) no. 4982 For a related issue of King Herod of Chalcis, see RPC I, 4777.  See also A. J. M. Kropp, Crowning the Emperor. An unorthodox image of Claudius, Agrippa I and Herod of Chalkis, Syria 90 (2013), pp. 377-89. Many thanks to Richard Beleson, for his presentation to the ANS on 13 September 2024 (see ), in which he identified some new specimens and established die-links for the reverses. He also suggested that the clasped hands represent the obverse, since on all other coins of Agrippa, this countermark is on the obverse. This is certainly what the countermarkers seemed to have thought, but the scene of kings and emperor on the Herod of Chalcis issue seems clearly to be the obverse. 5 Kadman Burnett Agrippa (1987) no. 8.4 = Burnett, Agrippa (2014) fig 35 13.2 25 1 30787 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4982 Syria Samaria Caesarea Maritima Æ (25 mm) Agrippa I ; Claudius ; Herod ΒΑΣ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑΣ ΣΕΒ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΒΑΣ ΗΡΩ[ΔΗΣ], LΗ Kings Agrippa and Herod crown the emperor Claudius, who stands wearing a toga capite velatio ΟΡΚΙΑ ΒΑΣ ΜΕ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ ΠΡ ΣΕΒ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ[Α Κ ΣΥ]ΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ Κ ΔΗΜ(Ο) ΡΩΜ ΦΙΛΙ Κ ΣΥ(Ν)ΜΑΧ(Ι) ΑΥΤ(ΟΥ) wreath enclosing clasped hands Meshorer 5; Burnett Agrippa (1987) no. 8;  Burnett, Agrippa (2014) no. 4982 For a related issue of King Herod of Chalcis, see RPC I, 4777.  See also A. J. M. Kropp, Crowning the Emperor. An unorthodox image of Claudius, Agrippa I and Herod of Chalkis, Syria 90 (2013), pp. 377-89. Many thanks to Richard Beleson, for his presentation to the ANS on 13 September 2024 (see ), in which he identified some new specimens and established die-links for the reverses. He also suggested that the clasped hands represent the obverse, since on all other coins of Agrippa, this countermark is on the obverse. This is certainly what the countermarkers seemed to have thought, but the scene of kings and emperor on the Herod of Chalcis issue seems clearly to be the obverse. 6 Kadman Burnett Agrippa (1987) no. 8.5 = Burnett, Agrippa (2014) fig. 36 17.4 25 1 30788 GIC 156 (laureate (?) head l.) no no no [show] [edit]
II 2240B Judaea Syria Gaba Æ (15 mm) turreted head of Tyche right, temple with four columns See  D. B. Hendin and R. Bachar, ‘A So-Called Agrippa I Coin Reattributed to Gaba’, INR 11 (2016), pp. 119-26. 1 Kadman 5252 Hendin and Bachar 2a 2.2 15 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]