Search results: 312 entries found.

Septimius Severus Septimius Severus (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 12.41 g (2)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑ Λ ϹΕΠΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡΤ ΑΥΓΟΥ; laureate head of Septimius Severus, right
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; emperor in military dress standing left, holding Nike on his outstretched right hand, left resting on spear
V-ON: Geldmuseum, Österreichische Nationalbank, Vienna (Austria)  
Leypold SNG 98 
 27.5 11  

Septimius Severus Septimius Severus (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 11.55 g (1)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑ Λ ϹΕΠΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡΤ ΑΥΓΟΥ; laureate head of Septimius Severus, right
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; emperor in toga standing facing, head left, sacrificing with patera over tripod
Papillon 5, 6 Mar. 2021, lot 379 
 25.8 11.55  

Septimius Severus Septimius Severus (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 11.78 g (4)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑ Λ ϹΕΠΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡΤ ΑΥΓΟΥ; laureate head of Septimius Severus, right
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Female figure (Nike Apteros?), clad in chiton with diploïs, advancing left and holding the ends of her veil inflated by the wind
L: British Museum, London (UK)  1859,1219.173
BMC 5 and Pl. XXVI, 3 (rev.), Rec 31 and Pl. XLII, 10 (rev.) 
 29.8 10.59  

Septimius Severus Septimius Severus (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 11.78 g (4)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑ Λ ϹΕΠΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡΤ ΑΥΓΟΥ; laureate head of Septimius Severus, right
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Female figure (Nike Apteros?), clad in chiton with diploïs, advancing left and holding the ends of her veil inflated by the wind
NY: American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)  1944.100.41991
 26.6 10.87  

Septimius Severus Septimius Severus (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 11.78 g (4)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑ Λ ϹΕΠΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡΤ ΑΥΓΟΥ; laureate head of Septimius Severus, right
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Female figure (Nike Apteros?), clad in chiton with diploïs, advancing left and holding the ends of her veil inflated by the wind
SNG vA 300 and Taf. 9 
 28 13.23  

Septimius Severus Septimius Severus (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 11.78 g (4)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑ Λ ϹΕΠΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡΤ ΑΥΓΟΥ; laureate head of Septimius Severus, right
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Female figure (Nike Apteros?), clad in chiton with diploïs, advancing left and holding the ends of her veil inflated by the wind
Weber coll. 4839 and Pl. 176 
 28 12.44  

Septimius Severus Septimius Severus (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 10.81 g (1)
ΑΥΤ ΚΑ Λ ϹΕΠΤ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕΡΤ ΑΥΓΟΥ; laureate head of Septimius Severus, right
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Zeus standing left, holding Nike on his outstretched right hand, left resting on sceptre
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  18220838, Fox
Rec 28 and Pl. XLII, 7 
 27 10.81  

Septimius Severus Caracalla (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 11.60 g (1)
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, seen from rear
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Apollo seated right on pile of rocks, holding cithara
NY: American Numismatic Society, New York (USA)  1970.142.267
ex von Aulock 310 
 27.6 11.6  

Septimius Severus Caracalla (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 11.21 g (1)
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, seen from rear
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Dionysus standing facing, head left, holding cantharus over panther in his right hand, left resting on thyrsus
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  18220841, Löbb.
 27 11.21  

Septimius Severus Caracalla (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 13.06 g (1)
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, seen from rear
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; emperor in military dress holding patera over lighted and garlanded altar in his right hand, left resting on sceptre
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  286 (M 4428)
Rec 45 and Pl. XLII, 21 
 27 13.06  

Septimius Severus Caracalla (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 10.85 g (2)
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, seen from front
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; emperor in military dress on horseback galloping right, about to throw spear with his right hand on a nude enemy on the ground
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  285
Wa 239 = Rec 44 and Pl. XLII, 20 
 28 11.14  

Septimius Severus Caracalla (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 10.85 g (2)
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ; laureate and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, seen from front
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; emperor in military dress on horseback galloping right, about to throw spear with his right hand on a nude enemy on the ground
SNG vA 302 
 27 10.55  

Septimius Severus Caracalla (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 11.66 g (1)
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, seen from rear
ΒΕΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Heracles (“Farnese”) standing right; at his feet, small Eros, right, looking back
SNG vA 304 
 27 11.66  

Septimius Severus Caracalla (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 11.08 g (1)
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, seen from rear
ΒΕΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Heracles naked but lion skin hanging from his shoulder, holding club in his right hand and sizing with his left Lernean hydra
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  284
Wa 242 = Rec 42 and Pl. XLII, 18 
 27 11.08  

Septimius Severus Caracalla (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 10.56 g (1)
ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla, seen from rear
ΒΕΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Hermes Nomios (Antinous?), with short chiton and chlamys walking left, looking right, his right hand extended and holding pedum in his left; at his feet, ox grazing to left
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  18220840, Löbb.
Rec 43 and Pl. XLII, 19 
 27 10.56  

Septimius Severus Geta (Caesar)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 12.25 g (2)
Π ϹΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤΑϹ Κ; bare-headed draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, seen from rear
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; eagle facing on garlanded altar, head left between two aquilae on the shaft of which, circular shield; on top of each aquila, capricorn
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  287
Wa 243 = Rec 48 and Pl. XLIII, 1 
 29 12.1  

Septimius Severus Geta (Caesar)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 12.25 g (2)
Π ϹΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤΑϹ Κ; bare-headed draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, seen from rear
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; eagle facing on garlanded altar, head left between two aquilae on the shaft of which, circular shield; on top of each aquila, capricorn
Naville Numismatics 93, 15 Dec. 2024, lot 282 
 27 12.39  

Septimius Severus Geta (Caesar)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (28 mm); 13.23 g (1)
Π ϹΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤΑϹ Κ; bare-headed draped and cuirassed bust of Geta, seen from rear
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; emperor in toga standing facing, head left, sacrificing with patera over lighted altar
L: British Museum, London (UK)  1979,0101.1271
SNG vA 311 
 28.9 13.23  

Septimius Severus Septimius Severus (Augustus)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (22 mm); 5.79 g (1)
ΑΥ Κ Λ ϹΕΠ ϹΕΥΗΡΟϹ Π; laureate head of Septimius Severus, right
ΒΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ; male nude figure standing facing, head left, his right arm raised to his head, holding infant Dionysus (?) on his left
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  18220839, Rauch
Rec 30 and Pl. XLII, 9 
 22 5.79  

Septimius Severus Julia Domna (Augusta)
Bithynium Claudiopolis  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (22 mm); 3.94 g (1)
ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΔΟΜΝΑ ϹΕ; draped bust of Julia Domna, right
ΒΕΙΘΥΝΙΕΩΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΩΝ; Aphrodite kneeling right, head left, raising her right hand to her head, her left hand on her left thigh
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  281
Wa 237, Rec 34 and Pl. XLII, 12 
 21 3.94