Search results: 143 entries found.

Philip I Philip II (Caesar)
Mesambria  Thrace Thrace
Æ (27 mm); 11.99 g (4)
ΜΑΡ ΙΟΥΛΙΟϹ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; confronted busts of Philip II, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed, right, seen from rear, and Sarapis, draped, left
ΜΕϹΑΜΒΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Cybele seated left, holding patera and resting on tympanum; at feet, two lions
Varna: Archaeological Museum, Varna (Bulgaria)  1303
 24 13.78  

Philip I Philip II (Caesar)
Mesambria  Thrace Thrace
Æ (27 mm); 11.61 g (11)
ΜΑΡ ΙΟΥΛΙΟϹ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; confronted bare head of Philip II, right, and bust of Sarapis, draped, left
ΜΕϹΑΜΒΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Demeter standing left, holding ears of corn and torch
Varna: Archaeological Museum, Varna (Bulgaria)  513
 25 12.25  

Philip I Philip II (Caesar)
Mesambria  Thrace Thrace
Æ (22 mm); 8.04 g (5)
Μ ΙΟΥΛΙΟϹ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; bare head of Philip II, right
ΜΕϹΑΜΒΡΙΑΝΩΝ; dolphin, right, with tuna above, left and below, right
Varna: Archaeological Museum, Varna (Bulgaria)  I 194
 22 7.23