Search results: 130 entries found.

Vol. Province Region City Issue Dating Magistrates Denomination Person(s) Obv. inscription Obv. design Rev. inscription Rev. design Reference Note Internal note Coin Number Museum Inventory Number Bibliography Weight Diameter Axis Quantity Obv. die Rev. die Obv. cmks Rev. cmks Note Obv. img Rev. img Plate Uri link
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 1 B 18271663, 1900 Imhoof-Blumer 4.34 19 12 1 17581 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 3 P 524 3.91 16 1 17581 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 4 Cop SNG 245 3.43 16 1 17581 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 5 V GR 27586 4.19 16 1 the ethnic is not visible, and the coin has a rather crude style, so the attribution is somewhat uncertain no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 6 Assos excavations 126 16 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 7 Assos excavations 127 16 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 8 Assos excavations 128 16 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 9 Assos excavations 129 16 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 10 Assos excavations 130 16 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 11 CNG MBS 78, R. Prideaux coll., 14 May 2008, lot 1286 3.71 19.4 12 1 no no yes|293|1286|61295c79d0874ecdc519522b7ddce0fd [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 12 B 18271661, 1852/10702 3.89 19 12 1 17581 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 13 Boston 84.701 3.31 16.5 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 14 Boston 84.702 4.34 18 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 15 Boston 84.703 3.43 18 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 16 Boston 84.704 3.46 17.5 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 17 Boston 84.705 4.5 18 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 18 Boston 84.706 3.78 15.5 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 19 Boston 84.707 3.17 15 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 20 Boston 84.708 2.44 15.5 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2320 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Augustus ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right Cop 245 axis: 12 or 6. 21 Boston 84.709 2.51 15.5 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2321 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (16 mm) Uncertain ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ[Σ] bare (?) head, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin seated, left; below, monogram including ΑΥ 1 Mu 41 3.44 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2321 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (16 mm) Uncertain ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ[Σ] bare (?) head, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin seated, left; below, monogram including ΑΥ 2 B 18271667, 1852/10703 3.14 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2321 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (16 mm) Uncertain ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ[Σ] bare (?) head, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin seated, left; below, monogram including ΑΥ 3 P 525 3.96 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2321 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (16 mm) Uncertain ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ[Σ] bare (?) head, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin seated, left; below, monogram including ΑΥ 4 L 1938,1007.226 3.09 16 12 1 qualitative metal analysis on coin no no no [show] [edit]
I 2321 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (16 mm) Uncertain ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ[Σ] bare (?) head, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin seated, left; below, monogram including ΑΥ 5 Assos excavations 131 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2321 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (16 mm) Uncertain ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ[Σ] bare (?) head, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin seated, left; below, monogram including ΑΥ 6 Assos excavations 132 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2321 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (16 mm) Uncertain ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ[Σ] bare (?) head, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin seated, left; below, monogram including ΑΥ 7 Assos excavations 133 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2321 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (16 mm) Uncertain ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ[Σ] bare (?) head, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin seated, left; below, monogram including ΑΥ 8 Assos excavations 134 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2321 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (16 mm) Uncertain ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ[Σ] bare (?) head, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin seated, left; below, monogram including ΑΥ 9 CNG EA 181, S. Wagner coll., 6 Feb. 2008, lot 118 3.38 17 1 1 no no no|530|118|60427fbedb0cd9221b7c453301a91001 [show] [edit]
I 2321 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (16 mm) Uncertain ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟ[Σ] bare (?) head, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin seated, left; below, monogram including ΑΥ 10 Ares Web Auction 9, 17 May 2020, lot 154 3.31 16.3 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 1 L 1920,0516.32 NC 1921, 16, no. 1 3.78 17 1 17582 qualitative metal analysis on coin no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 2 B 18271670, 1906 Löbbecke ZfN XII, 312 4.1 17 11 1 17582 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 3 B 18271668, 1900 Imhoof-Blumer 4.11 18 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 4 vA 1500 5.48 17 1 17583 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 5 C SNG 4283 4.63 17 1 17583 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 6 Assos excavations 135 17 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 7 Boston 84.711 3.77 18 11 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 8 Boston 84.712 3.49 18 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 9 Boston 84.713 3.96 17.5 7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 10 Boston 84.714 5.15 18 11 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 11 Boston 84.715 4.01 18 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 12 Boston 84.716 3.8 19.5 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 13 Boston 84.717 3.02 17.5 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2323 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ griffin reclining, right; below, fulmen (?) NC 1921, 16, no. 1 axis: 12 or 6. 14 Boston 84.718 3.34 17 5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2324 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ helmeted head of Athena, right BMC 24 corr. Probably all from the same dies. axis: 12 or 6. 1 P 526 Wa 663 4.25 17 1 17582 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 2324 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ helmeted head of Athena, right BMC 24 corr. Probably all from the same dies. axis: 12 or 6. 2 L BMC 24 'Augustus' 2.86 17 1 17582 qualitative metal analysis on coin no no no [show] [edit]
I 2324 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ helmeted head of Athena, right BMC 24 corr. Probably all from the same dies. axis: 12 or 6. 3 O 4.17 17 1 17582 under 'Tiberius' no no no [show] [edit]
I 2324 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ helmeted head of Athena, right BMC 24 corr. Probably all from the same dies. axis: 12 or 6. 4 Kovacs 13 (1981), 27 17 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2324 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ helmeted head of Athena, right BMC 24 corr. Probably all from the same dies. axis: 12 or 6. 5 Assos excavations 136–43 17 8 no no no [show] [edit]
I 2324 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Leaded bronze (17 mm) Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ laureate head of Claudius, right ΑΣΣΙ helmeted head of Athena, right BMC 24 corr. Probably all from the same dies. axis: 12 or 6. 13 Boston 84.710 3.85 16 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
II 898 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (17 mm) Vespasian ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate head of Vespasian, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ helmeted head of Athena, right 1 P 528 Wa 664 3.97 17 6 1 3533 3534 no no no [show] [edit]
II 898 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (17 mm) Vespasian ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate head of Vespasian, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ helmeted head of Athena, right 2 Private coll. I 4.6 17 1 3533 3534 no no no [show] [edit]
II 898 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (17 mm) Vespasian ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate head of Vespasian, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ helmeted head of Athena, right 3 Künker 417 eLive, 31 Oct. 2024, lot 3031 = Solidus 5, 26 Apr. 2015, lot 153 3.72 18 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
II 898 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (17 mm) Vespasian ΟΥΕϹΠΑϹΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate head of Vespasian, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ helmeted head of Athena, right 4 A. Tricarico coll. (ex Savoca 92 Blue, 19 Dec. 2020, lot 1190) 4.67 20.1 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
II 899 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus —ma— Æ (20 mm) Julia Titi ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΑ draped bust of Julia, right ΕΠΙ (monogram)ΜΑ ΑΡΧΟΝΤΟϹ ΑϹϹΙ griffin reclining, left KM p. 508 The name of the magistrate starts with a monogram. Münsterberg, Beamtennamen suggests an expansion as either ΑΥΓΟμα or ΑΧΓΟμα. 1 B 18271671, 1928 Bernhard-Imhoof 7.27 22 12 1 5570 5571 no no no [show] [edit]
II 899 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus —ma— Æ (20 mm) Julia Titi ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΑ draped bust of Julia, right ΕΠΙ (monogram)ΜΑ ΑΡΧΟΝΤΟϹ ΑϹϹΙ griffin reclining, left KM p. 508 The name of the magistrate starts with a monogram. Münsterberg, Beamtennamen suggests an expansion as either ΑΥΓΟμα or ΑΧΓΟμα. 2 Winterthur G 6338 5.87 12 1 5570 5571 no no no [show] [edit]
II 899 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus —ma— Æ (20 mm) Julia Titi ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΑ draped bust of Julia, right ΕΠΙ (monogram)ΜΑ ΑΡΧΟΝΤΟϹ ΑϹϹΙ griffin reclining, left KM p. 508 The name of the magistrate starts with a monogram. Münsterberg, Beamtennamen suggests an expansion as either ΑΥΓΟμα or ΑΧΓΟμα. 3 P AA.GR.10373 4.5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
II 899 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus —ma— Æ (20 mm) Julia Titi ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΑ draped bust of Julia, right ΕΠΙ (monogram)ΜΑ ΑΡΧΟΝΤΟϹ ΑϹϹΙ griffin reclining, left KM p. 508 The name of the magistrate starts with a monogram. Münsterberg, Beamtennamen suggests an expansion as either ΑΥΓΟμα or ΑΧΓΟμα. 4 H.I. coll. 6.12 21 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
II 900 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (17 mm) Titus ; Domitian [ ] ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ[ ] confronting heads of Titus and Domitian ΑΣΣΙΩΝ griffin reclining, left 1 P 527 RPC I, 2322/2 3.51 17 12 1 [ ]ΔΟ[ ]ΑΡ[ ] no no yes [show] [edit]
II 900 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (17 mm) Titus ; Domitian [ ] ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ[ ] confronting heads of Titus and Domitian ΑΣΣΙΩΝ griffin reclining, left 2 Plankenhorn coll. 3.75 17 1 [ ] ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤWΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹ[ ] no no no [show] [edit]
II 900 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (17 mm) Titus ; Domitian [ ] ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ[ ] confronting heads of Titus and Domitian ΑΣΣΙΩΝ griffin reclining, left 3 Plankenhorn coll. 3.55 17 1 illegible obv. no no no [show] [edit]
II 900 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (17 mm) Titus ; Domitian [ ] ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ[ ] confronting heads of Titus and Domitian ΑΣΣΙΩΝ griffin reclining, left 4 Mabbott 1396 = RPC I, 2322/1 20 1 no no no [show] [edit]
II 900 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (17 mm) Titus ; Domitian [ ] ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ[ ] confronting heads of Titus and Domitian ΑΣΣΙΩΝ griffin reclining, left 5 Boston 84.719 3.79 17 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
II 900 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (17 mm) Titus ; Domitian [ ] ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ[ ] confronting heads of Titus and Domitian ΑΣΣΙΩΝ griffin reclining, left 6 Boston 84.720 4.22 18 10 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 1578 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (31 mm) Trajan Α[ΥΤΟ]Κ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕ ΓΕ[ ] laureate head of Trajan, right ΑΣΣΙΩΝ helmeted bust of Athena, right Bell, Assos 146 1 Assos 146 16.63 32 1 = H. W. Bell, Investigations at Assos. Coins (Boston 1921) no no yes [show] [edit]
III 1578 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (31 mm) Trajan Α[ΥΤΟ]Κ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕ ΓΕ[ ] laureate head of Trajan, right ΑΣΣΙΩΝ helmeted bust of Athena, right Bell, Assos 146 2 Çannakale 9663 13.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 1578 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (31 mm) Trajan Α[ΥΤΟ]Κ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕ ΓΕ[ ] laureate head of Trajan, right ΑΣΣΙΩΝ helmeted bust of Athena, right Bell, Assos 146 3 Boston 84.721 16.63 32 7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 1579 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (19 mm) Plotina ΠΛΟΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹ draped bust of Plotina, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ veiled goddess standing facing, raising right hand and holding cista mystica in left hand SNG vA 1501 1 L 1979,0101.1638 SNG vA 1501 6.07 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 1579A Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (30 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ϹΕ ΤΡΑ ΑΔΡΙ[Α] laureate head of Hadrian, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Athena standing left holding patera in right and resting left on shield set on ground, spear behind 1 R. Pudill coll. (ex Savoca Online Auction 34 Silver, 16 June 2019, lot 243) 11.97 30 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
III 1579 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (19 mm) Plotina ΠΛΟΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹ draped bust of Plotina, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ veiled goddess standing facing, raising right hand and holding cista mystica in left hand SNG vA 1501 2 C Leake 4284 5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 1579 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (19 mm) Plotina ΠΛΟΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹ draped bust of Plotina, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ veiled goddess standing facing, raising right hand and holding cista mystica in left hand SNG vA 1501 3 P 529 6.43 18.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 1579 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (19 mm) Plotina ΠΛΟΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹ draped bust of Plotina, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ veiled goddess standing facing, raising right hand and holding cista mystica in left hand SNG vA 1501 4 B 18271673, 1852/11069 5.78 20 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
III 1579 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (19 mm) Plotina ΠΛΟΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹ draped bust of Plotina, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ veiled goddess standing facing, raising right hand and holding cista mystica in left hand SNG vA 1501 5 Bern Righetti 791 4.01 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 1579 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (19 mm) Plotina ΠΛΟΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹ draped bust of Plotina, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ veiled goddess standing facing, raising right hand and holding cista mystica in left hand SNG vA 1501 6 Bern Righetti 792 5.07 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 1580 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (25 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ϹΕ ΤΡΑ ΑΔΡΙΑ laureate head of Hadrian, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ griffin, left; beneath, thunderbolt SNG vA 7590 1 vA 7590 9.88 25 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
III 1581 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (19 mm) Sabina ϹΑΒΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑ draped bust of Sabina, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ veiled goddess standing right, holding cista mystica in right hand 1 B 18271674, 1900 Imhoof-Blumer 6.16 22 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
III 1581 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (19 mm) Sabina ϹΑΒΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑ draped bust of Sabina, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ veiled goddess standing right, holding cista mystica in right hand 2 L. Correa do Lago coll. 5.46 22 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 791 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Æ (16 mm) Antoninus Pius ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Telesphorus standing, right J. Scholz, NZ 43 (1910), 16, no. 66 !Type-Illustration: difficult 1 J. Scholz, NZ 43 (1910), 16, no. 66 2.17 16 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 792 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Marcus as co-emperor of Verus c. 161–166 Æ (23 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙ laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (medium length beard - long beard with short curls) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΑϹϹΙΩΝ griffin reclining, left, on thunderbolt F. Imhoof-Blumer, RSN 19 (1913), 28, no. 74 !obvleg: I-B wronlgy with AVR! 1 B 18271675, 1906 Löbbecke F. Imhoof-Blumer, RSN 19 (1913), 28, no. 74 6.85 22 12 1 8421 6448 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 792 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Marcus as co-emperor of Verus c. 161–166 Æ (23 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙ laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (medium length beard - long beard with short curls) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΑϹϹΙΩΝ griffin reclining, left, on thunderbolt F. Imhoof-Blumer, RSN 19 (1913), 28, no. 74 !obvleg: I-B wronlgy with AVR! 2 P 530 6.41 22 5 1 8421 6448 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 792 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus Marcus as co-emperor of Verus c. 161–166 Æ (23 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙ laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (medium length beard - long beard with short curls) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΑϹϹΙΩΝ griffin reclining, left, on thunderbolt F. Imhoof-Blumer, RSN 19 (1913), 28, no. 74 !obvleg: I-B wronlgy with AVR! 3 Winterthur Bloesch 2, no. 2725, ex coll. F. Imhoof-Blumer 5.75 23 1 1 8421 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 793 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Krinakides Æ (23 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Μ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΚΡΙΝΑΚΙΔΗϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ serpent coiling on altar, head, right BMC 25 !obvleg: M is very long, open to misintetpretation, I-B also reads M, BMC, Lindgren and Bell wrongly AVKLAI; !revleg: BMC wrongly AC'C'IW 1 L BMC 25, pl. VII.17 (rev.) 6.44 23 6 1 8291 6451 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 793 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Krinakides Æ (23 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Μ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΚΡΙΝΑΚΙΔΗϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ serpent coiling on altar, head, right BMC 25 !obvleg: M is very long, open to misintetpretation, I-B also reads M, BMC, Lindgren and Bell wrongly AVKLAI; !revleg: BMC wrongly AC'C'IW 2 B 18271679, 1900 Imhoof-Blumer 6.58 23 12 1 8291 6451 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 793 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Krinakides Æ (23 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Μ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΚΡΙΝΑΚΙΔΗϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ serpent coiling on altar, head, right BMC 25 !obvleg: M is very long, open to misintetpretation, I-B also reads M, BMC, Lindgren and Bell wrongly AVKLAI; !revleg: BMC wrongly AC'C'IW 3 P 537 Wa 666 7.1 23 12 1 8291 6451 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 793 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Krinakides Æ (23 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Μ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΚΡΙΝΑΚΙΔΗϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ serpent coiling on altar, head, right BMC 25 !obvleg: M is very long, open to misintetpretation, I-B also reads M, BMC, Lindgren and Bell wrongly AVKLAI; !revleg: BMC wrongly AC'C'IW 4 P 532 6.7 24 12 1 8291 6451 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 793 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Krinakides Æ (23 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Μ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΚΡΙΝΑΚΙΔΗϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ serpent coiling on altar, head, right BMC 25 !obvleg: M is very long, open to misintetpretation, I-B also reads M, BMC, Lindgren and Bell wrongly AVKLAI; !revleg: BMC wrongly AC'C'IW 5 Lindgren I, 350 6.66 22 1 8291 6451 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 793 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Krinakides Æ (23 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Μ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΚΡΙΝΑΚΙΔΗϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ serpent coiling on altar, head, right BMC 25 !obvleg: M is very long, open to misintetpretation, I-B also reads M, BMC, Lindgren and Bell wrongly AVKLAI; !revleg: BMC wrongly AC'C'IW 6 Boston 84.722 H.W. Bell, Investigations at Assos. Coins (Boston [Massachusetts], 1921), 304, no. 147, pl. 295.147 8.25 23.5 11 1 8291 6451 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 793 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Krinakides Æ (23 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Μ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΚΡΙΝΑΚΙΔΗϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ serpent coiling on altar, head, right BMC 25 !obvleg: M is very long, open to misintetpretation, I-B also reads M, BMC, Lindgren and Bell wrongly AVKLAI; !revleg: BMC wrongly AC'C'IW 7 Boston 84.723 H.W. Bell, Investigations at Assos. Coins (Boston [Massachusetts], 1921), 304, no. 148 6.35 23.5 11 1 8291 6451 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 793 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Krinakides Æ (23 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Μ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΚΡΙΝΑΚΙΔΗϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ serpent coiling on altar, head, right BMC 25 !obvleg: M is very long, open to misintetpretation, I-B also reads M, BMC, Lindgren and Bell wrongly AVKLAI; !revleg: BMC wrongly AC'C'IW 8 Amsterdam GR-05396 6.95 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 794 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Tiberius Claudius Aristolaos Æ (42 mm) Commodus ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡ [ΤΙΒ?] ΚΛ ΑΡΙϹΤΟΛΑΔΑ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ emperor (Commodus) standing in quadriga, left, holding palm-branch; to left, quadriga led by soldier carrying military standard; in background, trophy on base with two captives A. Zograph, ZfN 36 (1926), pp. 68–72 !magname: CTR[A]T B or CTR[A] T[I]B; or so!revtyp: Münze kopiert Stadtrömische Prägungen des Verus: Gnecchi, 2, 1912, nos. 17-19, pl. 73.2 and 74.3; 1 L 1897-5-3-2 Kraft, p. 187, pl. 88.14c, worn 40.12 42 6 1 8194 6449 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 794 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Tiberius Claudius Aristolaos Æ (42 mm) Commodus ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡ [ΤΙΒ?] ΚΛ ΑΡΙϹΤΟΛΑΔΑ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ emperor (Commodus) standing in quadriga, left, holding palm-branch; to left, quadriga led by soldier carrying military standard; in background, trophy on base with two captives A. Zograph, ZfN 36 (1926), pp. 68–72 !magname: CTR[A]T B or CTR[A] T[I]B; or so!revtyp: Münze kopiert Stadtrömische Prägungen des Verus: Gnecchi, 2, 1912, nos. 17-19, pl. 73.2 and 74.3; 2 CNG 35 (20/09/1995), 1158 35.45 43 1 8194 6449 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 794 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Tiberius Claudius Aristolaos Æ (42 mm) Commodus ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡ [ΤΙΒ?] ΚΛ ΑΡΙϹΤΟΛΑΔΑ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ emperor (Commodus) standing in quadriga, left, holding palm-branch; to left, quadriga led by soldier carrying military standard; in background, trophy on base with two captives A. Zograph, ZfN 36 (1926), pp. 68–72 !magname: CTR[A]T B or CTR[A] T[I]B; or so!revtyp: Münze kopiert Stadtrömische Prägungen des Verus: Gnecchi, 2, 1912, nos. 17-19, pl. 73.2 and 74.3; 3 Harlan J. Berk 131 (02/04/2003), 531 = CNG Electronic Auction 109 (02/03/2005), 107 42.77 41 1 8194 6449 no no no|459|107|f28aac3b850a99d49969c0c4174576ac [show] [edit]
IV.2 794 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Tiberius Claudius Aristolaos Æ (42 mm) Commodus ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡ [ΤΙΒ?] ΚΛ ΑΡΙϹΤΟΛΑΔΑ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ emperor (Commodus) standing in quadriga, left, holding palm-branch; to left, quadriga led by soldier carrying military standard; in background, trophy on base with two captives A. Zograph, ZfN 36 (1926), pp. 68–72 !magname: CTR[A]T B or CTR[A] T[I]B; or so!revtyp: Münze kopiert Stadtrömische Prägungen des Verus: Gnecchi, 2, 1912, nos. 17-19, pl. 73.2 and 74.3; 4 St Petersburg A. Zograph, ZfN 36 (1926), p. 69, illustrated 43.41 42 6 1 8194 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 795 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Tiberius Claudius Aristolaos Æ (23 mm) Commodus ΑΥΤο ΚΑΙ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ΑΡΙϹΤοΛΑο ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Asclepius seated, left, holding patera and long serpent-staff !magnam: 1) I follow Bell and Kraft with ARICTOLAO? 2) KM p. 37, n. 2 does not trust Wa's A.ICTO.Ae(?) 1 P 536 Wa 665, misreading name of 'magistrate' as 'Α.ΙСΤΟ.ΑƐ(?)' 6.24 23 6 1 8598 6450 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 795 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Tiberius Claudius Aristolaos Æ (23 mm) Commodus ΑΥΤο ΚΑΙ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ΑΡΙϹΤοΛΑο ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Asclepius seated, left, holding patera and long serpent-staff !magnam: 1) I follow Bell and Kraft with ARICTOLAO? 2) KM p. 37, n. 2 does not trust Wa's A.ICTO.Ae(?) 2 Boston 84.726 H.W. Bell, Investigations at Assos. Coins (Boston [Massachusetts], 1921), 305, no. 151, pl. 295.151 = Kraft, p. 188, pl. 89.21.b 8.34 22.5 6 1 8598 6450 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 795 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 180–184 Tiberius Claudius Aristolaos Æ (23 mm) Commodus ΑΥΤο ΚΑΙ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ΑΡΙϹΤοΛΑο ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Asclepius seated, left, holding patera and long serpent-staff !magnam: 1) I follow Bell and Kraft with ARICTOLAO? 2) KM p. 37, n. 2 does not trust Wa's A.ICTO.Ae(?) 3 Private coll. Luckenbach, Annapolis, Maryland 5.66 24 6 1 8598 6450 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 796 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 184–187 Tiberius Claudius Arist— Tyladas (?) Æ (32 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear [ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ΤΙΒΕ] ΚΛΑΥ ΑΡΙϹΤ ΤΥΛΑΔΑ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Athena standing, facing, head, left, holding patera over lighted altar, resting arm on shield; beside, upright spear KM 37, no. 2 !magnam KM will ARICT.TVLADA, visible on the coin itself 1 B 18271678, 1900 Imhoof-Blumer KM 37, no. 2 15.78 31 6 1 8609 6452 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 796 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 184–187 Tiberius Claudius Arist— Tyladas (?) Æ (32 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear [ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ΤΙΒΕ] ΚΛΑΥ ΑΡΙϹΤ ΤΥΛΑΔΑ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Athena standing, facing, head, left, holding patera over lighted altar, resting arm on shield; beside, upright spear KM 37, no. 2 !magnam KM will ARICT.TVLADA, visible on the coin itself 2 L 1921-11-20-106 Weber 5332 12.12 32 6 1 8609 6452 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 797 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 184–187 Tiberius Claudius Arist— Tyladas (?) Æ (32 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ΤΙΒΕ ΚΛΑΥ ΑΡΙϹ[Τ ΤΥ]ΛΑΔΑ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Zeus advancing, right, head, left, holding patera and sceptre F. Imhoof-Blumer, NZ 16 (1884), 265, no. 83, KM 37, no. 2 !magnam: KM, 37 no. 2 corrects older ARISTODAMA from NZ to above; Agora was unaware of it and reads old version 1 Coll. Imhoof-Blumer = F. Imhoof-Blumer, NZ 16 (1884), 265, no. 83, 'ΑΡΙС.ΤΟΔΑΜΑ', correcting reading of magstrate's name in KM 37, no. 2 32 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 797 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 184–187 Tiberius Claudius Arist— Tyladas (?) Æ (32 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ΤΙΒΕ ΚΛΑΥ ΑΡΙϹ[Τ ΤΥ]ΛΑΔΑ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Zeus advancing, right, head, left, holding patera and sceptre F. Imhoof-Blumer, NZ 16 (1884), 265, no. 83, KM 37, no. 2 !magnam: KM, 37 no. 2 corrects older ARISTODAMA from NZ to above; Agora was unaware of it and reads old version 2 Kroll, Agora 886, not illustrated, following F. Imhoof-Blumer's original reading of the name of the 'magistrate' in NZ 16 (1884), 265, no. 83 13.01 31 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 798 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 184–187 Tiberius Claudius Arist— Tyladas (?) Æ (32 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ΤΙΒΕ ΚΛΑ[Υ?] ΑΡΙϹΤ ΤΥΛΑΔΑ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Zeus(?) standing, facing, head, left, holding patera and long sceptre !revtyp: perhaps Poseidon with dolphin? 1 B I-B 16.97 32 7 1 8609 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 799 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 188–192 Æ (19 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(Ϲ) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long and wide beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Cop 246 1 Cop 246 3.61 17 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 799 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 188–192 Æ (19 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(Ϲ) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long and wide beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Cop 246 2 P 535 3.53 19 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 799 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 188–192 Æ (19 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(Ϲ) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long and wide beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Cop 246 3 P 533 3.37 17 6 1 8635 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 799 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 188–192 Æ (19 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(Ϲ) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long and wide beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Cop 246 4 P 534 3.3 20 6 1 8635 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 799 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 188–192 Æ (19 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(Ϲ) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long and wide beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Cop 246 5 O 5.14 20 6 1 8635 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 799 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 188–192 Æ (19 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(Ϲ) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long and wide beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Cop 246 6 Falghera 1173 3.73 19 7 1 8635 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 799 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 188–192 Æ (19 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(Ϲ) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long and wide beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Cop 246 7 Boston 84.725 H.W. Bell, Investigations at Assos. Coins (Boston [Massachusetts], 1921), 304, no. 150, pl. 295.150 = Kraft, p. 188 3.25 18.5 7 1 8635 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 799 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 188–192 Æ (19 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(Ϲ) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long and wide beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Cop 246 8 Private coll. CGT = Pecunem Numismatik Naumann 36 (04/10/2015), 393 3.64 19 6 1 8635 no no no|1526|393|2e9d2323db70ab3a5a94318feb41df0a [show] [edit]
IV.2 799 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 188–192 Æ (19 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(Ϲ) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long and wide beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Cop 246 9 Private coll. CGT, ex Savoca Numismatik 3.72 17 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 800 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 188–192 Æ (16 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(?) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long and wide beard) wearing cuirass and paludamtenum, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Telesphorus standing, right !obvleg: probably KOMODO only 1 P 531 2.28 16 6 1 8405 6453 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 800 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Assus c. 188–192 Æ (16 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(?) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long and wide beard) wearing cuirass and paludamtenum, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Telesphorus standing, right !obvleg: probably KOMODO only 2 Boston 84.724 H.W. Bell, Investigations at Assos. Coins (Boston [Massachusetts], 1921), 304, no. 149, pl. 295.149 3.48 16.5 7 1 8405 6453 no no no [show] [edit]
V.2 2119 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (21 mm) Geta Λ ϹΕΠ ΓΕΤΑϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Isis standing left, holding lotus in left hand and sistrum in right hand 1 L 1940, 1001.77 4.05 21 6 1 6 764 no no no [show] [edit]
V.2 2119 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (21 mm) Geta Λ ϹΕΠ ΓΕΤΑϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Isis standing left, holding lotus in left hand and sistrum in right hand 2 P 539 Wa 667 4.53 21 3 1 6 764 no no yes [show] [edit]
V.2 2119 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (21 mm) Geta Λ ϹΕΠ ΓΕΤΑϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Isis standing left, holding lotus in left hand and sistrum in right hand 3 Boston 84.728 4.76 20 6 1 6 764 purchased near Assus before 1884 no no no [show] [edit]
V.2 2119 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (21 mm) Geta Λ ϹΕΠ ΓΕΤΑϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, right, seen from rear ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Isis standing left, holding lotus in left hand and sistrum in right hand 4 Boston 84.729 2.68 18 1 6 764 broken; purchased near Assus before 1884 no no no [show] [edit]
V.2 2120 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (18 mm) Septimius Severus ΑΥ Κ Λ ϹΕΠ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding serpent staff 1 L 1901,0601.33 3.28 18 6 1 113 596 no no no [show] [edit]
V.2 2120 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (18 mm) Septimius Severus ΑΥ Κ Λ ϹΕΠ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding serpent staff 2 P 538 2.59 18 6 1 113 596 no no no [show] [edit]
V.2 2120 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (18 mm) Septimius Severus ΑΥ Κ Λ ϹΕΠ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding serpent staff 3 O 3.8 19 6 1 113 596 no no yes [show] [edit]
V.2 2120 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (18 mm) Septimius Severus ΑΥ Κ Λ ϹΕΠ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding serpent staff 4 Boston 84.727 2.66 18 6 1 596 no no no [show] [edit]
V.2 2120 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (18 mm) Septimius Severus ΑΥ Κ Λ ϹΕΠ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding serpent staff 5 CGT coll. 2.53 18 6 1 113 596 no no no [show] [edit]
V.2 2120 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (18 mm) Septimius Severus ΑΥ Κ Λ ϹΕΠ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding serpent staff 6 SNG Arikantürk 338 4.36 18 6 1 596 no no no [show] [edit]
V.2 2120 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (18 mm) Septimius Severus ΑΥ Κ Λ ϹΕΠ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡ laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding serpent staff 7 SNG vA 7591 2.96 1 596 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 3508 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Æ (19 mm) Julia Maesa ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΜΑΙϹΑ draped bust of Julia Maesa, right ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding serpent-staff Wa 668 Probably authentic, but confirmation required. 1 P 540 Wa 668 4.18 19 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
VI 3509 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Aurelius Metronax Æ (38 mm) Severus Alexander ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ϹΕ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ laureate bust of Severus Alexander, right,wearing cuirass with Gorgoneion(?), seen from front ΕΠ ϹΤΡ ΑΥΡ ΜΗΤΡΩΝΑΚΤΟϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Demeter standing, right, holding basket with ears of corn Mi II,524,65 1 P 542 Mi II, 524, 65 = Mi S. V, 296, 92 30.1 38 6 1 11066 14651 no no yes [show] [edit]
VI 3509 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Aurelius Metronax Æ (38 mm) Severus Alexander ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ϹΕ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ laureate bust of Severus Alexander, right,wearing cuirass with Gorgoneion(?), seen from front ΕΠ ϹΤΡ ΑΥΡ ΜΗΤΡΩΝΑΚΤΟϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Demeter standing, right, holding basket with ears of corn Mi II,524,65 2 Assos Agora (Saniç 43–3–8) 39 1 11066 14651 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 3510 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Aurelius Metronax Æ (38 mm) Severus Alexander ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ϹΕ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ laureate bust of Severus Alexander, right, wearing cuirass with Gorgoneion(?), seen from front ΕΠ ϹΤΡ ΑΥ ΜΗΤΡΩΝΑΙΚΤΟϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Homonoia standing facing, head left, wearing kalathos, holding patera over lighted altar and cornucopia 1 P 541 27.94 35 6 1 11066 14180 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 3510 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Aurelius Metronax Æ (38 mm) Severus Alexander ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ϹΕ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ laureate bust of Severus Alexander, right, wearing cuirass with Gorgoneion(?), seen from front ΕΠ ϹΤΡ ΑΥ ΜΗΤΡΩΝΑΙΚΤΟϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Homonoia standing facing, head left, wearing kalathos, holding patera over lighted altar and cornucopia 2 B 18271680, 1928 Bernhard-Imhoof 26.68 6 1 11066 14180 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 3510 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Aurelius Metronax Æ (38 mm) Severus Alexander ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ϹΕ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ laureate bust of Severus Alexander, right, wearing cuirass with Gorgoneion(?), seen from front ΕΠ ϹΤΡ ΑΥ ΜΗΤΡΩΝΑΙΚΤΟϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Homonoia standing facing, head left, wearing kalathos, holding patera over lighted altar and cornucopia 3 Mu 167 Mi S. V, 296, 92 32.58 37 6 1 11066 14180 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 3510 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Troas Assus Aurelius Metronax Æ (38 mm) Severus Alexander ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ϹΕ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟϹ laureate bust of Severus Alexander, right, wearing cuirass with Gorgoneion(?), seen from front ΕΠ ϹΤΡ ΑΥ ΜΗΤΡΩΝΑΙΚΤΟϹ ΑϹϹΙΩΝ Homonoia standing facing, head left, wearing kalathos, holding patera over lighted altar and cornucopia 4 Savoca EA 39 Silver, 22 Dec. 2019, lot 157 = Savoca EA 34 Silver, 16 June 2019, lot 244 = CNG 123, 23 May 2023, lot 389 = CNG 123, 23 May 2023, lot 389 = Praefectus Coins α, 28 Feb. 2021, lot 180 28.33 42 7 1 11066 14180 no no yes|3344|157|260efa8f221bdaddcd20e22dcec46f48 [show] [edit]