Search results: 621 entries found.

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (27 mm); 12.00 g (27)
ΚΑΙ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ L; head of Zeus Ammon, right
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ ΑΝΤΙϹΤΡΑΤ, L - Λ (in the field); sella castrensis and fasces
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  I-B

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (27 mm); 12.00 g (27)
ΚΑΙ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ L; head of Zeus Ammon, right
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ ΑΝΤΙϹΤΡΑΤ, L - Λ (in the field); sella castrensis and fasces
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  I-B

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (27 mm); 12.00 g (27)
ΚΑΙ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ L; head of Zeus Ammon, right
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ ΑΝΤΙϹΤΡΑΤ, L - Λ (in the field); sella castrensis and fasces
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (27 mm); 12.00 g (27)
ΚΑΙ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ L; head of Zeus Ammon, right
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ ΑΝΤΙϹΤΡΑΤ, L - Λ (in the field); sella castrensis and fasces
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  Löbb.

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (27 mm); 12.00 g (27)
ΚΑΙ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ L; head of Zeus Ammon, right
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ ΑΝΤΙϹΤΡΑΤ, L - Λ (in the field); sella castrensis and fasces
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  Rauch

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (27 mm); 12.00 g (27)
ΚΑΙ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ L; head of Zeus Ammon, right
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ ΑΝΤΙϹΤΡΑΤ, L - Λ (in the field); sella castrensis and fasces
Laffaille coll. 

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (27 mm); 12.00 g (27)
ΚΑΙ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ L; head of Zeus Ammon, right
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ ΑΝΤΙϹΤΡΑΤ, L - Λ (in the field); sella castrensis and fasces
NY: American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)  2015.20.839
 29.4 14.09  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
L: British Museum, London (UK)  
BMC 33 = pl. XLIII, 4 
 21 6.77  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  349
 21 4.76  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  347
 21 4.68  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  348
 21 5.22  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
Mu: Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich (Germany)  
 21 4.01  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
Cop: Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen (Denmark)  
SNG 1315 
 21 6.07  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
NY: American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)  1941.36.170
ex Norton 
 22 5.11  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
NY: American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)  1944.135.219
ex Norton 
 23 4.13  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
NY: American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)  1944.135.220
ex Norton 
 22 2.52   12 

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
NY: American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)  1944.100.79572
 22 4.8   12 

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
Tunis: Musée du Bardo  
Rahmouni p. 25, no. 23 and p. 35, pl. IV 
 21 6.06  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
 21 6.15  

Roman Republic
Cyrenaica  Cyrenaica Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (21 mm); 4.93 g (17)
ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly); ram, right
ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.); sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
 21 4.25