Search results: 432 entries found.

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 24.80 g (3)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, right, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΑΝ ΠΟΝΤΩ; Heracles advancing right, head left, holding club and lion skin, conducting Cerberus; to right, figure of Pomona (?) on cippus, holding apple and ears of corn; to left, tree
CNG Triton V, 15 Jan. 2002, lot 1712 = Aufhäuser 15, 22 Mar. 2000, lot 100 
 36 27.35  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 23.17 g (2)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ; Heracles seated left, on rock, extending right hand towards small Eros standing right in front of him, holding club; to left, tree on which small Eros holding bow and arrow
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  624
SNG 266 = Rec 78, pl. LVII, 18 
 37.5 24.51  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 23.17 g (2)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ; Heracles seated left, on rock, extending right hand towards small Eros standing right in front of him, holding club; to left, tree on which small Eros holding bow and arrow
Roma Numismatics XVII, 28 Mar. 2019, lot 536 
 35.3 21.82  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 22.75 g (7)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ (retrograde); Tyche seated left, holding patera and cornucopia; at feet, left, personification of the Pontus Euxinus seated right, holding anchor, and right, river god Lykos seated left, holding staff (?) and leaning on water urn
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  623
SNG 265 = Rec 77, pl. LVII, 17 
 37 23.93  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 22.75 g (7)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ (retrograde); Tyche seated left, holding patera and cornucopia; at feet, left, personification of the Pontus Euxinus seated right, holding anchor, and right, river god Lykos seated left, holding staff (?) and leaning on water urn
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  18273477, B-I
FM p. 260, no. 219 
 35 24.95  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 22.75 g (7)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ (retrograde); Tyche seated left, holding patera and cornucopia; at feet, left, personification of the Pontus Euxinus seated right, holding anchor, and right, river god Lykos seated left, holding staff (?) and leaning on water urn
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  18273478, Löbb.
KM p. 8, no. 1 
 36 20.86  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 22.75 g (7)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ (retrograde); Tyche seated left, holding patera and cornucopia; at feet, left, personification of the Pontus Euxinus seated right, holding anchor, and right, river god Lykos seated left, holding staff (?) and leaning on water urn
C: Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (UK)  
 36 22.03  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 22.75 g (7)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ (retrograde); Tyche seated left, holding patera and cornucopia; at feet, left, personification of the Pontus Euxinus seated right, holding anchor, and right, river god Lykos seated left, holding staff (?) and leaning on water urn
Gorny & Mosch 276, 19 Apr. 2021, lot 337 = Leu EA 20, 25 June 2022, lot 1889 = Leu EA 26, 8 July 2023, lot 2182 
 35 23.21  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 22.75 g (7)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ (retrograde); Tyche seated left, holding patera and cornucopia; at feet, left, personification of the Pontus Euxinus seated right, holding anchor, and right, river god Lykos seated left, holding staff (?) and leaning on water urn
Yuri Pokrass coll. 
 37 26.47  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 22.75 g (7)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ (retrograde); Tyche seated left, holding patera and cornucopia; at feet, left, personification of the Pontus Euxinus seated right, holding anchor, and right, river god Lykos seated left, holding staff (?) and leaning on water urn
B. Michaux coll. = CNG EA 531, 25 Jan. 2023, lot 538 (Dr. Michael Slavin coll.) 
 35 17.81  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 0.00 g (0)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ; Zeus driving quadriga to right, battling serpent legged giants
Cast in Winterthur = Th. Prowe, 'Quelques monnaies grecques d'Asie Mineure', Numizmaticeskij Sbornik 3 (1913), p. 168, no. 16, pl. II 

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 0.00 g (0)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ; Zeus driving quadriga to right, battling serpent legged giants
Hecht, British Museum filing cards 

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 0.00 g (0)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ; Zeus driving quadriga to right, battling serpent legged giants
В. В. Шкорпил, Извѣстія Императорской Археологической коммиссіи [Izvestija Imperatorskoj Archeologičeskoj Kommissii] 17 (1905), p. 38, ill. 26 = M.-B. Højberg Bjerg, Money, Power and Communication. Coin circulation in the Bosporan Kingdom in the Roman Period (Wetteren, 2014), p. 392, no. 13 

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 21.71 g (1)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΑΝ; Zeus seated left, holding Nike and sceptre
NY: American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)  1944.100.42123
 36 21.71  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 24.16 g (1)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, right, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΑΝ ΠΟΝΤΩ; Zeus (or Demos) seated left, holding patera and sceptre; in front, the three Charites
L: British Museum, London (UK)  1979,0101.1297
SNG vA 6938 
 36.2 24.16   12 

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 24.35 g (1)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, left, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΑϹ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ, ΑΠΟ ΠΟΝΤΩ (?); Zeus (or Demos) seated left, holding patera and sceptre; in front, the three Charites
Tradart 18 Dec. 2014, lot 133 = Tradart 8 Nov. 1992, lot 95 = Leu 50, 25 Apr. 1990, lot 352 
 35 24.35   12 

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 22.92 g (3)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, right, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΑΝ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ; Zeus (or Demos) seated left, holding patera and sceptre; in front, two small standing figures
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  621
SNG 269 = Rec 72, pl. LVII, 12 
 35 22.44  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 22.92 g (3)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, right, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΑΝ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ; Zeus (or Demos) seated left, holding patera and sceptre; in front, two small standing figures
CNG Triton II, 1 Dec. 1998, lot 626 = Gorny & Mosch 89, 5 June 1998, lot 312 = Gorny & Mosch 276, 19 Apr. 2021, lot 336 = Leu 14, 14 Oct. 2023, lot 122 
 35 22.77  

Gordian III
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (35 mm); 22.92 g (3)
ΤΟΝ ΚΤΙϹΤΑΝ; diademed bust of Heracles, right, wearing lion skin around neck, and holding club
ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΑΝ ΜΑΤΡΟϹ ΑΠΟΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΩΝ; Zeus (or Demos) seated left, holding patera and sceptre; in front, two small standing figures
Gorny & Mosch 130, 8 Mar. 2004, lot 1842 = Gorny & Mosch 134, 11 Oct. 2004, lot 1926 
 34 23.55  

Gordian III Gordian III (Augustus)
Heraclea Pontica  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 12.82 g (2)
Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΥΓ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear
ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΑΝ ΠΟΝΤΩ; female deity (Aphrodite?) standing facing, head right, holding club and apple (?)
B. Michaux coll. = ex M. Mihalka coll. 
 30 12.96  
GIC 824 (denominational mark Η, club below)