Search results: 405 entries found.

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
L: British Museum, London (UK)  G 1189
 25 8.05   12 

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
L: British Museum, London (UK)  1850,1118.79
 25 8.32   12 
GIC — (bucranium)

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  7945
 25 10.37   12 

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
V: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (Austria)  GR 32343
 25 8.06   12 

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
Mu: Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich (Germany)  71
 25 7.97   12 

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
NY: American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)  1944.100.10655
SNG 672 
 25 13.7   12 

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
RBW = Malloy XXXIII, 19 June 1992, lot 2 

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  
RBW = F. Robinson 59, 2 Mar. 2004, lot 164 
GIC — (cornucopia? in quadratic incuse)

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  2013/488
ex RBW 
GIC — (hand holding caduceus)

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
RBW = Peus 369, 31 Oct. 2001, lot 1027 
 25.3 10.89  

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
A-KIKPE: Social and Cultural Affairs Welfare Foundation (KIKPE), Athens (Greece)  
I. Touratsoglou, 'Coins of the Macedonian cities in the FHW (Foundation of the Hellenic World) collection', in E. Paunov et S. Filipova (eds), ΗΡΑΚΛΕΟΥΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣΘΑΣΙΩΝ. Studia in honorem Iliae Prokopov sexagenario ab amicis et discipulis dedicata (Tirnovi, 2012), pp. 341–66, no. 22–8 

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
Jacquier 39, 12 Sept. 2014, lot 309 (ex Peus 398, 2009, lot 643) 
 25 11.65  

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
CGT coll. = Savoca 8 Blue, 17 July 2018, lot 623 
 23 10.06   12 

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
Pecunem 37, 1 Nov. 2015, lot 406 
 24 8.56  
GIC — (cornucopia? in quadratic incuse)

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
Agora 99, 23 March 2021, lot 96 
 23 7.64   11 
GIC — (cornucopia? in quadratic incuse)

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
Savoca 31st Blue Auction, 25 April 2020, lot 575 
 25 8.46  
GIC — (cornucopia? in quadratic incuse)

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (25 mm); 9.04 g (16)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF C D, LEG; man with veiled head ploughing, right, with two oxen
Concordia Numismatic 24, 23 Jan. 2025, lot 546 
 23.1 7.78  
GIC — (uncertain)

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (21 mm); 6.93 g (31)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF LEG C D; togate figure, seated, left on chair holding up writing board (?); at feet, urn
NY: American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)  1944.100.10656
SNG 673 
 21 6.58   12 

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (21 mm); 6.93 g (31)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF LEG C D; togate figure, seated, left on chair holding up writing board (?); at feet, urn
Mu: Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich (Germany)  69
 21 7.44   12 

Roman Republic Mark Antony (imperator)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (21 mm); 6.93 g (31)
A I C V P; head of Antony, right
Q PAQVIVS RVF LEG C D; togate figure, seated, left on chair holding up writing board (?); at feet, urn
Mu: Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich (Germany)  70
 21 6.75   12