Search results: 200 entries found.

Vol. Province Region City Issue Dating Magistrates Denomination Person(s) Obv. inscription Obv. design Rev. inscription Rev. design Reference Note Internal note Coin Number Museum Inventory Number Bibliography Weight Diameter Axis Quantity Obv. die Rev. die Obv. cmks Rev. cmks Note Obv. img Rev. img Plate Uri link
I 1039 Cyrenaica and Crete Crete Gortyn Æ (21 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare head of Nero, right ΖΕΥϹ head of Zeus, right Sv 36 The two coins in G and RPC I pl. 58 have obv. laureate head of Nero, rather than bare head. 13 G Hunter 8 = SNG 345 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1148b Achaea Corinthia Corinth AD 12/13–15/16 Aulus Vatronius Labeo ; Lucius Rutilius Plancus Bronze (20 mm) Tiberius A VATRONIO LABEONE IIVIR bare head of Tiberius, left L RVTILIO PLANCO IIVIR, COR (in field) Victory on globe, holding wreath and palm, left Amandry XIV67 & XIV70, pp. 164-5 1 G Amandry XIV67, SNG 416 7.82 17 2 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 1195 Achaea Corinthia Corinth AD 54–5 Marcus Acilius Candidus ; Quintus Fulvius Flaccus Æ (20 mm) Nero NERO CLAV(D) (or CLAV) CAES AVG (or AVG) laureate head of Nero, right or left M AC CANDIDO IIVIR (or IIVIR) COR Sol in a quadriga, right Amandry XX 57, 59–61, 63–4, 55, pp. 206–7 On the rev., or: Q FVL FLACCO IIV{IR} (or IIVIR) COR axis: var., 22 obv. dies (RPC 1, 1189-1200). TODO: split into 2 types according to the magistrates 19 G SNG 432 6.35 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1195 Achaea Corinthia Corinth AD 54–5 Marcus Acilius Candidus ; Quintus Fulvius Flaccus Æ (20 mm) Nero NERO CLAV(D) (or CLAV) CAES AVG (or AVG) laureate head of Nero, right or left M AC CANDIDO IIVIR (or IIVIR) COR Sol in a quadriga, right Amandry XX 57, 59–61, 63–4, 55, pp. 206–7 On the rev., or: Q FVL FLACCO IIV{IR} (or IIVIR) COR axis: var., 22 obv. dies (RPC 1, 1189-1200). TODO: split into 2 types according to the magistrates 20 G SNG 433 7.46 7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1245C Achaea Peloponnesus Patras Agys, son of Aischrion Hemidrachm head of Zeus, right ΑΓΥϹ ΑΙϹΧΡΙωΝΟϹ within a corona navalis; in the center, the monogram of Patras Warren, Travaux…offerts à G. Le Rider, p. 387, n. 55 Not a complete list. 5 G Hunter II, 125/1 2.3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1252 Achaea Peloponnesus Patras after 2 BC Æ (20 mm) Augustus PATER bare head of Augustus, right C A A P, PATRIAE man ploughing with two oxen, right BMC 18, Cop 167, AMC 1152 axis: var 6 G 8 20 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1253 Achaea Peloponnesus Patras Copper (26 mm) Augustus DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER radiate head of Augustus, left COL A A PATRENS togate man, holding measuring rod (?) and vexillum with two oxen, left BMC 19, Cop 168 axis: var 19 G 9 26 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1256 Achaea Peloponnesus Patras Copper (25 mm) Claudius TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM(ANICVS) head of Claudius, left COL A A PATR X XII aquila between two standards BMC 21, Cop 170 17 G 10 25 1 GERMANICVS no no no [show] [edit]
I 1294 Asia (conventus of the Cyclades) Cyclades Melus First century AD? Æ (25 mm) ΔΡΑΧΜΗ helmeted bust of Athena, right ΜΗΛΙΩΝ in wreath BMC 35 5 G p. 207, no. 7 14.97 30 1 star in front of Athena. It is also on a larger flan. no no no [show] [edit]
I 1300 Asia (conventus of the Cyclades) Cyclades Melus Reign of Nero (?) Tiberius Pankles Æ (18 mm) ΜΗΛΙΩΝ helmeted bust of Athena, right; behind, pomegranate (?) ΕΠΙ ΤΙ ΠΑΝΚΛΕΟΣ ΤΟ Γ in four lines in wreath BMC 44, Cop 696 9 G 10 18 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1317 Achaea Boeotia Tanagra Augustus and Tiberius Caesar (?) Leaded bronze (19 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head of Tiberius, right ΤΑΝΑΓΡΑΙΩΝ tripod BMC 55 9 G 2 5.36 19 1 5795 GIC 477 (tripod) no no no [show] [edit]
I 1318 Achaea Boeotia Tanagra Reign of Tiberius: Germanicus and Drusus Leaded bronze (15 mm) Germanicus ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ bare head of Germanicus, right ΤΑΝΑ Apollo standing, facing, with laurel branch and bow 12 G 3 3.45 15 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1342 Achaea Locris Locri Marcus Claudius Serapion Leaded bronze (18 mm) ϹΕΡΑΠΙΩΝΟϹ head of Persephone, right; before, poppy head ΟΠΟΥΝΤΙΩΝ, ΕΠΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ warrior resting arm on hip, and holding spear and shield BMC 86, Morineau Humphris / Delbridge, Group 41, pp. 217–8 axis: var 3 G 14 7.1 18 1 GIC 620 (monogram {ΛΟ}) no no no [show] [edit]
I 1346 Achaea Euboea Chalcis Augustus and Livia Mesciniοs Leaded bronze (21 mm) Livia ΜΕϹΚΙΝΙΟϹ ϹΤΡΑ bare head of Livia, right ΧΑΛΚΙΔΕΩΝ head of Hera wearing polos, right Picard 92/3, BMC 111 4 G SNG 585 21 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1350 Achaea Euboea Chalcis Nero and Agrippina Kleonikos Leaded bronze (21 mm) Agrippina II ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑ bust of Agrippina, right ΕΠΙΜΕ(Λ) ΚΛΕΟ(Ν)(Ι)(ΚΟΥ) draped bust of Hera wearing polos, (on Ionic capital, right) Picard 95 semis, BMC 107 axis: var 15 G 21 21 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1359 Achaea Peloponnesus Cephallenia Gaius Proculeius, son of Lucius Æ (22 mm) (monogram) ΚΦΑΛΟ terminal bust of Zeus, right C PROCVLEI L F skate fish JIAN 1908, 222–3, 1a-c, BMCRR II, 232–3 16 G 5.86 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1359 Achaea Peloponnesus Cephallenia Gaius Proculeius, son of Lucius Æ (22 mm) (monogram) ΚΦΑΛΟ terminal bust of Zeus, right C PROCVLEI L F skate fish JIAN 1908, 222–3, 1a-c, BMCRR II, 232–3 17 G 5.64 1 GIC 433 (star of six rays) no no no [show] [edit]
I 1420 Achaea Thessaly Peparethus Leaded bronze (19 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΠΕΠΑ bearded head of Dionysus, right Rogers 568/9 3 G 4 pl. XXX. 20 19 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1420 Achaea Thessaly Peparethus Leaded bronze (19 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΠΕΠΑ bearded head of Dionysus, right Rogers 568/9 4 G 5 pl. XXX. 20 19 12 1 GIC 488 (?, 'thyrus') no no no [show] [edit]
I 1431 Achaea Thessaly Koinon of Thessaly Lykoutas Æ (25 mm) ΘΕΣΣΑΛΩΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΩΝ seated figure (Eirene? Livia?), facing right, holding sceptre and branch ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΟΥ ΛΥΚΟΥΤΟΥ Demeter (Ennodia?) standing, left, holding ears of corn and sceptre or long torch; monogram in field Rogers 74, Cop 336, Burrer Em 1, p. 125–7, 12–28 (series 2) axis: 12 or 6 4 G 8 pl. XXX.18 25 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1501B Macedonia Illyricum Apollonia Æ (24 mm) Augustus ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate head of Augustus, right ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΑΤΑΝ cornucopia, bound with fillet, in wreath Ceka 111 1 G M 2, 3, 25 = SNG 633 13.1 24 3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1506 Macedonia Macedonia Dium Leaded bronze (18 mm) Tiberius TI CAESAR DIVI F AVGVSTVS bare head of Tiberius, right COLONIA IVL DIENSIS, D D (in exergue) Livia, veiled with patera and sceptre, seated right BMC 3, AMNG II, 61, no. 6, APT 33, Kremydi Tiberius 1–13 4 G SNG 635 7.33 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1515 Macedonia Macedonia Cassandrea Leaded bronze (20 mm) Claudius TI CLA CAESAR AVG GERM P M T P laureate head of Claudius, left COL IVL AVG CASSANDR head of Ammon, right AMNG 6 (?), BMC 4, Cop 147 The coin illustrated by AkiNG as a coin of Claudius is probably one of Nero, in view of the left-facing head of Ammon. 7 G SNG 637 9.77 20 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1516 Macedonia Macedonia Cassandrea Leaded bronze (20 mm) Claudius TI CLA CAES AVG GERM P M TR P laureate head of Claudius, right COL IVL AVG CASSANDR head of Ammon, right BMC 3 2 G 1 20 6 1 GIC 576 ({AV}G (on reverse)) CASSANDRE(N?) at the end of the rev. legend no no no [show] [edit]
I 1516 Macedonia Macedonia Cassandrea Leaded bronze (20 mm) Claudius TI CLA CAES AVG GERM P M TR P laureate head of Claudius, right COL IVL AVG CASSANDR head of Ammon, right BMC 3 3 G 2 20 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1517 Macedonia Macedonia Cassandrea Leaded bronze (20 mm) Nero NERO CLAVD(IVS) CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P (IMP) P P radiate head of Nero, left COL IVL AVG CASSANDREN head of Ammon, left 4 G 4 Hunter 4 = SNG 640 20 6 1 no IMP no no no [show] [edit]
I 1517 Macedonia Macedonia Cassandrea Leaded bronze (20 mm) Nero NERO CLAVD(IVS) CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P (IMP) P P radiate head of Nero, left COL IVL AVG CASSANDREN head of Ammon, left 5 G 5 Hunter 5 = SNG 641 20 6 1 no IMP no no no [show] [edit]
I 1551 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica Antony and Octavian, year (?) 5 37 BC Leaded bronze (27 mm) ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣ, Ε (to l. or r.) draped bust of Eleutheria, right; Μ ΑΝΤ ΑΥΤ Γ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm BMC 62 axis: 12 or 6 15 G 38 27 1 Ε to l. no no no [show] [edit]
I 1551 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica Antony and Octavian, year (?) 5 37 BC Leaded bronze (27 mm) ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣ, Ε (to l. or r.) draped bust of Eleutheria, right; Μ ΑΝΤ ΑΥΤ Γ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm BMC 62 axis: 12 or 6 23 G 38 27 1 Ε to r. no no no [show] [edit]
I 1552a Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica Antony and Octavian, year (?) 5 37 BC Leaded bronze (23 mm) ΑΓΩΝΟΘΕΣΙΑ head of Agonothesia, right ΑΝΤ ΚΑΙ in wreath BMC 64, Cop 375 22 G 39 23 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1553 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica Antony and Octavian, year (?) 5 37 BC Leaded bronze (20 mm) ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ bust of Homonoia, right ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝ ΡΩΜ horse galloping, right AMNG 24, BMC 43, Cop 378 11 G 27 Thessalian League 20 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1588 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica Copper (23 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ bare head of Claudius, left ΒΡΕΤΑΝΝΙΚΟϹ ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝΙ(Κ)(Ε)(ΩΝ) draped bust of Britannicus, left Touratsoglou, Claudius 50–63 (53–4?) On one obv. die, Claudius wears a wreath. The specimen in Mu (89) weighing 15.61g, was struck on an unusually large flan: 30mm. Countermark: Bust of Apollo or helmeted head (GIG 1: 5 ex.). 10 G vol. 1, p. 371, 48 = SNG 678 9 22 6 1 GIC 1 (Apollo, head r.) no no no [show] [edit]
I 1589 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica Æ (22 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ bare head of Claudius, left ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ in three lines within wreath Touratsoglou, Claudius 64–8 1 G 46 7.9 22 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1596A Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica Issue III: laureate head, l. or r. Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ laureate head of Nero, left ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ below eagle in wreath Touratsoglou, Nero 11–13 axis: 12 or 6 2 G 46 8.46 23 1 GIC 537 (ΘƐϹ) no no no [show] [edit]
I 1602 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica Issue V: ΣΕΒΑΣΣΤΟΣ, bare head, l. Æ (28 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare head of Nero, left ΡΩΜΗ ΣΕΒΑΣΣΤΗ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ Roma standing, facing, holding spear and parazonium Touratsoglou, Nero 34–40 Countermark: ΘƐϹ (GIG 537= 5 ex.). axis: 12 or 6 2 G 50 17.2 28 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1607 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica Without emperor's head (reign of Nero?) Æ (16 mm) horse trotting, right; above, star in crescent; below, star ΘΕ(Σ)ΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ in four lines in wreath Touratsoglou, Pseudoautonomen I A 1–7 (reign of Claudius) 2 G 23 SNG 681 17.22 16 1 ill. as 1602/1 on pl. 79 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1609 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica Without emperor's head (reign of Nero?) Æ (16 mm) Nike on globe, left ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΕΩΝ in four lines in wreath Touratsoglou, Pseudoautonomen I A 1–11 (Nero/Vespasian) 2 G 24 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1612 Macedonia Macedonia Koinon of Macedonia Copper (23 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ head of Claudius, left ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ Macedonian shield AMNG 238–9, BMC 145, Cop 1334 axis: var 27 G 26 23 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1613 Macedonia Macedonia Koinon of Macedonia Copper (30 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ head of Nero, left ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ Ares standing, left, holding wreath and spear; to right, shield AMNG 240–1, BMC 147 5 G 27 30 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1614 Macedonia Macedonia Koinon of Macedonia Copper (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ head of Nero, left ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ Macedonian shield AMNG 242, BMC 146, Cop 1335 18 G 27 23 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1619 Macedonia Macedonia Koinon of Macedonia Æ (14 mm) ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ in three lines Macedonian shield AMNG 235 5 G 1 2.95 14 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1626 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis Leaded bronze (21 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΘΕΟΥ ΥΙΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ Artemis Tauropolos on bull, right BMC 73, Cop 89 On some coins, like 1626.19, 25 or 26, the bull wears clearly an isiac basileion between the horns. On this extremely interesting iconography, see R. Veymiers, "Le basileion, les reines et Actium", in L. Bricault & M.J. Versluys (eds.), Power, Politics and the Cults of Isis, Leiden 2014, p. 195-236 (esp. p. 195-6). 14 G 28 21 12 1 GIC 486 (?, 'shield', possibly a 'Θ' (on obverse)) no no no [show] [edit]
I 1626 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis Leaded bronze (21 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΘΕΟΥ ΥΙΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ Artemis Tauropolos on bull, right BMC 73, Cop 89 On some coins, like 1626.19, 25 or 26, the bull wears clearly an isiac basileion between the horns. On this extremely interesting iconography, see R. Veymiers, "Le basileion, les reines et Actium", in L. Bricault & M.J. Versluys (eds.), Power, Politics and the Cults of Isis, Leiden 2014, p. 195-236 (esp. p. 195-6). 15 G 28a 1917 21 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1627 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis Leaded bronze (22 mm) ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ bust of Artemis with bow and quiver, right ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ statue group of Augustus in military dress, raising hand, and being crowned by male figure (probably laureate and bearded) wearing toga; all on basis decorated with three bucrania AMNG 69, BMC 77, Cop 94 3 G 29 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1627 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis Leaded bronze (22 mm) ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ bust of Artemis with bow and quiver, right ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ statue group of Augustus in military dress, raising hand, and being crowned by male figure (probably laureate and bearded) wearing toga; all on basis decorated with three bucrania AMNG 69, BMC 77, Cop 94 4 G 30 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1629 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis Æ (21 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ bare head of Augutus, right ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛ(Ε)ΙΤΩΝ Artemis Tauropolos on bull, right 9 G 27 21 12 1 ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ no no no [show] [edit]
I 1632 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis Leaded bronze (21 mm) Tiberius ΤΙ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Tiberius, right ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ Artemis Tauropolos on bull, right AMNG 73, BMC 80 axis: 12 or 6 5 G 32 21 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1634 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis Leaded bronze (22 mm) Livia ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ ΘΕΑ veiled head of Livia, right ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ Artemis Tauropolos on bull, right BMC 79 3 G 31 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1647 Macedonia Macedonia Philippi Antony Quintus Paquius Rufus Æ (21 mm) Mark Antony A I C V P head of Antony, right Q PAQVIVS RVF LEG C D togate figure, seated, left on chair holding up writing board (?); at feet, urn AMNG 11, ZfN 1929, 262, no. 2, FITA 274, Cop 304 14 G p. 738, 59 21 12 1 GIC — (hand holding caduceus) no no no [show] [edit]
I 1651 Macedonia Macedonia Philippi Uncertain date - Claudian or Neronian? Copper (18 mm) VIC AVG Victory with wreath and palm, left, on base COHOR PRAE PHIL three standards AMNG 14–15, BMC 23, Cop 305, FITA 274 axis: 12 or 6; There is a small coin in P (1070, IS mm, 2.25 g) which lacks any inscriptions: a smaller denomination, or an imitation? 46 G 1 18 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1651 Macedonia Macedonia Philippi Uncertain date - Claudian or Neronian? Copper (18 mm) VIC AVG Victory with wreath and palm, left, on base COHOR PRAE PHIL three standards AMNG 14–15, BMC 23, Cop 305, FITA 274 axis: 12 or 6; There is a small coin in P (1070, IS mm, 2.25 g) which lacks any inscriptions: a smaller denomination, or an imitation? 47 G 2 18 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1653 Macedonia Macedonia Philippi Copper (26 mm) Claudius TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P (IMP) (P P) bare head of Claudius, left COL AVG IVL PHILIP, DIVVS AVG (on base) statue of Augustus in military dress crowned by statue of Divus Julius wearing toga on central base; altar, left and right AMNG 17, Cop 307, BMC 24 axis: 12 or 6 11 G 5 pl. 20.4 26 1 TR P IMP no no no [show] [edit]
I 1819 Moesia Moesia Tomis Without emperor's head Apollo(nios?) Æ (15 mm) head of Demeter, right; before, ear of corn ΤΟΜΙ(ΤωΝ), ΑΠΟΛω two ears of corn AMNG 2513, Mouchmov 1720 Coin 22-24 have the reverse legend ΤΟΜΙΤⲰΝ axis: 12 or 6 4 G 4 15 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1849A Northern Black Sea Bosporus Kingdom of the Bosporus AV Asander Φ diademed head of Asander, right ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΣΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Π (in field), Η Nike standing, left, on prow, with wreath and palm Year 8 accepted by Nawotka (8a) on the basis of a lead proof in NY. 2 G 201 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1904 Northern Black Sea Bosporus Kingdom of the Bosporus Æ (23 mm) Tiberius ΓΑΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΥ bare head of Tiberius, right ΒΑΡ ΙΒ bare head, right BMC Rhescuporis I 8, Cop 24 3 G SNG 1027 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1910 Northern Black Sea Bosporus Kingdom of the Bosporus Æ (22 mm) Mithradates ΒΑϹΙΛΕΩϹ ΜΙΘΡΑΔΑΤΟΥ diademed head of Mithridates, right ΙΒ bow in case, lion skin with club and trident BMC 1, Cop 27 Fifty-two specimens known to Frolova. Rev has bow in case, rather than bow. 5 G 1 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1910 Northern Black Sea Bosporus Kingdom of the Bosporus Æ (22 mm) Mithradates ΒΑϹΙΛΕΩϹ ΜΙΘΡΑΔΑΤΟΥ diademed head of Mithridates, right ΙΒ bow in case, lion skin with club and trident BMC 1, Cop 27 Fifty-two specimens known to Frolova. Rev has bow in case, rather than bow. 6 G 2 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1910 Northern Black Sea Bosporus Kingdom of the Bosporus Æ (22 mm) Mithradates ΒΑϹΙΛΕΩϹ ΜΙΘΡΑΔΑΤΟΥ diademed head of Mithridates, right ΙΒ bow in case, lion skin with club and trident BMC 1, Cop 27 Fifty-two specimens known to Frolova. Rev has bow in case, rather than bow. 7 G 3 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1934 Northern Black Sea Bosporus Kingdom of the Bosporus In the name of Kotys, but perhaps minted by Rhaeskuporis Æ (21 mm) ΤΕΙΜΑΙ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΚΟΤΥΟΣ chair with crown and sceptre ΤΟΥ ΑΣΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ, ΚΔ (below) shield and spear surrounded by horse's head, radiate head, helmet and sword in scabbard BMC 10, Cop 30 Frolova lists three examples in Moscow and two in Leningrad. Obv. Chair with crown and sceptre = Curule chair with wreath and sceptre? 8 G 1 21 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 1936 Northern Black Sea Bosporus Caesarea Late first century BC Æ (20 mm) veiled female head, wearing kalathos, right ΚΑΙΣΑΡΕΩΝ, Η (in field) sceptre BMC Agrippias Caesarea 4 10 G 1 (p. 215) SNG 1047 6.14 20 12 1 reverse is more probably a torch, not a sceptre no no no [show] [edit]
I 2018 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Prusa ad Olympum after 62 Æ (21 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ radiate head of Nero, right ΠΡΟΥΣΑΕΩΝ wreath Rec 6 axis: 12 or 6 1 G 2 6.05 21 1 17302 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2046 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicaea c. 48–9 Lucius Mindius Balbus Æ (20 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ bare head of Claudius, left Λ ΜΙΝΔΙΟΣ ΒΑΛΒΟΣ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΣ (around) ΝΕΙΚΑΙΑ Rec 24 axis: 6 or 12 3 G 5 4.13 20 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2047 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicaea c. 50 Publius Pasidienus Firmus Brass (28 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ bare head of Claudius, left ΠΑΣΙΔΙΗΝΟΣ ΦΙΡΜΟΣ ΠΑΤΡΩΝ ΠΟ (around) ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΣ, ΝΕΙΚ (monogram) Rec 24 7 G 4 28 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2063 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicomedia c. 25 BC Thorius Flaccus Æ (21 mm) ΗΡΑ ΛΑΝΟΙΑ, ΝΙΚΟΜΗ head of Juno Lanuvia, right ΕΠΙ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΥ ΘΩΡΙΟΥ boar, right; monograms: the first one including the letters ΡΜΕ (and more), the second one including the letter Δ (and more) Rec 11 2 G 3 pl. XLVI.17 21 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2117 Bithynia-Pontus Paphlagonia Sinope Year 35 (probably) 12/11 BC Æ (21 mm) Augustus C I F AN XXXV bare head of Augustus, right EX D D jugate heads of Gaius and Lucius, right Rec —, FITA 253 (10) The year is not certain, as it runs into the edge of the flan. On the other hand, the obv. die is different from any known with XXXVI or XXXVII. 1 G SNG 1143 7.93 21 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 2129 Bithynia-Pontus Paphlagonia Sinope Year 83 37/8 Copper (17 mm) Caligula C CAE AVG GER EX D D bare head of Caligula, right C I F AN LXXXIII two colonists ploughing, right Rec 93 axis: 6 or 5. 8 G 15 4.44 17 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2137 Bithynia-Pontus Paphlagonia Sinope Year 103 57/8 Æ (21 mm) Nero NERO CLAVD CAES AVG AN(NI) CIII laureate head of Nero, right OCTAVIAE AVG C I F bust of Claudia Octavia, right Rec 96 = 96a = ?97a Rec 97a (pl. XXVII.9) seems to be from the same obv. die as G 16, in which case it is of year 103, not 104. 1 G SNG 1145 4.96 21 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2139 Bithynia-Pontus Paphlagonia Sinope Year 104 58/9 Copper (21 mm) Nero NERO CLAVDI CAES AVG ANN(I) CIIII laureate head of Nero, right OCTAVIAE AVG C I F bust of Claudia Octavia, left Rec 97 axis: 12 or 9. 2 G SNG 1146 3.92 21 6 1 17519 17520 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2227 Asia Uncertain Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Class 1 about 27 BC Æ (34 mm) Augustus IMP CAISAR bare head of Augustus, right C A inscription in rostral wreath RIC 496 corr., Howgego 1a: sestertius Only 2 specimens. 1 G SNG 1181 17.37 34 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2231 Asia Uncertain Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Class 1 about 27 BC Æ (22 mm) Augustus CAISAR bare head of Augustus, right AVGVSTVS inscription in two lines in laurel wreath BMC 730, AMC 713, RIC 485, Howgego 1e: as O = AMC 717 (Howgego, pl. 2.2) has CAESAR, and is either some sort of imitation or intermediate between 2231 and 2235 (Howgego 1e/2c). 3 G 293 12.07 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2231 Asia Uncertain Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Class 1 about 27 BC Æ (22 mm) Augustus CAISAR bare head of Augustus, right AVGVSTVS inscription in two lines in laurel wreath BMC 730, AMC 713, RIC 485, Howgego 1e: as O = AMC 717 (Howgego, pl. 2.2) has CAESAR, and is either some sort of imitation or intermediate between 2231 and 2235 (Howgego 1e/2c). 4 G 294 10.84 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2233 Asia Uncertain Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Class 2 c. 25 BC Æ (35 mm) Augustus AVGVSTVS bare head of Augustus, right C A inscription in laurel wreath BMC 713, AMC 696, RIC 501, Howgego 2a: sestertius Countermarks: 'Horseman of Thrace' (GIC 285 = FITA 105, n. 22); ΤΟΝΖΟΥ (GIC 568: Sofia = L casts); {AV}G (GIC 578). The three countermarks all seem to be Thracian in origin. 10 G 286 21.79 35 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2234 Asia Uncertain Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Class 2 c. 25 BC Brass (26 mm) Augustus AVGVSTVS bare head of Augustus, right C A inscription in rostral wreath BMC 721, AMC 701, RIC 502, Howgego 2b: dupondius Metal analysis: NC 1904, 214. 10 G 287 26 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2234 Asia Uncertain Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Class 2 c. 25 BC Brass (26 mm) Augustus AVGVSTVS bare head of Augustus, right C A inscription in rostral wreath BMC 721, AMC 701, RIC 502, Howgego 2b: dupondius Metal analysis: NC 1904, 214. 11 G 288 26 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2235 Asia Uncertain Uncertain Asian mint of CA coinage Class 2 c. 25 BC Æ (25 mm) Augustus CAESAR bare head of Augustus, right AVGVSTVS inscription one line in laurel wreath BMC 731, AMC 710, RIC 486 (part), Howgego 2c: as For halved pieces, see Sardis excavations (T.V. Buttrey, Ann Johnston, Kenneth M. MacKenzie and Michael L. Bates, Greek, Roman and Islamic Coins from Sardis) and L 1975-2-5-1. 5 is from near Aezani (B. Levick and S. Mitchell, Monuments from the Aezanitis, p. 193, no. 26. 2235 differs from 4100 mainly in the treatment of the portrait.Countermarks: Branch (GIC 382), uncertain objects (GIC 494-5), AVG (GIC 577), {AV}G (GIC 578) and TI CAE (GIC 602). Most of the countermarks seem to be Thracian. incorrect numbering after specimen 13. 8 G 290 25 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2266 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Mysia Parium Æ (24 mm) Nero NER(O) CLA CAE laureate head of Nero, right; in field, star AVGVSTVS D D capricorn with cornucopia, right 2 G uncertain 7.26 1 NER; the correct reading of the obverse does seem to be CLAV F (as given by Madonald Uncertain 67). Could it be a separate issue? no no no [show] [edit]
I 2268 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Mysia Lampsacus c. 45 BC(?) Lucius Pontius ; Marcus Turius ; Quintus Lucretius Leaded bronze (22 mm) Julius Caesar C G I L laureate head of Caesar, right Q LVCRETI(O) L PONTI(O) IIVIR M TVRIO LEG priest ploughing with oxen, right FITA 246 (1) Because of the state of preservation of the coins, it is usually impossible to tell whether the duoviral names end -I or -IO; -IO is clear, however, on 11 and 14. 3 G Hunter uncertain 60, pl. 102.26 = SNG Glasgow 1235 8.42 22 12 1 GIC — (cornucopia between C C in square punch (on obverse)) some doubt on cmk no no no [show] [edit]
I 2280 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Mysia Lampsacus Leaded bronze (16 mm) Caligula Γ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒ bare head of Caligula, right ΛΑΜΨΑ head of Priapus, right Cop 231 corr. 10 G 12 16 12 1 'Augustus' no no no [show] [edit]
I 2312 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Ilium Brass (25 mm) Augustus ; Caligula ΓΑΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΘΕΟϹ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΙ facing heads of Caligula (laureate) and Augustus (radiate) ΘΕΑ ΡΩΜΗ ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ ΙΛΙ bust of Roma facing bust of Senate; between, statue of Athena Bellinger T120, BMC 37, Cop 387 15 G 5 25 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2314 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Ilium AD 41/2? Brass (21 mm) Claudius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟϹ ΚΛΑΟΥΔΙΟϹ (sic) ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ bare head of Claudius, right ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΥ ΥΙΟϹ ΙΛΙ bare head of Britannicus, right; before, sceptre surmounted by owl and monogram (ΑΦΥ?) Bellinger T123, BMC 40, Cop 388 11 G 6 21 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2369 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Mysia Pergamum Year 6 c. AD 30 (?) Publius Petronius Brass (20 mm) Tiberius ; Livia ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΙ ΕΠΙ ΠΕΤΡΩΝΙΟΥ ΤΟ Ϛ draped bust of Livia and laureate head of Tiberius facing each other ΘΕΟΝ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΝ ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΟΙ temple with four columns enclosing statue of Augustus, resting on spear with his right hand BMC 253, Cop 468 23 G 55 20 12 1 'ΤΟ Ε' no no no [show] [edit]
I 2369 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Mysia Pergamum Year 6 c. AD 30 (?) Publius Petronius Brass (20 mm) Tiberius ; Livia ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΙ ΕΠΙ ΠΕΤΡΩΝΙΟΥ ΤΟ Ϛ draped bust of Livia and laureate head of Tiberius facing each other ΘΕΟΝ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΝ ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΟΙ temple with four columns enclosing statue of Augustus, resting on spear with his right hand BMC 253, Cop 468 24 G 56 20 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2382 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Lydia Thyatira First issue c. AD 55/60 Æ (17 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑ draped bust of Nero, right (lightly bearded) ΘΥΑΤΕΙΡΗΝΩΝ double axe BMC 62, Cop 597 19 G 12 17 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2412 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Ionia Chios Eudemos ; Diogenes AR ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ sphinx seated, left; before, bunch of grapes ΔΙΟΓΕΝΗΣ ΕΥΔΗΜΟΣ amphora Mavrogordato 82 2 G 47 = MG 656, no. 395 = SNG 1385 3.16 18 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2423 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Ionia Chios Tiberius Claudius Gorgias, son of Dorotheos Leaded bronze (17 mm) sphinx seated, right, before club ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥ ΓΟΡΓΙΑΣ ΔΩΡΟΘΕΟΥ, ΧΙΟϹ amphora Mavrogordato 92 2 G 49 = SNG 1386 2.58 17 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2424 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Ionia Chios Asmenos Leaded bronze (17 mm) sphinx seated, left ΑϹΜΕΝΟϹ ΧΙΟϹ amphora Mavrogordato 90–1α The rough style and letter forms recall the silver issue of Minu- for Antiochos (2416). 10 G SNG 1387 4.1 17 9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2424 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Ionia Chios Asmenos Leaded bronze (17 mm) sphinx seated, left ΑϹΜΕΝΟϹ ΧΙΟϹ amphora Mavrogordato 90–1α The rough style and letter forms recall the silver issue of Minu- for Antiochos (2416). 11 G SNG 1388 3.42 17 9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2437 Asia (conventus of Smyrna) Ionia Phocaea Hermokrates Æ (15 mm) Claudius ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ laureate head of Claudius, right ΦΩ, ΕΡΜΟΚΡΑΤΗϹ forepart of griffin, right 1 G 9 4.84 15 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 2704 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Miletus Brass (20 mm) Caligula ΓΑΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Caligula, right; before, star ΜΙΛΗΣΙΩΝ ΘΕΑ ΔΡΟΥΣΙΛΛΑ draped bust of Drusilla, right BMC 144 axis: 12 or 6. 5 G 16 20 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2709 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Miletus Æ (20 mm) Claudius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, left; before, star ΜΙΛΗΣΙΩΝ temple with six columns For the identity of the temple, see introduction. 3 G SNG 1872 5.43 20 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2735 Asia (conventus of Halicarnassus) Caria Cos c. 10 BC / AD 10? Charmylos II Æ (15 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Augustus, right ΚΩΙΩΝ ΧΑΡΜΥ head of Heracles wearing lion skin, right 2 G SNG 1876 2.48 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2737 Asia (conventus of Halicarnassus) Caria Cos c. 10 BC / AD 10? Pythonikos, son of Timoxenos Leaded bronze (15 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Augustus, right ΚΩΙΩΝ ΠΥΘΟΝΙΚΟΣ head of Heracles wearing lion skin, right BMC 230, AMC 1355, Cop 700 22 G SNG 1877 4.13 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2737 Asia (conventus of Halicarnassus) Caria Cos c. 10 BC / AD 10? Pythonikos, son of Timoxenos Leaded bronze (15 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Augustus, right ΚΩΙΩΝ ΠΥΘΟΝΙΚΟΣ head of Heracles wearing lion skin, right BMC 230, AMC 1355, Cop 700 23 G SNG 1878 2.57 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2737 Asia (conventus of Halicarnassus) Caria Cos c. 10 BC / AD 10? Pythonikos, son of Timoxenos Leaded bronze (15 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Augustus, right ΚΩΙΩΝ ΠΥΘΟΝΙΚΟΣ head of Heracles wearing lion skin, right BMC 230, AMC 1355, Cop 700 24 G SNG 1879 2.44 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2738 Asia (conventus of Halicarnassus) Caria Cos c. 10 BC / AD 10? Sophokles, son of Timoxenos Leaded bronze (19 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΚΩΙΩΝ laureate head of Augustus, right ΣΟΦΟΚΛΗΣ ΤΙΜΟΞΕΝΟΥ ΕΙΡΑΝΑ diademed bust of Eirene, right, with olive branch in front BMC 224, AMC 1351, Cop 698 13 G SNG 1880 6.13 19 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2739 Asia (conventus of Halicarnassus) Caria Cos c. 10 BC / AD 10? Sophokles, son of Timoxenos Leaded bronze (15 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Augustus, right ΚΩΙΩΝ ΣΟΦΟΚΛΗΣ club and serpent with staff BMC 226, AMC 1352, Cop 699 17 G SNG 1881 2.92 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2822 Asia (conventus of Alabanda) Caria Alabanda probably AD 54/9 Brass (34 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare head of Nero, right ΑΛΑΒΑΝΔΕΩΝ draped bust (of Apollo?), right BMC 30 The bust on the rev. is described in BMC, followed by Macdonald and by von Aulock, as of Dionysus wearing an ivy wreath; but the type of wreath is not clear, and Apollo would seem the obvious choice. Letter form Ⳟ. J. Goddard points out that all three specimens have identical flans and metal breaks. So two at least must be old cast forgeries, perhaps all three if there is another as yet untraced original. On the other hand the brass used for the L specimen is found for other Alabandan issues. 2 G SNG 1902F 17.41 34 12 1 17716 17717 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2856 Asia (conventus of Alabanda) Caria Heraclea Salbace Tiberius? Apollonios II Leaded bronze (19 mm) Tiberius ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Tiberius (?), right ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΣ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΥ ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΩΝ Heracles walking, left, with arm extended and club BMC 15, cf. Robert 219 22 G 2 19 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2894 Asia (conventus of Cibyra) Phrygia Laodicea ad Lycum c. 15 BC Zeuxis philalethes Leaded bronze (19 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Augustus, right; before, lituus ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ ΖΕΥΞΙΣ ΦΙΛΑΛΗΘΗΣ Zeus Laodiceus standing, left, holding eagle and staff BMC 151 11 G 9 18 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2903 Asia (conventus of Cibyra) Phrygia Laodicea ad Lycum Pythes II Æ (14 mm) ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ laureate bust of Apollo with lyre, right ΠΥΘΗΣ ΠΥΘΟΥ cista mystica with serpent emerging left and surmounted by headdress of Isis BMC 61, AMC 1395, Cop 510 For a specimen found at Sebastopolis, see L. Robert, La Carie II, p. 33. —— Corr. P 1440a (2903/11) is a specimen of RPC I, 2905 and has been moved there; P 1437a (2903/10) is a specimen of RPC II, 1278 and has been moved there. 15 G M 2, 490, 7 = SNG 1940 14 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2951 Asia (conventus of Cibyra) Phrygia Hierapolis Group II: Augustus and Gaius c. 5 BC Heras, son of Epainetos Leaded bronze (19 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΗΡΑΣ ΕΠΑΙΝΕΤΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ tripod 2 G SNG 1947 19 12 1 27991 28003 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2954 Asia (conventus of Cibyra) Phrygia Hierapolis Group III: Augustus alone c. AD 5 Iollas II Leaded bronze (19 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΙΟΛΛΑΣ ΙΟΛΛΟΥ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΥΣ ΙΕΡΑΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ lyre BMC 107 6 G SNG 1948 6 18 12 1 28016 28014 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2987 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Sardis Damas Æ (20 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ bare head of Augustus, right ΣΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ ΔΑΜΑΣ inscription in three lines in wreath 5 G 18 5.37 20 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2989 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Sardis Opinas ; Akiamos Æ (20 mm) Tiberius ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ ΥΙΟΣ bare head of Tiberius, right ΣΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ ΟΠΙΝΑΣ ΑΚΙΑΜΟΣ inscription in three lines in wreath BMC 102 7 G 19 8.34 20 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3024 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Philadelphia Group I (Ε, Σ, Ω) Menekles philopatris Æ (18 mm) Caligula ΓΑΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare head of Caligula, right ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ ΜΕΝΕΚΛΗΣ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΡΙΣ laureate busts of the Dioscuri, jugate, right 8 G 284 3.44 18 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3074 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Phrygia Aezani Group I Praximes Æ (16 mm) Caligula Γ ΚΑΙϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ laureate head of Caligula, right ΑΙΖΑΝΙΤΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΠΡΑΞΙΜΕ draped bust of Artemis with bow, right vA Aezani 37 corr. For the identification of the head on the rev. as Artemis rather than Agrippina I, see Trillmich, Familienpropaganda der Kaiser Caligula und Claudius, p. 134, n. 479. The name Πραξιμέωης is attested at Aezani (Levick and Mitchell al., Monuments from the Aezanitis, no. 90). 5 G 4 (pl. 56.10) 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3076 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Phrygia Aezani Group II Straton Medes Æ (20 mm) Caligula ΓΑΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ laureate head of Caligula, right ΑΙΖΑΝΙΤΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΣΤΡΑΤΩΝΟΣ ΜΗΔΗΟΥ Zeus standing, left, with eagle and sceptre BMC 62 6 G 3 20 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3096 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Phrygia Aezani Group I (with 'magistrates' names) Menogenes, son of Nannas Æ (20 mm) Claudius ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ laureate head of Claudius, right ΕΠΙ ΜΗΝΟΓΕΝΟΥ(Ϲ) ΤΟ(Υ) ΝΑΝΝΑ ΑΙΖΑΝΙΤΩΝ Zeus standing, left, with eagle and sceptre BMC 79, Cop 87 For Nannas, see 3073; for Nannas and Menogenes, see Robert, op. cit. 16 G 5 20 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3103 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Phrygia Aezani Æ (16 mm) Agrippina II ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑΝ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗΝ draped bust of Agrippina II (?), right ΑΙΖΑΝΙΤΩΝ veiled bust of Persephone with poppy and two ears of corn before BMC 93 3 G 6 2.9 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3113 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Phrygia Ancyra c. AD 62/3 Tiberius Bassillos ; Publius Volasenna Brass (15 mm) ΘΕΟΝ ΣΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ draped bust of Senate, right ΠΟ ΟΥΟΛΑΣΕΝΝΑ ΑΝΚΥΡΑΝΩΝ, ΑΙΤΗΣΑ(ΜΕ) ΒΑΣΣΙΛΛ (in field) stele BMC 1 7 G 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3149 Asia (conventus of Apamea) Phrygia Eumenea Iulius Kleon Brass (19 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ draped bust of Nero, right ΕΥΜΕΝΕΩΝ ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ ΚΛΕΩΝ ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΥΣ ΑΣΙΑΣ Apollo standing, left, with raven and double axe BMC 41, Cop 394 18 G 1 19 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3213 Asia (conventus of Synnada) Phrygia Docimeum c. AD 55? Brass (19 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare-headed, draped bust of Nero, right ΔΟΚΙΜΕΩΝ Cybele standing, facing, between two lions BMC 18 axis: 12 or 6. 7 G M 2, 485, 2 = SNG 2042 19 1 GIC 224 (bearded male bust, l.) no no no [show] [edit]
I 3218 Asia (conventus of Synnada) Phrygia Cotiaeum Bronze (30 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ bare head of Nero, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ ΚΟΤΙΑΕΩΝ draped bust of Agrippina II, right BMC 30 Forgery. The 3 specimens are from the same die; the suspicious features are their unexpected size and weight. In addition the fabric is suspect: they have all identical flan shapes and the same defect on the reverse at 2 o'clock 2 G SNG 2044F 21.38 30 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 3358 Lycia-Pamphylia Lycia Termessus by Oenoanda Æ (17 mm) Tiberius laureate head of Tiberius (?), right ΤΕΡ ΟΙ horse galloping, left BMC 15, Cop 145, Kosmetatou XIV 3358-61 J. J. Coulton, ‘Termessians at Oinoanda’, Anatolian Studies 32, 1982, pp. 115-31, discusses the site of Termessos. He thinks that the Lycian Termessians established themselves at Oinoanda, so that the city was inhabited by two groups which retained their political structures. 13 G 17 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3363 Lycia-Pamphylia Pamphylia Attalea Uncertain emperor: Augustus? Æ (19 mm) Augustus bare head of Augustus (?), right ΑΤΤΑΛΕΩΝ helmeted head of Athena, right Baydur 155–6 ('Claudius') The portrait seems different from that on 3366, attributable to Claudius; it seems most like that of Augustus. 2 G SNG 2074 4.92 19 6 1 17872 17873 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3562 Galatia Galatia Koinon of Galatia Series 4: (a) Tavium? 62/5 Æ (27 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ laureate head of Nero, right ΠΟΠΠΑΙΑΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗΣ draped bust of Poppaea, right Devreker 192, no. 13, cf. 175, no. 16 A note in P by Seyrig reads, 'ces pièces se rencontrent souvent en Syrie. Peut-être ciliciennes, cfr. RN 1964' (cf. no. 3560). This is probably not a complete listing, since the coins may be housed in very different places in museum collections (e.g., it would be surprising if there were no examples in B, somewhere). Devreker, p. 175, no. 16 (the same coin with ΠΕΣ below the bust of Poppaea) is based only on Mionnet, and is probably a misreading, as there seem to be no letters there. Devreker, p. 192, no. 14 (24mm. ΑΥΤ Κ ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔ ΣΕΒ/ΠΟΠΠΑΙΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΗ) is based only on Mi 4.391.107 and seems most implausible. Van der Dussen 24, 1-2 June 1995, lot 3970 reports a second countermarked example (but unillustrated). axis: 1 or 12. 14 G p. 739 27 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3565 Galatia Galatia Koinon of Galatia Series 4: (b) Tavium? AD 68/9 Æ (27 mm) Galba ΓΑΛΒΑϹ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ bare head of Galba, right ϹΕΡΟΥΙΟϹ ΓΑΛΒΑϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ Mên standing, left, holding patera and pine cone 9 G M 2, 567/1 and pl. lxi.21 = SNG 2154 13.09 27 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3606 Cappadocia Cappadocia Caesarea Year 42 AD 6/7 Drachm Archelaos diademed head of Archelaus, right; fillet border ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΡΧΕΛΑΟΥ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΡΙΔΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΚΤΙΣΤΟΥ, Μ-Β club BMC 4, Simonetta 5, Ganschow I, p. 15 AR 88%. 8 G SNG 2196 3.27 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3620 Cappadocia Cappadocia Caesarea First group (Greek legends) Drachm Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Tiberius, right ΘΕΟΥ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ ΥΙΟΣ Mount Argaeus, surmounted by radiate and naked statue, holding globe and sceptre S 42, BMC 11, Walker 429–35; Ganschow 33 AR 86%. 52 coins, 30 obv. dies. 11 G SNG 2197 3.29 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3623B Cappadocia Cappadocia Caesarea Second group (Latin legends) AD 33/4 Drachm Augustus DIVVS AVGVSTVS radiate head of Augustus, left GERMANICVS CAES TI AVGV COS II P M bearded head of Germanicus, right S 50–3, BMC 105, Walker 440–3, RIC Caligula 60–2, Ganschow 36 3623A–E: AR 89%;16 coins, 10 obv. dies. 3 G 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3625 Cappadocia Cappadocia Caesarea Didrachm Claudius TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P laureate head of Claudius, left DE BRITANNIS Emperor in triumphal quadriga, right S 55, BMC 237, Walker 449–52, RIC 122 AR 86%. 30 coins, 15 dies. 12 G SNG 2201 6.89 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3645 Cappadocia Cappadocia Caesarea Hemidrachm Nero NERO CLAVD DIVI CLAVD F CAESAR AVG GERMAN(I) laureate head of Nero, right Nike seated on globe, right, holding wreath with both hands S 82, BMC 409, Walker 466–9, RIC 617, Ganschow 59 AR 84%. 23 coins, 18 obv. dies. 7 G SNG 2202 1.79 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3646 Cappadocia Cappadocia Caesarea Hemidrachm Nero NERO CLAVD DIVI CLAVD F CAESAR AVG GERMANI laureate head of Nero, right Nike standing, right, with foot on globe and inscribing shield set on knee S 83, BMC 411, Walker 470–2, RIC 618, Ganschow 60 AR 84%. 19 coins, 16 obv. dies. 13 G SNG 2203 1.63 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 3654 Cappadocia Cappadocia Caesarea Sura Æ (20 mm) Germanicus ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ ΚΑΙ[ϹΑΡ] bare head of Germanicus, right ΕΠΙ ϹΟΥΡΑ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΗΑϹ head of Tyche, right S 54, RSN 1898, 46; Ganschow I, p. 46 Typ X1 The flans of both coins are very similar, and one (perhaps both?) must be a forgery. Ganschow I, p. 53, rejects this coin from Caesarea in Cappadocia, and suggests that it belongs to another Caesarea. 2 G SNG 2200 5.75 20 9 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 3657 Cappadocia Cappadocia Caesarea AD 48 Æ (19 mm) Valeria Messallina ΜΕϹϹΑΛΛΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΥ draped bust of Messalina, right ΑΝΤωΝΙΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Antonia, right Sv 29, Ganschow 47 For attribution, see introduction. 4 G Crete 5, SNG 2204 3.69 19 12 1 GIC 545 (Κ.Θ) no no no [show] [edit]
I 3842 Kingdom of Armenia Armenia Artaxata Tigranes III? or V? c. 10/5 BC or c.AD 6 Æ (21 mm) Tigranes III ; Tigranes V ΒΑϹΙΛΕΥϹ ΜΕΓΑϹ ΝΕΟϹ ΤΙΓΡΑΝΗϹ bust of Tigranes III (?) or V (?), wearing diadem and tiara, right ΕΡΑΤΩ ΒΑϹΙΛΕΩϹ ΤΙΓΡΑΝΟΥ ΑΔΕΛΦΗ draped bust of Erato, left Bedoukian 165–6, Kovacs 179 The rev. legend on 2 reads ΒΑϹΙΛƐΥϹ ΒΑϹΙΛƐWΝ ΤΙΓΡΑΝΗϹ: as Bedoukian (p. 39) remarks, the title 'king of kings' is unexpected, and in fact the legend does not really look authentic. It seems that it may have been altered from the normal reading, which occurs on the Glasgow coin and on 3841. 1 G Vol. III, p. 4, and pl. LXIII.6 = SNG 2389 6.95 21 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4012 Syria Cilicia Augusta AD 67/8 Æ (25 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ laureate head of Nero, right ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΑΝΩΝ ΕΤΟΥΣ ΗΜ bust of Dionysus with thyrsus, right; behind, cantharus BMC 5, Karbach 40–46 3 obv. and 7 rev. dies. 5 G 1 11.33 25 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4021 Syria Cilicia Mallus Diphilos ; Rufus Æ (23 mm) Nero ΝΕΡΩΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Nero, right, with aegis ΜΑΛΛΩΤΩΝ, ΔΙΦΙ ΡΟΥ Tyche, standing left, holding cornucopia; below, to left and right, two river gods KM 472, no. 12 The 'star' can now be seen, on the clearer specimens of 4021A, to be an elaborate aegis. While 4021A has ΔΙΦ and ΡΟΥ, there seems to be an additional letter on 4021, probably making ΔΙ ΦΙ ΡΟΥ. 1 G 1 KM 12 = SNG 2358 9.11 23 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4056 Syria Cilicia Mopsus Year 118 AD 50/1 Æ (22 mm) draped bust of Tyche, right; before, ear of corn ΜΟΨΕΑΤΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ ΗΙΡ Apollo (?) holding branch and leaning on tripod von Aulock 13 4 G 606 5.41 22 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4067 Syria Cilicia Epiphanea AD 31/32 Æ (18 mm) Tiberius draped and veiled bust of Tyche, right ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΘϘ (in exergue) Zeus, seated left, holding Nike and sceptre 1 G 1 18 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4070 Syria Cilicia Epiphanea AD 39/40 Æ (18 mm) draped head of Tyche, right ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΖΡ (in exergue) Zeus, seated left, holding Nike and sceptre BMC 1 may be an example, but the date is illegible. 1 G 2 18 1 date not certain no no no [show] [edit]
I 4128 Syria Syria Antioch posthumous tetradrachms of Philip, year 4 46/45 BC Tetradrachm diademed head of Philip Philadelphus, right ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ, ΑΥΤ, Δ (in exergue) Zeus, seated left, holding Nike and sceptre Newell 8, Prieur 5, McAlee 5 9 coins, 7 obv. dies. 3 G 13 14.33 1 17175 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4154 Syria Syria Antioch Year 29, cos XII Oct. – Dec. 3 BC Tetradrachm Augustus ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ laureate head of Augustus, right ΕΤΟΥΣ ΘΚ ΝΙΚΗΣ, ΥΠΑ ΙΒ (and) ΑΝΤ (in field) Tyche of Antioch seated, right, with palm branch; before river god Orontes Wr. 5, Prieur 53, McAlee 183 2 coins, 0.5 obv. die. Same obv. die, and as that used in year 28, and year 29, cos 13. 1 G SNG 2762 15.25 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4164 Syria Syria Antioch Year 1 AD 37 Tetradrachm Caligula ΓΑΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑ ΓΕΡΜΑ laureate head of Caligula, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΙΝΗΣ ΑΝΤΙΟ ΜΗΤΡΟ, ΕΤ Α (to r.) draped bust of Agrippina I, right; to left, dot BMC 163, Cop 149, Prieur 63-63a, McAlee 221-2 5 coins, ?5 obv. dies 3 G 79 14.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4166 Syria Syria Antioch Year 2 AD 37/8 Tetradrachm Caligula ΓΑΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑ ΓΕΡΜΑ laureate head of Caligula, right ΑΓΡΙΠΠΕΙΝΗΣ ΑΝΤΙΟ ΜΗΤΡΟ, ΕΤ Β (to r.) draped bust of Agrippina I, right, to left, dot BMC 165, Prieur 65, McAlee 224 5 G 80 14.89 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4174 Syria Syria Antioch Year 3/105 AD 56/7 Tetradrachm Nero ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ ΥΙ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒ head of Nero with oak wreath, right ΘΕΟΥ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ, Γ ΕΡ (to r.) laureate head of Claudius, right Wr. 31, Prieur 73, McAlee 252 5 coins, 2 obv. dies. 4 G 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4179 Syria Syria Antioch Year 3/105 AD 56/7 Drachm Nero ΝΕΡΩΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑ laureate head of Nero, right ΔΡΑΧΜΗ ΕΡ Γ (in exergue) tripod with serpent Wr. 35 7 G 1 17221 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4195 Syria Syria Antioch Year 1 AD 68? Tetradrachm Galba ΓΑΛΒΑϹ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ laureate head of Galba, right; to right, star ΕΤΟΥϹ ΝΕΟΥ ΙΕΡΟΥ Α eagle on thunderbolt, left; to left, palm branch Wr. 56, Prieur 95, McAlee 304 So far no specimen has been recorded for year 2 with this obv., but it seems probable that such pieces may exist. axis: 1 or 2. 2 G M. 3. 157, 116 = SNG 2849 13.96 23 12 1 17233 pierced no no no [show] [edit]
I 4228 Syria Syria Antioch Caesarian era, year 11 39/38 BC Æ (15 mm) veiled, turreted, draped bust of city goddess, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ (to r., downwards in two lines) ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ (to l., downwards), ΑΙ poppy between two ears of corn McAlee 83 1 G SNG 2573 3.28 15 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4228 Syria Syria Antioch Caesarian era, year 11 39/38 BC Æ (15 mm) veiled, turreted, draped bust of city goddess, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ (to r., downwards in two lines) ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ (to l., downwards), ΑΙ poppy between two ears of corn McAlee 83 3 G SNG 2754 3.88 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4240 Syria Syria Antioch Caesarian era, year 27 23/22 BC Æ (18 mm) laureate head of Zeus, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ (to r., downwards in two lines) ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ (to l., downwards), ΖΚ tripod McAlee 82 1 G SNG 2756 5.29 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4240 Syria Syria Antioch Caesarian era, year 27 23/22 BC Æ (18 mm) laureate head of Zeus, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ (to r., downwards in two lines) ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ (to l., downwards), ΖΚ tripod McAlee 82 2 G SNG 2757 5.43 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4242 Syria Syria Antioch Year 25 (ΕΚ) 7/6 BC Publius Quinctilius Varus Æ (21 mm) laureate head of Zeus, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΟΥΑΡΟΥ, ΕΚ (in field, r.) Tyche of Antioch seated, right, with palm branch; before river god Orontes BMC 57, McAlee 85 Not a complete list of specimens. JM: I added the name of the magistrate (Varus!!!) 9 G 5.75 21 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4243 Syria Syria Antioch Year 25 (ΕΚ) 7/6 BC Æ (18 mm) veiled and turreted head of Tyche, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, ΕΚ (in field) tripod from which arise three branches of laurel, within a laurel wreath Newell 34, BMC 37, McAlee 89 4 G SNG 2770 4.34 18 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4244 Syria Syria Antioch Year 25 (ΕΚ) 7/6 BC Æ (15 mm) veiled and turreted head of Tyche, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, ΕΚ (in field) Tyche, standing left, holding baton and cornucopias Newell 35, McAlee 93 2 G SNG 2771 2.95 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4245 Syria Syria Antioch year 26 (ϚΚ) 6/5 BC Publius Quinctilius Varus Æ (21 mm) laureate head of Zeus, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΟΥΑΡΟΥ, ϚΚ (in field, r.) Tyche of Antioch seated, right, with palm branch; before river god Orontes BMC 58, McAlee 86 6 G 8.13 21 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4248 Syria Syria Antioch year 27 (ΖΚ) 5/4 BC Æ (22 mm) Augustus AVGVST·TR·POT laureate head of Augustus, right S C inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves AMC 746–8, FITA 99 IV, Wr. 10, McAlee 209 Not a complete list of specimens. 6 G FITA, pl. III, 19 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4253 Syria Syria Antioch year 27 (ΖΚ) 5/4 BC Æ (18 mm) veiled and turreted head of Tyche, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, ΖΚ (in field) tripod from which arise three branches of laurel, within a laurel wreath Newell 38, BMC 38–9, McAlee 91 4 G SNG 2782 5.33 18 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4253 Syria Syria Antioch year 27 (ΖΚ) 5/4 BC Æ (18 mm) veiled and turreted head of Tyche, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, ΖΚ (in field) tripod from which arise three branches of laurel, within a laurel wreath Newell 38, BMC 38–9, McAlee 91 10 G SNG 2783 5.25 17 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4254 Syria Syria Antioch year 27 (ΖΚ) 5/4 BC Æ (14 mm) veiled and turreted head of Tyche, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, ΖΚ (in field) Tyche, standing left, holding baton and cornucopias Newell 39, McAlee 94 1 G SNG 2784 2.51 14 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4258 Syria Syria Antioch year 29 (ΘΚ) 3/2 BC Æ (21 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΙ laureate head of Augustus, right ΑΡΧΙΕΡΑΤΙΚΟΝ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΙΣ ΘΚ inscription in a wreath of an archiereus BMC 143, McAlee 204 5 G 7.65 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4259 Syria Syria Antioch year 30 (Λ) 2/1 BC Bronze (26 mm) Augustus ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΑΡΧΙΕΡΕΙ laureate head of Augustus, right ΑΡΧΙΕΡΑΤΙΚΟΝ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΙΣ Λ inscription in a wreath of an archiereus BMC 145, McAlee 201 7 G 17.43 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4267 Syria Syria Antioch Year 42 (ΒΜ) AD 11/12 Æ (12 mm) veiled and turreted head of Tyche, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ(?), ΒΜ (in field) three ears of corn Macdonald, NC 1904, 112, McAlee 97 2 G SNG 2792 2.88 12 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4275 Syria Syria Antioch year 82 (ΒΠ) AD 33/4 Lucius Pomponius Flaccus Æ (20 mm) Tiberius ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Tiberius, right ΕΠΙ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΒΠ inscription within a laurel wreath of eight leaves BMC 162, McAlee 220 4 G 8.29 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4281 Syria Syria Antioch undated issues. Late in the reign? Æ (24 mm) Nero NERO GERMANICVS CAESAR laureate head of Nero, right S C inscription within a laurel wreath of eight leaves Wr. 16, McAlee 281 The legend on 3 indicates an attribution to Nero rather than Germanicus (cf. the comment on p. 621 regarding the date of the ‘Germanicus’ coin). Butcher, CRS p. 359, suggests that this may date to the end of Claudius’ reign. 2 G SNG 2808 14.1 24 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4286 Syria Syria Antioch year 104 (ΔΡ) AD 55/6 Gaius Ummidius Durmius Quadratus Æ (19 mm) ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ veiled, turreted, draped bust of the city goddess, right ΕΠΙ ΚΟΥΑΔΡΑΤΟΥ, ΔΡ ram, running right, looking back; above, star Cop 99, McAlee 100 5 G SNG 2825 6.38 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4289 Syria Syria Antioch year 104 (ΔΡ) AD 55/6 Æ (16 mm) head of Apollo, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ, ΔΡ laurel branch BMC 71–3, McAlee 104 9 G SNG 2827 3.63 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4296 Syria Syria Antioch Year 114 (ΔΙΡ) AD 65/6 Gaius Cestius Gallus Bronze (20 mm) Nero IM NER CLAV CAESAR laureate head of Nero, right ΕΠΙ ΚΕΣΤΙΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΕΤ·ΔΙΡ inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves BMC 201, McAlee 287 6 G 6.54 20 12 1 rev. legend: ΕΠΙ ΚΕΣΤΙΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ. no no no [show] [edit]
I 4300 Syria Syria Antioch Year 114 (ΔΙΡ) AD 65/6 Æ (16 mm) head of Apollo, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕ ΕΤ ΔΙΡ lyre BMC 86, McAlee 109 5 G 4.53 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4302 Syria Syria Antioch Year 114 (ΔΙΡ) AD 65/6 Æ (14 mm) head of Artemis, right ΧΑΛΚΟΥΣ (ΔΙΡ) bow and quiver McAlee 111 R. McAlee notes that there are three distinct varieties of this type, which he suggests were struck at Antioch at different times: (1) inscription XAΛKOYΣ ΔΙΡ (see examples 1-3, 5-6); (2) inscription XAΛKOYC, with C instead o f Σ and no date (see examples 4, 7-10); (3) no inscription (see examples 11-12).The second variety was published in R. McAlee, The Coins of Roman Antioch Supplement No. 1 (2010), no. 122A, where it was dated probably to c. Year 145 Caesarean Era = AD 96/97, based on the similarity of style to the other civic issues of Antioch bearing that date. See the discussion at Supplement no. 1, no. 122A.Based on the fabric, weight and size R. McAlee would date Group 3 in the first half of the 2nd century, perhaps as part of the issue dated Year 177. 5 G SNG 2839 2.83 12 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4306 Syria Syria Antioch year 115 (ƐΙΡ) AD 66/7 Æ (15 mm) head of Apollo, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧ ΕΤ·ΕΙΡ laurel branch BMC 90–1, McAlee 113 7 G 3.56 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4313 Syria Syria Antioch year 117 (ΖΙΡ) AD 68/9 Gaius Licinius Mucianus Bronze (26 mm) Galba IM·SER·SVL·GALBA·CAE laureate head of Galba, right ΕΠΙ ΜΟΥΚΙΑΝΟΥ·ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΕΤ·ΖΙΡ inscription in six lines in a laurel wreath of eight leaves BMC 206, McAlee 311 6 G SNG 2851 14.38 12 1 17270 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4313 Syria Syria Antioch year 117 (ΖΙΡ) AD 68/9 Gaius Licinius Mucianus Bronze (26 mm) Galba IM·SER·SVL·GALBA·CAE laureate head of Galba, right ΕΠΙ ΜΟΥΚΙΑΝΟΥ·ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΕΤ·ΖΙΡ inscription in six lines in a laurel wreath of eight leaves BMC 206, McAlee 311 7 G SNG 2850 15.32 29 12 1 rev. legend: ΕΠΙ ΜΟΥΚΙΑΝΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΕΤ ΖΙΡ in five lines. no no no [show] [edit]
I 4314 Syria Syria Antioch Bronze (27 mm) Galba IM·SER·SVL·GALBA·CAE laureate head of Galba, right S C inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves BMC 203–4, Wr. 61, McAlee 312 5 G SNG 2852 15 30 12 1 17270 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4316 Syria Syria Antioch year 117 AD 69 Gaius Licinius Mucianus Æ (28 mm) Otho IMP M OTHO CAE AVG laureate head of Otho, right ΕΠΙ ΜΟΥΚΙΑΝΟΥ·ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΕΤ·ΖΙΡ inscription in five lines in a laurel wreath of eight leaves McAlee 317 obverse legend clockwise 3 G SNG 2854 16.1 31 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4322 Syria Syria Antioch under Galba and Otho, year 117 AD 68–9 Æ (16 mm) ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ laureate head of Zeus, right ΕΤ·ΖΙΡ garlanded and lighted altar BMC 92, Cop 104, McAlee 115 4 G 6.05 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4323 Syria Syria Antioch under Galba and Otho, year 117 AD 68–9 Æ (15 mm) head of Apollo, right ΕΤ ΖΙΡ laurel branch BMC 93–4, Cop 106, McAlee 116 6 G 4.37 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4325 Syria Syria Seleucia Year 82? (ΒΠ?) 28/27 BC Æ (21 mm) veiled head of Tyche, right ΣΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, ΒΠ(?), Η Α thunderbolt on cushion placed on stool 1 G 23 SNG 2714 8.32 21 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4326 Syria Syria Seleucia Year 92 (ΒϘ) 18/17 BC Æ (21 mm) veiled head of Tyche, right ΣΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, ΒϘ, Η Σ thunderbolt on cushion placed on stool 1 G 22 SNG 2715 7.3 20 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4327 Syria Syria Seleucia Year 92 (ΒϘ) 18/17 BC Æ (20 mm) laureate head of Zeus, right ΣΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, ΒϘ (and additional letters) veiled head of Tyche, right 3 G SNG 2716 5.82 20 12 1 Η Σ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4330 Syria Syria Seleucia AD 16 Quintus Caecilius Metellus Creticus Silanus Æ (27 mm) Tiberius ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ bare head of Tiberius, right Γ ΕΠΙ ΣΙΛΑΝΟΥ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΝ ΖΜ inscription in wreath BMC 33 14 G 30 27 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4333 Syria Syria Apamea Year 24 (ΔΚ) 43/42 BC Æ (20 mm) bust of helmeted Athena, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΔΚ, ΑΝ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm 3 G SNG 3128 9.27 20 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4334 Syria Syria Apamea Year 272 (ΒΟΣ) 41/40 BC Æ (20 mm) bust of helmeted Athena, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΒΟΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm, various letters 1 G SNG 3129 7.35 20 12 1 ΑΝ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4337 Syria Syria Apamea Year 275 (ΕΟΣ) 38/37 BC Æ (20 mm) bust of helmeted Athena, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, ΕΟΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm, various letters 3 G SNG 3130 6.92 20 12 1 ΑΝ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4338 Syria Syria Apamea Year 276 (ϚΟΣ) 37/36 BC Æ (20 mm) bust of helmeted Athena, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, ϚΟΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm, various letters 4 G SNG 3131 6.01 20 12 1 uncertain letters no no no [show] [edit]
I 4340 Syria Syria Apamea Year 282 (ΒΠΣ) 31/30 BC Æ (20 mm) bust of helmeted Athena, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ, ΒΠΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm, various letters 2 G SNG 3132 6.3 20 12 1 uncertain letters no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4342 Syria Syria Apamea Year 286 (ϚΠΣ) 27/26 BC Æ (20 mm) bust of helmeted Athena, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ϚΠΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm, various letters 4 G SNG 3133 6.87 20 12 1 uncertain letters no no no [show] [edit]
I 4343 Syria Syria Apamea Year 287 (ΖΠΣ) 26/25 BC Æ (20 mm) bust of helmeted Athena, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΖΠΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm, various letters 1 G SNG 3134 7.93 20 12 1 uncertain letters no no no [show] [edit]
I 4344 Syria Syria Apamea Year 292 (ΒϘΣ) 21/20 BC Æ (20 mm) bust of helmeted Athena, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΒϘΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm, various letters 1 G SNG 3135 6.42 20 12 1 ΝΟΥ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4345 Syria Syria Apamea Year 293 (ΓϘΣ) 20/19 Æ (20 mm) bust of helmeted Athena, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΓϘΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm, various letters 4 G SNG 3136 7.18 20 12 1 ΧΡ(?) no no no [show] [edit]
I 4345 Syria Syria Apamea Year 293 (ΓϘΣ) 20/19 Æ (20 mm) bust of helmeted Athena, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΓϘΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm, various letters 5 G SNG 3137 6.06 20 12 1 uncertain letters no no no [show] [edit]
I 4346 Syria Syria Apamea Year 295 (ΕϘΣ) 18/17 BC Æ (20 mm) bust of helmeted Athena, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΕϘΣ Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm, various letters 3 G SNG 3138 6.56 20 12 1 ΧΡ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4349 Syria Syria Apamea Year 285 (ΕΠΣ) 28/27 BC Æ (20 mm) head of Dionysus wreathed with ivy, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΕΠΣ thyrsus, various letters 2 G SNG 3140 10.05 20 12 1 ΑΝ no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4351 Syria Syria Apamea Year 293 (ΓϘΣ) 20/19 Æ (20 mm) head of Dionysus wreathed with ivy, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΓϘΣ thyrsus, various letters 2 G SNG 3141 8.81 20 12 1 ΕΙ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4352 Syria Syria Apamea Year 295 (ΕϘΣ) 18/17 BC Æ (20 mm) head of Dionysus wreathed with ivy, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΕϘΣ thyrsus, various letters 2 G 14 20 1 ΕΙ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4353 Syria Syria Apamea Year 304 (ΔΤ) 9/8 BC Æ (20 mm) head of Dionysus wreathed with ivy, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΔΤ thyrsus, various letters 4 G SNG 3144 6.78 20 12 1 ΜΑ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4354 Syria Syria Apamea Year 303 (ΓΤ) 10/9 BC Æ (20 mm) head of Dionysus wreathed with ivy, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΓΤ cornucopia, various letters 7 G SNG 3145 8.44 20 12 1 ΔΙ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4354 Syria Syria Apamea Year 303 (ΓΤ) 10/9 BC Æ (20 mm) head of Dionysus wreathed with ivy, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΓΤ cornucopia, various letters 8 G SNG 3146 7.73 20 12 1 ΔΙ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4366 Syria Syria Apamea Year 286 (ϚΠΣ) 27/26 BC Æ (16 mm) veiled head of Tyche, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ϚΠΣ, ΑΝ Athena, standing, left, holding Nike and spear and shield 2 G SNG 3147 4.61 16 12 1 AN no no no [show] [edit]
I 4368 Syria Syria Apamea Year 295 (ΕϘΣ) 18/17 BC Æ (16 mm) veiled head of Tyche, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΕϘΣ Athena, standing, left, holding Nike and spear and shield; various letters 1 G SNG 3148 4.28 16 12 1 ΘΕ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4369 Syria Syria Apamea Æ (16 mm) veiled head of Tyche, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ϚΚΤ Athena, standing, left, holding Nike and spear and shield dated to the reign of Tiberius by J. Nurpetlian, Coinage in the Orontes Valley of Syria, RNS 59 (2020), p. 103. 1 G SNG 3149 7.59 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4372 Syria Syria Apamea Year 28 (ΗΚ) 4/3 BC Æ (21 mm) Augustus laureate head of Augustus, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ΗΚ (in field), ΔΗ (in exergue) Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm 1 G SNG 3150 10.47 21 12 1 17274 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4373 Syria Syria Apamea Year 28 (ΗΚ) 4/3 BC Æ (20 mm) Augustus laureate head of Augustus, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ, ΗΚ (behind), ΔΗ (below) veiled head of Tyche, right The letters under the head of Tyche were read as ΔΜ by Grant, FITA 330, but are clear on 1 (cf. H. Seyrig, Syria, 1950, pp. 19–20, n. 3 4 G 33 (pl. 83.27) SNG 3151 7.02 20 12 1 17275 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4375 Syria Syria Apamea Year 326 (ϚΚΤ) AD 14/15 Æ (22 mm) Tiberius bare head of Tiberius, right ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, ϚΚΤ (in field) Nike standing, right, with wreath and palm 3 G 30 (pl. 83.24) SNG 3152 10.3 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4378 Syria Syria Apamea Year 2 AD ?42 Æ (17 mm) laureate head of Zeus, right ΚΛΑΥΔΙΕΩΝ ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ, ΕΤΟ Β (in field) Tyche, seated left, holding ears of corn and sceptre and resting arm on shield; below, river god 1 G 34 (pl. 83.28) SNG 3153 6.09 17 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4388 Syria Syria Laodicea ad Mare Year 24 (ΔΚ) 25/24 BC Æ (22 mm) veiled head of Tyche, right ΙΟΥΛΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ, ΔΚ Tyche standing, left, with rudder and cornucopia, various letters 2 G 6 22 1 ΜΕ no no no [show] [edit]
I 4447 Syria Syria Laodicea ad Mare Year 96 AD 48 Æ (21 mm) Claudius [ΤΙ?] ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ laureate head of Claudius, right; before, star ΙΟΥΛΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ, ϚϘ (in field), ΣΕ (in exergue) BMC 32 ('Tiberius') The date 96 seems sure, though confirmation would be welcome. For a star on the obv., see introduction. 2 G SNG 3181 8.83 21 12 1 Ϛ and traces of Ϙ no no yes [show] [edit]
I 4455 Syria Syria Gabala Nero (?) Year 100 AD 54/5 Æ (20 mm) laureate head, (of Nero?), right ΓΑΒΑΛΕΩΝ, Ρ (in l. field), ΜΝ (in r. field), ΚΑ (in exergue) goddess seated, left, with poppy and long sceptre; before, sphinx For a discussion of the identity of the obv., see above. K. Butcher reports other specimens with clear laureate head (NC 1993, p. 298). 5 G 1 (pl. 74.6) 20 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4513 Syria Phoenicia Tripolis Year 306 7/6 BC Æ (21 mm) jugate busts of the Dioscuri, right ΤΡΙΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ L ϚΤ palm branch in wreath Rouvier 1649, BMC 27 9 G 6 21 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 4516 Syria Phoenicia Tripolis Year 325 AD 13/14 Æ (19 mm) veiled head of Tyche with stylis, right ΤΡΙΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ ΤΚΕ ΜΔ Tyche standing, left, with rudder and cornucopia Rouvier 1677, BMC 33 3 G 10 19 1 no no no [show] [edit]