Search results: 200 entries found.

Vol. Province Region City Issue Dating Magistrates Denomination Person(s) Obv. inscription Obv. design Rev. inscription Rev. design Reference Note Internal note Coin Number Museum Inventory Number Bibliography Weight Diameter Axis Quantity Obv. die Rev. die Obv. cmks Rev. cmks Note Obv. img Rev. img Plate Uri link
V.3 4111 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Julia Domna IMP CAES L SEP SEVERO AVG ET IVLI AVG M C jugate busts right of Septimius Severus, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Julia Domna, draped and set on crescent, seen from rear SEPT LAVDIC COLON SEVER METROPOLI Marsyas standing left, right hand raised, holding wineskin over his left shoulder Meyer, Laodikeia 70–73, 76, 78–79 25 M&M GmbH 29, 31 Oct. 2008, lot 2685 16.82 30.3 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no yes|342|2685|312a16461ffde3c1180d3a5ac53a641b [show] [edit]
V.3 4111 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Julia Domna IMP CAES L SEP SEVERO AVG ET IVLI AVG M C jugate busts right of Septimius Severus, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Julia Domna, draped and set on crescent, seen from rear SEPT LAVDIC COLON SEVER METROPOLI Marsyas standing left, right hand raised, holding wineskin over his left shoulder Meyer, Laodikeia 70–73, 76, 78–79 26 Naumann 65, 6 May 2018, lot 463 11.01 29.7 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no|2416|463|0140d13b507586ea3afe482cbb3d7af1 [show] [edit]
V.3 4111 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Julia Domna IMP CAES L SEP SEVERO AVG ET IVLI AVG M C jugate busts right of Septimius Severus, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Julia Domna, draped and set on crescent, seen from rear SEPT LAVDIC COLON SEVER METROPOLI Marsyas standing left, right hand raised, holding wineskin over his left shoulder Meyer, Laodikeia 70–73, 76, 78–79 27 Nomos obolos 28, 2 July 2023, lot 512 = Nomos obolos 20, 3 Oct. 2021, lot 444 = Gorny & Mosch 115, Mar. 2002, lot 1359 23.61 33 2 1 Obv.: GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no|4425|444|ecd6ddc20791edf9dfff9d6b4d0d9e6b [show] [edit]
V.3 4111 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Julia Domna IMP CAES L SEP SEVERO AVG ET IVLI AVG M C jugate busts right of Septimius Severus, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Julia Domna, draped and set on crescent, seen from rear SEPT LAVDIC COLON SEVER METROPOLI Marsyas standing left, right hand raised, holding wineskin over his left shoulder Meyer, Laodikeia 70–73, 76, 78–79 28 Savoca 8 Blue, 14 July 2018, lot 833 19.22 27 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4111 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Julia Domna IMP CAES L SEP SEVERO AVG ET IVLI AVG M C jugate busts right of Septimius Severus, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Julia Domna, draped and set on crescent, seen from rear SEPT LAVDIC COLON SEVER METROPOLI Marsyas standing left, right hand raised, holding wineskin over his left shoulder Meyer, Laodikeia 70–73, 76, 78–79 29 Trade (London Ancient Coins, Vcoins, 2020) 18.85 34 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4111 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Julia Domna IMP CAES L SEP SEVERO AVG ET IVLI AVG M C jugate busts right of Septimius Severus, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Julia Domna, draped and set on crescent, seen from rear SEPT LAVDIC COLON SEVER METROPOLI Marsyas standing left, right hand raised, holding wineskin over his left shoulder Meyer, Laodikeia 70–73, 76, 78–79 30 Waddell 1, 1982, lot 557 = Meyer, Laodikeia 72.1 22.41 29 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 1 P Y 23879.162 Meyer, Laodikeia 96.1 = Price & Trell p. 42.64 (corr. "Berytos") 15.2 28.3 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 2 P Y 23879.160 Meyer, Laodikeia 97.1 = Seyrig, Syria 29 (1952), pl. 3.6 = Ziegler, Antiochia pl. 21.2 20.21 31.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 3 P Y 23879.161 Meyer, Laodikeia 98.1 = Seyrig, Syria 29 (1952), pl. 3.7 = Ziegler, Antiochia pl. 21.1 19.94 29.5 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC — (COI) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 4 B 214/875 Prieur, Amandry, RBN 133 (1987), pl. XIIIe = Meyer, Laodikeia 95.1 12.65 32 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 5 V GR 22071 11.79 29 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC — (COI) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 6 CGT coll. 17.45 28 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC — (COI) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 7 CNG 51, 15 Sept. 1999, lot 990 17.67 28 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC — (COI) no no no|2372|990|c21543e80a4121d14156cab1e9657f87 [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 8 CNG EA 181, 6 Feb. 2008, lot 299 13.49 26.1 1 1 erroneously attributed to Berytus no no no|530|299|da2615a686c9bcfd410b35239c9346ef [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 9 CNG EA 296, 13 Feb. 2013, lot 175 15.93 30 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC — (COI) no no no|1035|175|8a53a820d5532f2d7801d05ffb125e0c [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 10 CNG EA 473, 29 July 2020, lot 213 = Heritage Monthly Auction 271933, 18 Aug. 2019, lot 35032 30 1 1 no no no|3574|213|549a7b7f98aac7973d3ca820c28c2a96 [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 11 Gorny & Mosch 220, 11 Mar. 2014, lot 1519 13.9 30.1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC — (COI) no no no|1184|1519|cc90020b57f5b0aed2c27887188a3925 [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 12 Heritage Showcase 61379, 27 May 2024, lot 24117 31 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC — (COI) no no no|5880|24117|da3f23722861eb4b2f1149aaffffa0fc [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 13 Roma Numismatics E-Live 4, 29 Nov. 2018, lot 577 16.24 31.1 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC — (COI) no no yes|2834|577|471fe5f579de637c193b099970590e6d [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 14 Roma Numismatics EA 84, 16 June 2021, lot 1176 11.61 30.1 12 1 no no no|4292|1176|c0760ac3af83a84a7bf706aeee93af60 [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 15 Sol Numismatik XIX, 21 Oct. 2023, lot 230 13.13 30.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4112 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus ; Caracalla IMPE CAES L SEVERVS ET M AVR ANTO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, facing laureate and draped bust of Caracalla left, both seen from rear LIBERALITA AVG large galley, with ten rowers, the proreta and the gubernator, sailing before the lighthouse of Laodicea, a watchmen on the terrace Meyer, Laodikeia 95–98 16 Trade (Tom Vossen, Vcoins, 2020) 16 32 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4113 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Geta IM[ ] P L SEPTI GFTAS M AP A[ ] (sic) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear, facing bare-headed head of Geta, left SEP LAVDIC COLONEA [M]ETROPLI Septimius Severus radiate, standing facing, head left, raising right hand, reins in left hand, in quadriga of deer Meyer, Laodikeia 92–94 1 L G.0946 Meyer, Laodikeia 94.1 18.5 34.3 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
V.3 4113 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Geta IM[ ] P L SEPTI GFTAS M AP A[ ] (sic) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear, facing bare-headed head of Geta, left SEP LAVDIC COLONEA [M]ETROPLI Septimius Severus radiate, standing facing, head left, raising right hand, reins in left hand, in quadriga of deer Meyer, Laodikeia 92–94 2 P Y 23879.165 Meyer, Laodikeia 92.1 13.25 28.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4113 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Geta IM[ ] P L SEPTI GFTAS M AP A[ ] (sic) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear, facing bare-headed head of Geta, left SEP LAVDIC COLONEA [M]ETROPLI Septimius Severus radiate, standing facing, head left, raising right hand, reins in left hand, in quadriga of deer Meyer, Laodikeia 92–94 3 Savoca Coins Silver 174th Silver, 17 Sept. 2023, lot 148 = Leu EA 15, 27 Feb. 2021, lot 1541 12.83 31 1 1 no no yes|4124|1541|3e7f2ac1fbe99078f56702dfa39ed7d7 [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 1 L 1980,0907.1 16.29 33.4 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 2 P Y 25048.1206 Meyer, Laodikeia 85.1 16.84 32.8 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) c/m: SAƐon rev. no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 3 P Chandon de Briailles 1591 Meyer, Laodikeia 87.1 21.01 33 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 4 Mu 3 Meyer, Laodikeia 83.1 = SNG 931 20.47 31 12 1 N inverted no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 5 NY 1953.171.1571 Meyer, Laodikeia 84.1 22.94 34 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 6 NY 1944.84.66404 Meyer, Laodikeia 84.2 = Ziegler, Prestige pl. 14.137 17.03 32 2 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 7 NY 1949.172.20 Meyer, Laodikeia 86.1 16.74 33 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 8 CNG EA 181, 6 Feb. 2008, lot 269 22.96 33 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no|530|269|198a2973f4ee51326bb63d68661e23fd [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 9 CNG EA 430, 10 Oct. 2018, lot 278 19.98 35 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no|2783|278|2013d8581da2f2614b7dda7bd42ba0e1 [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 10 Holy Land EA 16, 20 June 2021, lot 226 17.58 32 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 11 Naumann 107, 5 Sept. 2021, lot 1293 16.84 36.2 1 Obv.: GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ} no no yes|4485|1293|4ad7076faa222f0d1372b81a454b3d06 [show] [edit]
V.3 4114 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (30 mm) Septimius Severus IMP CAE L CEP[ ] SEVERVS PERTINAX AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right L PVP CEPTI GETA M AVREL ANTVNEINVC two male figures (laureate Caracalla and bare-headed Geta) standing vis-à-vis, sacrificing over burning altar between them, Caracalla holding uncertain object (a bust?) in left hand Meyer, Laodikeia 83–87 12 Roma Numismatics EA 47, 28 June 2018, lot 485 15.93 33 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no|2420|485|22c450e7aa29ff7ce38db419225dd532 [show] [edit]
V.3 4115 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (24 mm) Julia Domna [ ] draped bust of Julia Domna, right [ ] founder ploughing right with two yoked oxen Meyer, Laodikeia The attribution to Laodicea relies only on the c/m; it needs confirmation, since the legends are illegible. 1 CGT coll. = Kairos 3, 24 Feb. 2018, lot 475 9.61 23 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4115 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (24 mm) Julia Domna [ ] draped bust of Julia Domna, right [ ] founder ploughing right with two yoked oxen Meyer, Laodikeia The attribution to Laodicea relies only on the c/m; it needs confirmation, since the legends are illegible. 2 CNG EA 181, 6 Feb. 2008, lot 272 11.18 24.1 11 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no yes|530|272|74191b24b8350007cc1c8af61f607ffb [show] [edit]
V.3 4116 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (24 mm) Caracalla [ ]TONIN[ ] laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear [LAVD]ICIAE [ ] Genius (?) standing facing, head left, holding patera and cornucopia Meyer, Laodikeia 1 Biga Numismatics EA 14, 15 Jan. 2023, lot 339 11.2 25.3 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no yes [show] [edit]
V.3 4117 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (24 mm) Geta [ ] L SPT CETA[ ] bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear SEP COL LAVD METΡO in four lines within wreath Meyer, Laodikeia 68–69 1 L 1920,0728.38 Meyer, Laodikeia 68.1 = Weber 7990 6.97 23.9 1 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
V.3 4117 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (24 mm) Geta [ ] L SPT CETA[ ] bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear SEP COL LAVD METΡO in four lines within wreath Meyer, Laodikeia 68–69 2 P 1233 Meyer, Laodikeia 69.1 7.4 21.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4117 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (24 mm) Geta [ ] L SPT CETA[ ] bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear SEP COL LAVD METΡO in four lines within wreath Meyer, Laodikeia 68–69 3 P Chandon de Briailles 1601 Meyer, Laodikeia 69.2 6.63 23 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4117 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (24 mm) Geta [ ] L SPT CETA[ ] bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear SEP COL LAVD METΡO in four lines within wreath Meyer, Laodikeia 68–69 4 CGT coll. 6.34 21 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4117 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (24 mm) Geta [ ] L SPT CETA[ ] bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear SEP COL LAVD METΡO in four lines within wreath Meyer, Laodikeia 68–69 5 Sol Numismatik XXXV, 26 Oct. 2024, lot 185 8.15 22 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4118 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Third issue AD 198/9 Æ (24 mm) Geta [ ] bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear SEPT COL MOC C METROP in four lines within wreath the rev. legend is quite curious 1 Agora Auctions Numismatic 111, 8 Aug. 2023, lot 156 7.83 22.2 1 1 no no yes|5474|156|ed01c2f9e38336a46b8790999fba8439 [show] [edit]
V.3 4119 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent [SEPT C]AVDIC COLO ME METROPLI (sic) Artemis advancing right, drawing arrow from quiver with her right hand, and holding bow in her left; at feet, two dogs running right Meyer, Laodikeia 102 1 B 18257940, 1900 I-B Meyer, Laodikeia 102.1 20.08 31 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no yes [show] [edit]
V.3 4119 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent [SEPT C]AVDIC COLO ME METROPLI (sic) Artemis advancing right, drawing arrow from quiver with her right hand, and holding bow in her left; at feet, two dogs running right Meyer, Laodikeia 102 2 NY 1948.19.2082 Meyer, Laodikeia 102.2 21.77 32.8 8 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4119 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent [SEPT C]AVDIC COLO ME METROPLI (sic) Artemis advancing right, drawing arrow from quiver with her right hand, and holding bow in her left; at feet, two dogs running right Meyer, Laodikeia 102 3 M&M GmbH 20, 10 Oct. 2006, lot 718 22.85 35 12 1 no no yes|188|718|be6eb701c5a7ee6e2814c3e3b9c37b05 [show] [edit]
V.3 4120 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLOME AAETROPLI (sic) Artemis advancing right, drawing arrow from quiver with her right hand, and holding bow in her left; deer at side to left Meyer, Laodikeia ―; Lindgren & Kovacs A2088B 1 CGT coll. (ex CNG EA 351, 20 May 2015, lot 583) 22.09 30 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4120 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLOME AAETROPLI (sic) Artemis advancing right, drawing arrow from quiver with her right hand, and holding bow in her left; deer at side to left Meyer, Laodikeia ―; Lindgren & Kovacs A2088B 2 Lindgren & Kovacs A2088B 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4120 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLOME AAETROPLI (sic) Artemis advancing right, drawing arrow from quiver with her right hand, and holding bow in her left; deer at side to left Meyer, Laodikeia ―; Lindgren & Kovacs A2088B 3 Nomos obolos 19, 8 May 2021, lot 630 19.88 30.2 12 1 Obv.: GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no yes|4240|630|0d94a807db84001fb179f3c50628f959 [show] [edit]
V.3 4121 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing facing, head right, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; two deer at feet Meyer, Laodikeia 105, 107 On the rev., L in shape of an inverted S 1 P Y 23879.163 (pierced) Meyer, Laodikeia 105.3 16.55 33.6 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4121 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing facing, head right, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; two deer at feet Meyer, Laodikeia 105, 107 On the rev., L in shape of an inverted S 2 Mu 61 Meyer 107.2 (erroneously associated with BMC 96 (eagle in shrine)) = SNG 936 25.03 29.5 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4121 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing facing, head right, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; two deer at feet Meyer, Laodikeia 105, 107 On the rev., L in shape of an inverted S 3 NY 1971.193.42 19.69 33.1 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4121 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing facing, head right, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; two deer at feet Meyer, Laodikeia 105, 107 On the rev., L in shape of an inverted S 4 CGT coll. (ex CNG 325, 23 Apr. 2014, lot 433) 22.77 33 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4121 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing facing, head right, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; two deer at feet Meyer, Laodikeia 105, 107 On the rev., L in shape of an inverted S 5 CNG EA 181, 6 Feb. 2008, lot 275 28.31 36.2 2 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no|530|275|5e6a40c053f9c62a7eca8ffbcb1fa74e [show] [edit]
V.3 4121 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing facing, head right, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; two deer at feet Meyer, Laodikeia 105, 107 On the rev., L in shape of an inverted S 6 Peus 403, 27 Apr. 2011, lot 824 21.45 30.1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no yes|743|824|2267bb26ec17f5f0be9dc7f65227c61b [show] [edit]
V.3 4121 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing facing, head right, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; two deer at feet Meyer, Laodikeia 105, 107 On the rev., L in shape of an inverted S 7 Roma Numismatics 4, 30 Sept. 2012, lot 587 21.26 35.6 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no no|937|587|278efaa18b762c53b347035cf60d1a6f [show] [edit]
V.3 4122 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing facing, head right, in very long chiton, top of quiver seen over right shoulder, holding spear in hands; at feet to left, deer standing left Meyer, Laodikeia 100.2 1 CNG EA 123, 28 Sept. 2005, lot 123 25.44 34.5 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no yes|472|123|3c89551e3021d4d8e449dc5dce671fca [show] [edit]
V.3 4122 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing facing, head right, in very long chiton, top of quiver seen over right shoulder, holding spear in hands; at feet to left, deer standing left Meyer, Laodikeia 100.2 2 Malter 34, 1986, lot 609 = Meyer, Laodikeia 100.2 30 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4123 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing on a base, facing, head right, in very long chiton, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; at feet to left, deer standing left Meyer, Laodikeia 100.1 1 P 1217B 23.83 30 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4123 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing on a base, facing, head right, in very long chiton, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; at feet to left, deer standing left Meyer, Laodikeia 100.1 2 Aurea Numismatika EA 33, 3 Oct. 2021, lot 1181 = Aurea Numismatika 101, 5 June 2021, lot 451 = Peus 403, 27 Apr. 2011, lot 824 30.2 1 no no no|4496|1181|e0e40d7e26084d8129578ce88d464110 [show] [edit]
V.3 4123 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing on a base, facing, head right, in very long chiton, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; at feet to left, deer standing left Meyer, Laodikeia 100.1 3 CNG EA 123, 28 Sept. 2005, lot 124 ('Elagabalus and Paula?') 22.24 32 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no no|472|124|ffec37cdf3309323f0f3f706916f780e [show] [edit]
V.3 4123 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing on a base, facing, head right, in very long chiton, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; at feet to left, deer standing left Meyer, Laodikeia 100.1 4 CNG EA 393, 15 Mar. 2017, lot 210 24.07 31.9 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no yes|1887|210|d8bad483b49897608d8cd3ecf54d440b [show] [edit]
V.3 4123 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing on a base, facing, head right, in very long chiton, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; at feet to left, deer standing left Meyer, Laodikeia 100.1 5 CNG MBS 69, 8 June 2005, lot 1215 = CNG 51, 15 Sept. 1999, lot 993 = Meyer, Laodikeia 100.1 = Lindgren & Kovacs A2088B 26.85 32.4 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no|111|1215|b5f515c013d05f6f0f82dd51fca2ebed [show] [edit]
V.3 4123 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing on a base, facing, head right, in very long chiton, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; at feet to left, deer standing left Meyer, Laodikeia 100.1 6 M&M GmbH 20, 10 Oct. 2006, lot 717 20.42 31 12 1 no no yes|188|717|a57eb3223af0522db240c416767bebbb [show] [edit]
V.3 4123 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing on a base, facing, head right, in very long chiton, holding short spear in right hand and round shield in left; at feet to left, deer standing left Meyer, Laodikeia 100.1 7 Roma Numismatics E-Live 4, 29 Nov. 2018, lot 595 20.95 33 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no|2834|595|1cdc5a762f9dc68c937e40d59a3a9404 [show] [edit]
V.3 4124 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing right, top of quiver seen over right shoulder, right hand on hip, left hand holding bow; at feet to left, deer standing left SNG Cop 367; Meyer, Laodikeia 103 1 L 1847,0619.85 Meyer, Laodikeia 103.1 21.12 37.8 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4124 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing right, top of quiver seen over right shoulder, right hand on hip, left hand holding bow; at feet to left, deer standing left SNG Cop 367; Meyer, Laodikeia 103 2 Cop SNG 367 23.12 30 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4124 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing right, top of quiver seen over right shoulder, right hand on hip, left hand holding bow; at feet to left, deer standing left SNG Cop 367; Meyer, Laodikeia 103 3 Berk Buy or Bid Sale 217, 30 Nov. 2021, lot 410 22.6 30 1 Obv.: GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no|4473|410|35fd4eb9cde9fcf50db49ac994c215be [show] [edit]
V.3 4124 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT CAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) Artemis standing right, top of quiver seen over right shoulder, right hand on hip, left hand holding bow; at feet to left, deer standing left SNG Cop 367; Meyer, Laodikeia 103 4 CNG EA 326, 7 May 2014, lot 332 17.46 30.2 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no yes|1243|332|ae437aa63db506063cd999cc02a4312e [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 1 L 1840,0217.249 BMC 95 = Meyer, Laodikeia 108.1 15.07 31.4 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 2 L BMC 96 = Meyer, Laodikeia 107.1 19.72 34.4 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 3 L 1910,0608.13 Meyer, Laodikeia 109.1 17.38 38.4 11 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 4 P M 5582 26.04 32.8 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 5 P Y 23879.164 12.52 27.9 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 6 P 1223 Meyer, Laodikeia 101.1 21 28.4 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 7 B 1878 Rauch Meyer, Laodikeia 104.1 17.41 33 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 8 NY 1944.100.66437 Meyer, Laodikeia 106.1 23.38 32.9 3 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 9 NY 1944.100.66436 Meyer, Laodikeia 110.1 23.28 33.7 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 10 Rome Cap. 1 from the sottosuolo no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 11 CGT coll. 22.46 34 12 1 GIC 586 (COL); GIC — (uncertain) 2nd c/m most probably GIC 581 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 12 CGT coll. = CNG EA 330, 9 July 2014, lot 195 16.05 33 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 13 CNG EA 286, 5 Sept. 2012, lot 254 = CNG EA 112, 13 Apr. 2005, lot 161 = CNG 51, 15 Sept. 1999, lot 992 = Meyer, Laodikeia 99.1 = Waddell, list Apr. 1989, lot 167 22.82 32.2 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no|958|254|7dc48bd36e4074badfc076ca35bd3df3 [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 14 CNG EA 296, 13 Feb. 2013, lot 176 24.08 32.1 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}) no no yes|1035|176|7df412fb71f4773b7c4d011868db47a3 [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 15 CNG EA 350, 6 May 2015, lot 399 20.28 30.4 1 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no|1447|399|0536a8cd4d82872d658e55d107dacccc [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 16 Lindgren & Kovacs 2096 = Meyer, Laodikeia 111.4 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 17 Roma Numismatics EA 61, 22 Aug. 2019, lot 520 22.09 34.6 12 1 GIC 581 (C{ΑΓ}); GIC 586 (COL) no no yes|3176|520|17b1dfc626bb6818837feb44de018262 [show] [edit]
V.3 4125 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare Fourth issue AD 202/5 Æ (30 mm) Caracalla ; Plautilla IMP CAES M[ ] AVG P ET FVLILAV (sic) jugate busts right of Caracalla, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Plautilla, draped and set on crescent SEPT SAVDIC COLONE METROPLI (sic) temple with two columns with domed roof; within, eagle standing facing, head right BMC 95–6; Meyer, Laodikeia 99, 101, 104, 107–110 on some rev. L in shape of S 18 Savoca 90 Blue, 28 Nov. 2020, lot 1097 21.59 33 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4126 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΜΗΤΗΡ ΚΑϹΤ ΔΟΜΝΑΝ ϹΕΒ draped bust of Julia Domna, right Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur1bis-; Prieur 1113 1 CNG 117, 19 May 2021, lot 428 11.34 27 12 1 28386 no no yes|4241|428|007603874f84f6b302e64bb3d0d435f3 [show] [edit]
V.3 4127 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 3; Prieur 1115 1 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 655 (Prieur 1115: this coin) 14.69 27 6 1 28387 28389 no no yes|2868|655|a967046d5e89361bd0fabccf5f7d94c9 [show] [edit]
V.3 4128 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur — 1 Emporium Hamburg Alpha 2, 13 Jan. 2019, lot 271 13.68 26.5 1 28389 no no yes|2937|271|e4dec17ee5ee7609f49d7e2fc0a1c9e7 [show] [edit]
V.3 4129 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 5; Prieur 1119 cuirass decorated with gorgoneion 1 CNG EA 447, Prieur coll., 3 July 2019, lot 326 (ex Helios 4, 14 Oct. 2009, lot 540) 13.69 27 12 1 no no no|3132|326|8768f3ea2ef6c9819e6ff8062cb1c1dd [show] [edit]
V.3 4129 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 5; Prieur 1119 cuirass decorated with gorgoneion 2 CNG MBS 66, 19 May 2004, lot 1253 14.09 27.5 1 no no no|80|1253|711cadad375483471284fd2ba02d7437 [show] [edit]
V.3 4129 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 5; Prieur 1119 cuirass decorated with gorgoneion 3 CNG Triton XXVI, Prieur coll., 10 Jan. 2023, lot 565 (ex Bank Leu 33, 3 May1983, lot 91; Lanz 102, 28 May 2001, lot 707) 13.87 27.1 11 1 no no yes|5117|565|7ce566fad489a3e711631e3e5f2fc0b0 [show] [edit]
V.3 4129 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 5; Prieur 1119 cuirass decorated with gorgoneion 4 Roma Numismatics 8, 28 Sept. 2014, lot 800 (ex Roma Numismatics 5, 23 Mar. 2013, lot 835) 14.19 27.2 1 1 no no no|1011|835|72ba64416cc3443d9e4f41d9d14164f1 [show] [edit]
V.3 4129 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 5; Prieur 1119 cuirass decorated with gorgoneion 5 Roma Numismatics EA 11, 23 Aug. 2014, lot 81 10.68 26.1 12 1 no no no|1304|81|2bf7c1804f4f3ddf9237f5680992cf30 [show] [edit]
V.3 4129 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 5; Prieur 1119 cuirass decorated with gorgoneion 6 Roma Numismatics EA 3, 30 Nov. 2013, lot 349 12.73 27.1 12 1 no no no|1145|349|2e348939b83a06c862da74b406eca52a [show] [edit]
V.3 4129 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 5; Prieur 1119 cuirass decorated with gorgoneion 7 Savoca EA 104 Silver, 30 May 2021, lot 208 14.3 28 12 1 no no no|4282|208|c5d0b8c808c319c479bcec2a322172eb [show] [edit]
V.3 4130 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 49; McAlee 1; Amandry & Prieur 4; Prieur 1118 1 L BMC Antioch 350 11.99 26.4 12 1 28388 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4130 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 49; McAlee 1; Amandry & Prieur 4; Prieur 1118 2 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 658 (ex Münzen und Medaillen AG 61, 7 Oct. 1982, lot 185) (Prieur 1118: this coin) 14.25 25.2 12 1 28388 no no yes|2868|658|af3d3e3d917a49c0257e53b9de2a0658 [show] [edit]
V.3 4130 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 49; McAlee 1; Amandry & Prieur 4; Prieur 1118 3 Emporium Hamburg 72, 13 Nov. 2014, lot 565 13.82 26 1 28388 no no no|1336|565|ae727708c45db91e455172b99a946f29 [show] [edit]
V.3 4130 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 49; McAlee 1; Amandry & Prieur 4; Prieur 1118 4 Leu EA 16, 22 May 2021, lot 3011 11.3 26.8 12 1 no no no|4248|3011|97af497341c8a220e8d9dbe6448d99b5 [show] [edit]
V.3 4130 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 49; McAlee 1; Amandry & Prieur 4; Prieur 1118 5 Roma Numismatics EA 35, 3 May 2017, lot 502 12.25 27 6 1 28388 no no no|1915|502|a99216c70543e385cbb1b80d24abc66b [show] [edit]
V.3 4131 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 4; Amandry & Prieur 2; Prieur 1117 1 CNG EA 453, Prieur coll., 2 Oct. 2019, lot 396 (ex Heidelberger 53, 20 May 2010, lot 243) 12.6 26 12 1 no no no|3241|396|6774b2c0dd0f46a9e347bd41d4996e07 [show] [edit]
V.3 4131 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 4; Amandry & Prieur 2; Prieur 1117 2 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 657 (ex Sternberg XIV, 24 May 1984, lot 371) (Prieur 1117: this coin) 12.56 25 6 1 no no yes|2868|657|ffbfbec975215a1980fe814c1351c91e [show] [edit]
V.3 4132 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1116A 1 CNG EA 335, 24 Sept. 2014, lot 341 13.92 25.3 12 1 28387 no no no|1312|341|282d77850a98ac12f1657f2e6c702a91 [show] [edit]
V.3 4132 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1116A 2 CNG EA 447, Prieur coll., 3 July 2019, lot 324 (ex CNG EA 136, 29 March 2006, lot 158) 15.23 25 11 1 28387 no no no|3132|324|e8ed3b43d51f0625c774b82bc861b952 [show] [edit]
V.3 4132 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1116A 3 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 656 (ex Münzen und Medaillen 12, 11 April 2003, lot 272) 13.46 27 12 1 28387 no no yes|2868|656|f545d5f9778bcd45bdbe3f0a99a75dee [show] [edit]
V.3 4132 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1116A 4 Leu 8, 23 Oct. 2021, lot 201 12.76 26 12 1 28387 no no no|4446|201|3c84690acb82a093aff15ddd81e42607 [show] [edit]
V.3 4132 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1116A 5 Savoca EA 108 Silver, 31 July 2021, lot 361 13.83 27 12 1 28387 no no no|4352|361|3fcff1025634a63f5adc7e2ecd4ea506 [show] [edit]
V.3 4133 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 2; Amandry & Prieur 6; Prieur 1120 1 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 659 13.59 27.2 12 1 no no yes|2868|659|71893f1ec21e93f0e044f5b0c2ab2bb5 [show] [edit]
V.3 4133 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 2; Amandry & Prieur 6; Prieur 1120 2 Künker 376, 18 Oct. 2022, lot 4103 (ex Auktion Sincona 6, Zürich 2012, lot 203) 13.69 27.5 6 1 no no no|4948|4103|a51e6b853e5f789d7d54c91f27921bbe [show] [edit]
V.3 4133 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 2; Amandry & Prieur 6; Prieur 1120 3 Naville Numismatics 55, 9 Feb. 2020, lot 576 13.48 27.8 12 1 no no no|3441|576|a28cb5c7901a6b163e1c7c9aee7d61f6 [show] [edit]
V.3 4134 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur — 1 Naville Numismatics 38, 11 Mar. 2018, lot 698 (ex Naville 32, 18 June 2017, lot 492) 11.44 28.1 12 1 28386 no no yes|2579|698|595c0acedd1ec77772df36d8db7ca302 [show] [edit]
V.3 4135 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1116 The ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ formula is characteristic of the third group (AD 208-209) but here the eagle has no wreath in beak and should belong to the first group. 1 CNG EA 447, Prieur coll., 3 July 2019, lot 325 (ex Giessener Münzhandlung 48, 2 April 1990, lot 576) (Prieur 1116: this coin) 12.77 26.5 12 1 no no yes|3132|325|fb8c4063e9f4b7c1406f25369a896634 [show] [edit]
V.3 4136 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 3; Amandry & Prieur 7; Prieur 1121 1 Bertolami 87, 14 Dec. 2020, lot 558 12 25.1 12 1 28386 no no no|4031|558|c68960f1d9c15214034eb78650387b61 [show] [edit]
V.3 4136 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 3; Amandry & Prieur 7; Prieur 1121 2 CNG 91, 19 Sept. 2012, lot 638 13.6 26 6 1 28386 no no no|929|638|4ac0ded95600999683587967b541dd38 [show] [edit]
V.3 4136 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 3; Amandry & Prieur 7; Prieur 1121 3 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 660 (ex Hess-Leu 41, 24 Apr. 1969, lot 281; Spink Numismatic Circular LXXX.1, Jan. 1972, no. 93; Superior, 9 Dec. 1989, lot 3275) (Prieur 1121: this coin) 12.88 25 12 1 28386 no no yes|2868|660|0bb693d5bc1148417e74534354612fd5 [show] [edit]
V.3 4136 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 3; Amandry & Prieur 7; Prieur 1121 4 MM 61, 7 Oct. 1982, lot 187 13.75 25 12 1 28386 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4137 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ Tyche of Laodicea seated on rocks, left, holding in her right hand rudder and cornucopia in left; below her, river god Orontes swimming right, holding lighthouse of Laodicea in his left hand. Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 1; Prieur 1112 1 P 1985.517 (ex Leu 36, 1985, lot 294) Amandry & Prieur, p. 76, n° 1 and Pl. XIV, 1 13.56 26 11 1 28386 no no yes [show] [edit]
V.3 4137 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ Tyche of Laodicea seated on rocks, left, holding in her right hand rudder and cornucopia in left; below her, river god Orontes swimming right, holding lighthouse of Laodicea in his left hand. Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 1; Prieur 1112 2 CNG 96, 14 May 2014, lot 660 10.42 26.4 12 1 28386 no no no|1222|660|486e938cad3361d918ff63584f2134c0 [show] [edit]
V.3 4137 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ Tyche of Laodicea seated on rocks, left, holding in her right hand rudder and cornucopia in left; below her, river god Orontes swimming right, holding lighthouse of Laodicea in his left hand. Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 1; Prieur 1112 3 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 654 (Prieur 1112: this coin) 11.29 27 12 1 28386 no no no|2868|654|fab67c5818948b88965d809a71e846a4 [show] [edit]
V.3 4138 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Caracalla, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1128 1 Naville Numismatics 20, 7 Feb. 2016, lot 353 16.03 27 12 1 no no yes|2233|353|8ebaec74bf30fb613d25c8ab2cd2c862 [show] [edit]
V.3 4139 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Caracalla, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 10; Amandry & Prieur 14; Prieur 1126 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4139 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Caracalla, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 10; Amandry & Prieur 14; Prieur 1126 2 Künker 288, 13 Mar. 2017, lot 713 (ex Leu 22, Zürich 1979, lot 301) 12.8 26.9 5 1 28427 no no yes|1878|713|38cf6732d15059b42c257a87f17d0478 [show] [edit]
V.3 4140 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 7; Amandry & Prieur 11; Prieur 1131 1 CNG 111, Prieur coll., 29 May 2019, lot 554 (ex Florange-Ciani, Allotte de la Fuÿe coll., 17 Feb. 1925, lot 1000; Ciani & Vinchon, Y. E. Hindamian coll., 6 Feb. 1956, lot 632) (Prieur 1131: this coin) 15.93 27 11 1 no no yes|3018|554|a9692510ed5ee2b09d342687f279e63f [show] [edit]
V.3 4141 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 6; Amandry & Prieur 10; Prieur 1132 1 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 668 (ex JSD Coins FPL 61, July 1980, no. 228) 14.93 26 12 1 28431 no no yes|2868|668|2f4201222b8b8eebceba55623b4faa5a [show] [edit]
V.3 4141 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 6; Amandry & Prieur 10; Prieur 1132 2 Leu EA 18, 18 Dec. 2021, lot 2173 13.34 28 11 1 28431 no no no|4552|2173|fb8daa3ded67beab6ac1fde8763469f0 [show] [edit]
V.3 4142 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 15; Prieur 1129 cuirass decorated with gorgoneion 1 CNG EA 453, Prieur coll., 2 Oct. 2019, lot 397 (ex Münzen und Medaillen AG FPL 482, Oct. 1985, no. 36) (Prieur 1129: this coin) 11.8 28 12 1 no no yes|3241|397|42da5f853fbb7f33b939aa36bf9feb40 [show] [edit]
V.3 4143 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Caracalla, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1128A 1 CNG EA 436, Prieur coll., 23 Jan. 2019, lot 369 12.84 27 12 1 28450 no no yes|2906|369|55d7bd27ec4867adfc68c861d086164f [show] [edit]
V.3 4144 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Caracalla, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 58; McAlee 8; Amandry & Prieur12; Prieur 1127 1 Roma Numismatics EA 16, 28 Feb. 2015, lot 323 9.9 24 1 1 no no yes|1405|323|63ecaf80f2d478d4dfbf8bbf2d829bfc [show] [edit]
V.3 4145 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Caracalla, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 9; Amandry & Prieur 13; Prieur 1125 1 O 15.75 25 5 1 28427 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4145 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Caracalla, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 9; Amandry & Prieur 13; Prieur 1125 2 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 666 (ex Münzen & Medaillen AG FPL 212, June 1961, no. 54; CNG 91, 19 Sept. 2012, lot 642) (Prieur 1125: this coin) 12.14 26 12 1 28427 no no yes|929|642|79addc5fa330396ecaae7319050ba619 [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 1 CNG EA 271, 11 Jan. 2012, lot 352 11.28 27 12 1 28451 no no no|902|352|2cdd14fb83875f2bd0322f4a15f0a197 [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 2 CNG EA 330, 9 July 2014, lot 196 10.32 26.1 12 1 no no no|1282|196|81f1e7147d5694ffedd9f307922f9208 [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 3 CNG EA 348, 8 Apr. 2015, lot 557 13.05 26 12 1 28432 no no no|1428|557|1fea275b75169e8cd4bc8554091525ba [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 4 CNG EA 351, 20 May 2015, lot 584 12.06 26.3 12 1 28433 no no no|1454|584|ac1e06bb64445d7ec66bbc63bb2cc8ce [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 5 CNG EA 477, 23 Sept. 2020, lot 262 13.04 27 12 1 28433 no no no|3828|262|6cf45d3655e8aac956495035fa530b3f [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 6 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 667 (ex Münzen und Medaillen AG FPL 279, Aug. 1967, no. 42; Auctiones AG 15, 18 Sep. 1985, lot 379) = Roma Numismatics XVIII, 29 Sept. 2019, lot 768 12.35 27 12 1 28434 no no no|2868|667|2eed2d858626131d512cf36e9a0f37e4 [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 7 CNG Triton XXIV, Prieur coll. 19 Jan. 2021, lot 918 (Prieur 1130: this coin) 14.19 27 12 1 28434 no no no|4053|918|a8a507f43b887f165bf9bb40a9d3a387 [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 8 Lanz 121, 22 Nov. 2004, lot 483 11.54 26 12 1 28432 no no no|98|483|3a7e51d147107126d603db6022ddd70b [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 9 Nomos 25, 20 Nov. 2022, lot 313 14.1 27.3 12 1 28433 no no no|5028|313|93075b593a4903cb51f482c55055aeb0 [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 10 Roma Numismatics 9, 22 Mar. 2015, lot 484 (ex CNG Triton XVI Sessions 1 & 2, 8 Jan. 2013, lot 731; Roma Numismatics 6 Session 2, 29 Sept. 2013, lot 963) 13 27 12 1 28432 no no yes|1089|963|1fd14bbf90af7a3a81f7d384e2968c64 [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 11 Roma Numismatics EA 11, 23 Aug. 2014, lot 87 10.74 27.1 12 1 28433 no no no|1304|87|c779f682faf6331b3dbe41abf479ae79 [show] [edit]
V.3 4146 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ Ϲ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 59; McAlee 5; Amandry & Prieur 9; Prieur 1130 12 Roma Numismatics XII, 29 Sept. 2016, lot 461 13.96 26.1 12 1 28433 no no no|1771|461|52473c878804e82c7dd8e9b4719c31f2 [show] [edit]
V.3 4147 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur — 1 CNG 102, 18 May 2016, lot 750 13.52 26.1 12 1 28431 no no yes|1683|750|6ef7451c288783f1ba550eee7cf8e427 [show] [edit]
V.3 4148 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate and draped bust of Caracalla, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β Tyche of Laodicea seated on rocks, left, holding in her right hand rudder and cornucopia in left; below her, river god Orontes swimming right, holding lighthouse of Laodicea in his left hand. Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 8; Prieur 1123 1 Boulogne-sur-Mer 11.21 25 12 1 28450 no no yes [show] [edit]
V.3 4149 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, right, seen from rear ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Β Tyche of Laodicea seated on rocks, left, holding in her right hand rudder and cornucopia in left; below her, river god Orontes swimming right, holding lighthouse of Laodicea in his left hand. Amandry & Prieur 8bis; Prieur 1124 1 Mampsis hoard, INJ 4 (1980), pl. 15, 57/58 25 3 1 28451 no no yes [show] [edit]
V.3 4150 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Caracalla ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Caracalla, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Β Tyche of Laodicea seated on rocks, left, holding in her right hand rudder and cornucopia in left; below her, river god Orontes swimming right, holding lighthouse of Laodicea in his left hand. Amandry & Prieur 13bis; Prieur 1122 1 Mampsis hoard, INJ 4 (1980), pl. 15, 53/54 26 6 1 28427 no no yes [show] [edit]
V.3 4151 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed cuirassed bust of Geta, with paludamentum on far shoulder, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur — 1 CNG 120, 11 May 2022, lot 664 12.2 26 12 1 28466 no no no|4722|664|3f00e8cc712c14941a585142355b3d10 [show] [edit]
V.3 4151 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed cuirassed bust of Geta, with paludamentum on far shoulder, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur — 2 CNG EA 484, 27 Jan. 2021, lot 534 12.72 28 12 1 28466 no no yes|4107|534|4a567358f33f687fc2c2ab224e6f0010 [show] [edit]
V.3 4152 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 16; Prieur 1133 1 NY 1994.93.1 13.77 27.4 11 1 28435 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4152 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 16; Prieur 1133 2 CNG 111, Prieur coll., 29 May 2019, lot 556 (ex Münz Zentrum 53, 13 Nov. 1984, lot 1946) (Prieur 1133: this coin) 12.69 25.5 12 1 28435 no no no|3018|556|9991fb2c43f18622a37cdb5c571b2159 [show] [edit]
V.3 4152 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Bellinger —; Amandry & Prieur 16; Prieur 1133 3 CNG EA 356, 29 July 2015, lot 357 14.89 26 12 1 28435 no no yes|1495|357|6cf99f7f86660f1a5d449646cb87c7c4 [show] [edit]
V.3 4153 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Bellinger 61; McAlee 13; Amandry & Prieur 19; Prieur 1138 1 L 1922-6-2-2 11.34 26.2 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4153 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left; between legs, star Bellinger 61; McAlee 13; Amandry & Prieur 19; Prieur 1138 2 MDC Monnaies de Collection sarl 6, 29 Oct. 2020, lot 132 13.96 26.7 12 1 28467 no no yes|3823|132|55269118cd88bd8dbd44d1e93a36a422 [show] [edit]
V.3 4154 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed cuirassed bust of Geta, with paludamentum on far shoulder, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1135 1 CNG 99, 13 May 2015, lot 480 13.87 25.4 5 1 28452 no no no|1442|480|b4bae1e26d1664438a101de81d8d6107 [show] [edit]
V.3 4154 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed cuirassed bust of Geta, with paludamentum on far shoulder, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1135 2 CNG Triton XVI Sessions 1 & 2, 8 Jan. 2013, lot 735 13.58 25 5 1 28452 no no yes|977|735|ea6bae544f7ca5342211e332e1904edd [show] [edit]
V.3 4154 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed cuirassed bust of Geta, with paludamentum on far shoulder, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1135 3 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 680 (ex CNG XXV, 24 March 1993, lot 881) = Roma Numismatics XVIII, 29 Sept. 2019, lot 770 = Roma Numismatics XX, 29 Oct. 2020, lot 382 13.49 27.2 6 1 28452 no no no|2868|680|4f27bc04e4bc75aa05064fc39b152b1e [show] [edit]
V.3 4154 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed cuirassed bust of Geta, with paludamentum on far shoulder, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1135 4 Künker 288, 13 Mar. 2017, lot 684 13.34 25.3 12 1 28452 no no no|1878|684|9c664ab602473d87ba5142b9a6c37b86 [show] [edit]
V.3 4154 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed cuirassed bust of Geta, with paludamentum on far shoulder, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Amandry & Prieur —; Prieur 1135 5 Leu WA 31, 7–8 Sept. 2024, lot 926 13.41 27.1 11 1 28452 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4155 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed cuirassed bust of Geta, with paludamentum on far shoulder, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 11; Amandry & Prieur 20; Prieur 1136 cuirass decorated with gorgoneion 1 P Chandon de Briailles 1864 13.52 25.9 1 28466 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4155 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed cuirassed bust of Geta, with paludamentum on far shoulder, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 11; Amandry & Prieur 20; Prieur 1136 cuirass decorated with gorgoneion 2 Leu 7, 24 Oct. 2020, lot 1501 12.4 27 12 1 28466 no no yes|3929|1501|6492fdc18d52bf741ed66f8d82ecfd66 [show] [edit]
V.3 4156 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 14; Amandry & Prieur 17; Prieur 1134 1 Baldwin’s 100, 27 Sept. 2016, lot 799 14.22 26.5 12 1 no no no|1777|799|7a615141185fc16163165368be9316b4 [show] [edit]
V.3 4156 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from front ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 14; Amandry & Prieur 17; Prieur 1134 2 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 679 (ex Münzen und Medaillen AG 61, 7 Oct. 1982, lot 190) 12.18 28 12 1 28435 no no yes|2868|679|624105a9f961d92e8d1aaef56d81ec38 [show] [edit]
V.3 4157 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 1137; McAlee 12; Amandry & Prieur 18; Prieur 1137 1 NY 1944.100.66441 12.67 28.1 6 1 28467 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 4157 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 1137; McAlee 12; Amandry & Prieur 18; Prieur 1137 2 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 681 (ex NAC 5, 25 Feb. 1995, lot 528) (Prieur 1137: this coin) 12.79 27 12 1 28467 no no yes|2868|681|c6c5d75b5baad26eb1cc34c5f5caa472 [show] [edit]
V.3 4157 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 1137; McAlee 12; Amandry & Prieur 18; Prieur 1137 3 Naville Numismatics 31, 14 May 2017, lot 493 14.07 27.5 11 1 28467 no no no|2263|493|4d61e2785bdec349d04a5363967216b8 [show] [edit]
V.3 4157 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 205-207 Tetradrachm Geta ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΓΕΤΑϹ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Α eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right; between legs, star Bellinger 1137; McAlee 12; Amandry & Prieur 18; Prieur 1137 4 Spink 5014, 28 Sept. 2005, lot 460 14.77 26.5 6 1 28467 no no no|164|460|9c5f2d2170252e25abf46cf23b72e2f9 [show] [edit]
V.3 4158 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 15; Amandry & Prieur 21; Prieur 1141 1 CNG EA 326, 7 May 2014, lot 329 10.71 28 12 1 no no no|1243|329|2fa4fcaa65b50c11b29279e66f01cad8 [show] [edit]
V.3 4158 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 15; Amandry & Prieur 21; Prieur 1141 2 CNG EA 545, 30 Aug. 2023, lot 432 = CNG EA 256, 25 May 2011, lot 256 7.63 25 12 1 no no no|770|256|13c4295d68e793ef820e305270c0ed01 [show] [edit]
V.3 4158 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 15; Amandry & Prieur 21; Prieur 1141 3 CNG EA 547, 4 Oct. 2023, lot 632 12.61 27.5 12 1 no no no|5503|632|6dd93133ab36828b2c46394da463dfb8 [show] [edit]
V.3 4158 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 15; Amandry & Prieur 21; Prieur 1141 4 CNG Triton XXII, Prieur coll., 8 Jan. 2019, lot 662 (ex Hess-Leu 41, 24 April 1969, lot 280; Schweizerische Kreditanstalt 4, 3 Dec. 1985, lot 560) (Prieur 1141: this coin) 13.55 28 12 1 no no no|2868|662|8b74899b33652cf4df2a6dd0973618bb [show] [edit]
V.3 4158 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 15; Amandry & Prieur 21; Prieur 1141 5 Leu EA 9, 7 Sept. 2019, lot 894 (ex Solidus Numismatik Summer 32, 28 July 2018, lot 147) 9.99 26.2 11 1 no no no|3183|894|1123a3d4a3bea0e9bdd9df877381a0d1 [show] [edit]
V.3 4158 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 15; Amandry & Prieur 21; Prieur 1141 6 Nomos 14, 17 May 2017, lot 384 14.39 26.3 1 no no no|1914|384|2d5f344178cfe1b000bb4ab307fc9ddb [show] [edit]
V.3 4158 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 15; Amandry & Prieur 21; Prieur 1141 7 Nomos 9, 21 Oct. 2014, lot 262 (ex Lanz 132, 27 Nov. 2006, lot 414) 13.85 26 1 no no yes|1359|262|ba718c5b4356abb4fd357eb57a8dc425 [show] [edit]
V.3 4158 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 15; Amandry & Prieur 21; Prieur 1141 8 Peus 374, 23 Apr. 2003, lot 823 14.22 26.5 1 no no no|51|823|e94973dff35019bfc7ecb83adec7be44 [show] [edit]
V.3 4158 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 15; Amandry & Prieur 21; Prieur 1141 9 Roma Numismatics EA 11, 23 Aug. 2014, lot 82 9.97 25.2 1 1 no no no|1304|82|fd07aa99ab2a69521779a5a7f6fed24b [show] [edit]
V.3 4158 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 15; Amandry & Prieur 21; Prieur 1141 10 Solidus Numismatik Summer 32, 28 July 2018, lot 147 9.97 26.1 1 no no no|2743|147|8c8c7928489244f6869228bcc18f8b34 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 1 CNG 111, Prieur coll., 29 May 2019, lot 553 (ex Aufhäuser 10, 5 Oct. 1993, lot 454) : CNG 120, 11 May 2022, lot 663 14.06 26 12 1 28733 no no yes|3018|553|0f1a8c8b61b09f3e3dee995c324a33bd [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 2 CNG 87, 18 May 2011, lot 883 13.77 28 12 1 28734 no no no|734|883|cd0a6b7f2e01843c9df99ed29aba85e4 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 3 CNG EA 136, 29 Mar. 2006, lot 159 12.63 26 1 28733 no no no|485|159|cf67832ab354dec1277a69f7436e1475 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 4 CNG EA 327, 28 May 2014, lot 835 11.97 26.1 12 1 no no no|1247|835|256919236a031d9f95498553cdfadfd0 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 5 CNG EA 335, 24 Sept. 2014, lot 342 12.96 26.1 12 1 28734 no no no|1312|342|0c5a3627b15c95dbc3b149431d2ad6d9 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 6 CNG EA 337, 22 Oct. 2014, lot 235 13.02 26 12 1 28735 no no no|1337|235|ddb281c9ceed64257f1e26e2d5a0c82a [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 7 CNG EA 339, 19 Nov. 2014, lot 263 14.24 27 12 1 28735 no no no|1354|263|e02d09f0e743d23b539f9ccc958b222e [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 8 CNG EA 521, 3 Aug. 2022, lot 269 13.02 26.5 12 1 28735 no no no|4912|269|a49bfe95e11efaa9384e19542aba9758 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 9 CNG MBS 76, 12 Sept. 2007, lot 1106 13.24 26 12 1 28733 no no no|241|1106|72b11144d0ef3b46e485a9b443ab9a64 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 10 CNG MBS 79, 17 Sept. 2008, lot 653 12.49 25.8 12 1 28734 no no no|328|653|0faf2f502f34bd6c345365fe2ba5d3bc [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 11 Gemini IV, 8 Jan. 2008, lot 442 (ex Lanz 132, 27 Nov. 2006, lot 413) 14.68 26 1 28735 no no no|264|442|7adbe12166acefc79d4bdc35fdb97fb0 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 12 Gorny & Mosch 219, 10 Mar. 2014, lot 335 13.08 26.1 1 28734 no no no|1183|335|a288a1106f88626e23636856e148938f [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 13 Künker 133, 11 Oct. 2007, lot 8959 12.86 26 1 no no no|250|8959|a061332f03c07da5fa3ca4090c9e7855 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 14 Lanz 117, 24 Nov. 2003, lot 880 14.1 25 1 28734 no no no|71|880|c63e9d88db3fe8f73a2241d74ef2ecb7 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 15 Lanz 160, 15 June 2015, lot 448 14.18 26.3 1 28734 no no no|1497|448|ef33f2a2579a65509c8589e56c16d587 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 16 Leu EA 13, 15 Aug. 2020, lot 1003 13.82 26 1 1 28735 no no no|3732|1003|cb58277e0cefa912b45a91f0388d4718 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 17 Nomos 14, 17 May 2017, lot 383 12.23 26 1 28734 no no no|1914|383|f550cb0fc4f29bceb28a434b0b19d769 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 18 Rauch 109, 11 Nov. 2019, lot 200 12.81 26.3 1 28734 no no no|3282|200|19ef96251b704febb5f5f6f5546bc662 [show] [edit]
V.3 4159 Syria Coele Syria Laodicea ad Mare AD 207–8 Tetradrachm Septimius Severus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕ laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟϹ ΤΟ Γ eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left, wreath in beak; between legs, star Bellinger —; McAlee 30; Amandry & Prieur 22; Prieur 1140 19 Roma Numismatics XII, 29 Sept. 2016, lot 452 13.59 26 12 1 28735 no no no|1771|452|57a8f957d491b9a0c30583012d1b6908 [show] [edit]