Search results: 352 entries found.

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
L: British Museum, London (UK)  BMC 9
 17 2.68  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
L: British Museum, London (UK)  BMC 10
 16 2.69   12 

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  1048
 16 2.61  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  1052
Wa 5984 
 16 1.93  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  1053
Wa 5985 
 17 2.08  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  I-B
 17 2.18  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  (Fox)
 17 2.78  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  Graf Prokesch-Osten
 17 2.62  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
C: Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (UK)  Leake 1776, Asiatic Greece, p. 61.2
 14 1.87  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
C: Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (UK)  Leake 1777, Asiatic Greece, p. 61.3
 15 1.91   12 

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
Cop: Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen (Denmark)  366
 15 1.73   12 

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
G: Hunterian Museum, Glasgow (UK)  II, 485, no. 1, pl. 56.23
SNG I, no. 2034 
 15 2.88  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
Mu: Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich (Germany)  
SNG 195 
 15 2.36   12 

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
NY: American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)  1944.100.50397
 16 2.57   12 

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
V: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (Austria)  GR 38692, ex B
 17 2.65  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
A: Numismatic Museum, Athens (Greece)  1584, ex coll. Soutzos
SNG 1565 = J.N. Svoronos, JIAN 7 (1904), 384, no. 241, pl. XVII.10 
 15 3.36   12 

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
Yale: Yale University Art Gallery (USA)  ex PRF
 15 2.5   11 

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
Yale: Yale University Art Gallery (USA)  ex PRF
 15 1.8  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
Weber 7087 
 16 2.65  

Antoninus Pius
Eucarpia  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Apamea)
Æ (16 mm); 2.53 g (20)
ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ; bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus
ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ; bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars
Aufhäuser 12 (01/10/1996), 263 
 16 2.41