Search results: 99 entries found.

Vol. Province Region City Issue Dating Magistrates Denomination Person(s) Obv. inscription Obv. design Rev. inscription Rev. design Reference Note Internal note Coin Number Museum Inventory Number Bibliography Weight Diameter Axis Quantity Obv. die Rev. die Obv. cmks Rev. cmks Note Obv. img Rev. img Plate Uri link
III 3192 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (23 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ nude male divinity (Zeus ?) standing, left, on basis, right hand resting on sceptre Levante, Antiocheia 3 3 added 24.12.16 1 P 2004/171 SNG Levante Suppl. 95 = Lanz 52, 14 May 1990, lot 471 8.03 23.5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 3192 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (23 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ nude male divinity (Zeus ?) standing, left, on basis, right hand resting on sceptre Levante, Antiocheia 3 3 added 24.12.16 2 L 1988,0206.36 (under Trajan Decius) 8.52 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 3192 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (23 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ nude male divinity (Zeus ?) standing, left, on basis, right hand resting on sceptre Levante, Antiocheia 3 3 added 24.12.16 3 CGT coll., ex Naumann Auction 48, lot 456 5.98 22 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 3192 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (23 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ nude male divinity (Zeus ?) standing, left, on basis, right hand resting on sceptre Levante, Antiocheia 3 3 added 24.12.16 4 CGT coll. ex Savoca 24 Blue, 22 Sept. 2019, lot 1005 5.92 25 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 3192 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (23 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ nude male divinity (Zeus ?) standing, left, on basis, right hand resting on sceptre Levante, Antiocheia 3 3 added 24.12.16 5 Naumann 48, 20 Nov. 2016, lot 456 5.87 22 1 no no yes|1942|456|da4d83ed9e9fe86a252b917c9d52974d [show] [edit]
III 3193 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (17 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate head of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle over altar to right, with wings spread, head left Levante, Antiocheia 1–2 5 13.2.18 1 L 1975,0411.305 4.17 17.4 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 3193 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (17 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate head of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle over altar to right, with wings spread, head left Levante, Antiocheia 1–2 5 13.2.18 2 V-ON SNG Leypold 2315 4.65 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 3193 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (17 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate head of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle over altar to right, with wings spread, head left Levante, Antiocheia 1–2 5 13.2.18 3 Lanz 54, 12 Nov. 1990, lot 604 3.78 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 3193 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (17 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate head of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle over altar to right, with wings spread, head left Levante, Antiocheia 1–2 5 13.2.18 4 Bankhaus Aufhäuser 13, 7–8 Dec. 1997, lot 360 = Naumann 63, 4 Mar. 2018, Vogl coll., lot 190 4.85 17 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 3193 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (17 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate head of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle over altar to right, with wings spread, head left Levante, Antiocheia 1–2 5 13.2.18 5 Leu EA 26, 8 July 2023, lot 2631 = ETB coll., ex Naumann 63, 4 Mar. 2018, Vogl coll., lot 191 3.33 19.1 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
III 3193 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (17 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate head of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle over altar to right, with wings spread, head left Levante, Antiocheia 1–2 5 13.2.18 6 Bern N/98.19 3.81 19.4 5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 3193 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (17 mm) Hadrian ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ laureate head of Hadrian, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle over altar to right, with wings spread, head left Levante, Antiocheia 1–2 5 13.2.18 7 R. Pudill colL. (ex Savoca Coins Blue 194th Weekly Blue, 3 Feb. 2024, lot 366) 2.7 19 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 986 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head (short beard) of Marcus Aurelius, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ figure (Apollo?) standing, facing, holding long sceptre and resting left hand on hip Levante, Antiocheia 9 1 Istanbul Levante, Antiocheia ad Kragum 9, pl. 37 7.7 23 1 8579 5850 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 986 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head (short beard) of Marcus Aurelius, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ figure (Apollo?) standing, facing, holding long sceptre and resting left hand on hip Levante, Antiocheia 9 2 Private coll. CGT 7.59 23 6 1 8579 5850 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 986 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head (short beard) of Marcus Aurelius, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ figure (Apollo?) standing, facing, holding long sceptre and resting left hand on hip Levante, Antiocheia 9 3 MMAG = P. Lederer, RSN 30 (1943), 60, no. 54, pl. IV, under 'Antioch ad Maeandrum' 6.14 24 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 986 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head (short beard) of Marcus Aurelius, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ figure (Apollo?) standing, facing, holding long sceptre and resting left hand on hip Levante, Antiocheia 9 4 Roma Numismatics 4, 30 Sept. 2012, lot 2182 10.42 27 6 1 no no yes|937|2182|d5744e5f8e86fb46a75d1d03f4aada7f [show] [edit]
IV.3 987 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥ ΚΑ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing on line, right, head, left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 4–7, F. Imhoof-Blumer, NC 1895, 288, no. 1 !simtyp, larger of mar? $w$3609; !revtyp: Levante wants eagle on wreath but line is better; !legs: Y/V debatable 1 B I-B F. Imhoof-Blumer, NC 1895, 288, no. 1, pl. X.28 4.09 19 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 987 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥ ΚΑ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing on line, right, head, left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 4–7, F. Imhoof-Blumer, NC 1895, 288, no. 1 !simtyp, larger of mar? $w$3609; !revtyp: Levante wants eagle on wreath but line is better; !legs: Y/V debatable 2 Levante 473 = Nomos Obolos 5 (26/06/2016), 607 5.02 20 1 no no yes|1711|607|7fd819489a4612203822aad4f7d351c1 [show] [edit]
IV.3 987 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥ ΚΑ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing on line, right, head, left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 4–7, F. Imhoof-Blumer, NC 1895, 288, no. 1 !simtyp, larger of mar? $w$3609; !revtyp: Levante wants eagle on wreath but line is better; !legs: Y/V debatable 3 Ziegler, Sammlungen, 187, pl. 9, private coll., Duisburg 3.92 19 7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 987 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥ ΚΑ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing on line, right, head, left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 4–7, F. Imhoof-Blumer, NC 1895, 288, no. 1 !simtyp, larger of mar? $w$3609; !revtyp: Levante wants eagle on wreath but line is better; !legs: Y/V debatable 4 Smithsonian Institution 5.99 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 988 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥ ΚΑ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΑΝΤΙΟ ΠΑΡΑΛ Dionysus (youthful) standing, left, holding cantharus over panther and long thyrsus Levante, Antiocheia 8 1 Aufhäuser 7 (09/10/1990), 461$ 3.62 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 988 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥ ΚΑ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΑΝΤΙΟ ΠΑΡΑΛ Dionysus (youthful) standing, left, holding cantharus over panther and long thyrsus Levante, Antiocheia 8 2 Savoca Numismatik Blue 81 (18/07/2020), 809 2.3 13 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 989 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Reign of Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius Æ Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑΝ ϹΕΒΑ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡ temple with four columns and rounded pediment enclosing statue of turreted Tyche seated, left, holding rudder and cornucopia Levante, Antiocheia 10–12, Cop 67 !Fittschen3; !obvleg: P'AYCTeIAN(sic) or P'AYCTeINAN(sic) 1 Cop 67 6.09 21 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 989 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Reign of Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius Æ Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑΝ ϹΕΒΑ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡ temple with four columns and rounded pediment enclosing statue of turreted Tyche seated, left, holding rudder and cornucopia Levante, Antiocheia 10–12, Cop 67 !Fittschen3; !obvleg: P'AYCTeIAN(sic) or P'AYCTeINAN(sic) 2 Madrid $ 5.03 17 1 $CHECK no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 989 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Reign of Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius Æ Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑΝ ϹΕΒΑ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡ temple with four columns and rounded pediment enclosing statue of turreted Tyche seated, left, holding rudder and cornucopia Levante, Antiocheia 10–12, Cop 67 !Fittschen3; !obvleg: P'AYCTeIAN(sic) or P'AYCTeINAN(sic) 3 Numismatique Antique 12, 225$ 7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 989 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Reign of Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius Æ Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑΝ ϹΕΒΑ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡ temple with four columns and rounded pediment enclosing statue of turreted Tyche seated, left, holding rudder and cornucopia Levante, Antiocheia 10–12, Cop 67 !Fittschen3; !obvleg: P'AYCTeIAN(sic) or P'AYCTeINAN(sic) 4 Private coll. J. Wilk 6.93 20.2 7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 989 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Reign of Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius Æ Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑΝ ϹΕΒΑ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡ temple with four columns and rounded pediment enclosing statue of turreted Tyche seated, left, holding rudder and cornucopia Levante, Antiocheia 10–12, Cop 67 !Fittschen3; !obvleg: P'AYCTeIAN(sic) or P'AYCTeINAN(sic) 5 Private coll. 5.25 20 7 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
V.3 2345 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (29 mm) Septimius Severus [ ] Λ ϹΕΠ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ [ ] laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus, right, seen from front ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 1 SNG Pfalz 383 16.9 29 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
V.3 2346 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (27 mm) Septimius Severus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Λ ϹΕΠ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΠΕ[ ] laureate head of Septimius Severus, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ [ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ] Zeus seated left, holding patera over eagle and sceptre Levante, Antiocheia 14 1 Münzzentrum Rheinland 152, 2 Sep. 2009, lot 332 = M&M GmbH 20, 10 Oct. 2006, lot 232 = Levante, Antiocheia 14 = Ziegler 188 10.33 26.7 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
VI 6611 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (27 mm) Elagabalus Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟΝ ΕΥϹΕΒ ΕΥΤΥΧΗ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from front ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕω ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle facing on wreath, head left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 16–19 1 NY 1944.100.53105 Levante, Antiocheia 17 12.39 26 6 1 9180 13747 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 6611 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (27 mm) Elagabalus Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟΝ ΕΥϹΕΒ ΕΥΤΥΧΗ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from front ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕω ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle facing on wreath, head left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 16–19 2 Istanbul Levante, Antiocheia 18 10.1 1 9180 13747 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 6611 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (27 mm) Elagabalus Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟΝ ΕΥϹΕΒ ΕΥΤΥΧΗ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from front ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕω ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle facing on wreath, head left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 16–19 3 Washington Levante, Antiocheia 19 11.83 1 9180 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 6611 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (27 mm) Elagabalus Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟΝ ΕΥϹΕΒ ΕΥΤΥΧΗ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from front ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕω ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle facing on wreath, head left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 16–19 4 David Lowe 12.5 28 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 6611 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (27 mm) Elagabalus Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟΝ ΕΥϹΕΒ ΕΥΤΥΧΗ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from front ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕω ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle facing on wreath, head left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 16–19 5 Levante, Antiocheia 16 = Levante 475 10.96 27 1 9180 16204 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 6611 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (27 mm) Elagabalus Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟΝ ΕΥϹΕΒ ΕΥΤΥΧΗ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from front ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕω ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle facing on wreath, head left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 16–19 6 N&N London EA 16, 1 May 2023, lot 346 12 28 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VI 6611 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (27 mm) Elagabalus Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟΝ ΕΥϹΕΒ ΕΥΤΥΧΗ ϹΕΒ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from front ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕω ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle facing on wreath, head left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 16–19 7 Solidus 17, May 2014, lot 130 13.38 28 1 9180 16204 no no yes [show] [edit]
VII.2 2876 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (25 mm) Gordian III Μ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟΝ ΑΥ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡ temple with four columns enclosing Tyche seated left, holding rudder and cornucopia Levante, Antiocheia 1 A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz 384 7.39 24 5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VII.2 2876 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (25 mm) Gordian III Μ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟΝ ΑΥ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡ temple with four columns enclosing Tyche seated left, holding rudder and cornucopia Levante, Antiocheia 2 C. Rhodes coll. = Naumann 89, 3 May 2020, lot 318 9.32 23 5 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
VII.2 2876 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (25 mm) Gordian III Μ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟΝ ΑΥ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡ temple with four columns enclosing Tyche seated left, holding rudder and cornucopia Levante, Antiocheia 3 C. Rhodes coll. 5.89 22 5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VII.2 2876 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (25 mm) Gordian III Μ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟΝ ΑΥ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡ temple with four columns enclosing Tyche seated left, holding rudder and cornucopia Levante, Antiocheia 4 Righetti coll. = Levante, Antiocheia 20 (Severus Alexander) 20 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VII.2 2877 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (19 mm) Tranquillina ϹΑΒΙ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛΙΝΑΝ ϹΕΒ diademed and draped bust of Tranquillina, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ [ ] eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings Levante, Antiocheia 1 NFA, 12 Oct. 1988, lot 1007 3.51 19 1 30884 no no yes [show] [edit]
VII.2 2877A Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (19 mm) Tranquillina ϹΑΒΙ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛΙΝΑΝ ϹΕΒ diademed and draped bust of Tranquillina, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ Π[ΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ] male figure standing right, holding sceptre (?), hand on hip (?) 1 Nomos obolos 34, 10 Nov. 2024, lot 700 3.69 19.6 7 1 30884 no no yes|6166|700|f1c9f357035b61a8f0be6872cb0fdc6a [show] [edit]
VIII 2292 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (29 mm) Philip I [ ] ΙΟΥΛΙΟϹ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 22–4 1 A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz 385 9.66 29 5 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
VIII 2292 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (29 mm) Philip I [ ] ΙΟΥΛΙΟϹ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 22–4 2 Milan Brera I-B, NC 15 (1895), p. 289, no. 3 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VIII 2292 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (29 mm) Philip I [ ] ΙΟΥΛΙΟϹ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 22–4 3 V-ON SNG Leypold 2319 11.15 30 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VIII 2292 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (29 mm) Philip I [ ] ΙΟΥΛΙΟϹ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 22–4 4 Falghera 2337 10.48 26.5 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VIII 2292 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (29 mm) Philip I [ ] ΙΟΥΛΙΟϹ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 22–4 5 SNG Levante 476 10.9 29 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VIII 2293 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Otacilia Severa ΩΤΑΚΕΙΛΙΑ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤ draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ Zeus seated left, holding patera over eagle and sceptre Levante, Antiocheia 1 NY 1971.230.28 7.7 25.9 6 1 under Antioch ad Maeandrum no no yes [show] [edit]
VIII 2293 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Otacilia Severa ΩΤΑΚΕΙΛΙΑ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤ draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ Zeus seated left, holding patera over eagle and sceptre Levante, Antiocheia 2 CGT coll. 8.98 25 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VIII 2293 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Otacilia Severa ΩΤΑΚΕΙΛΙΑ ϹΕΟΥΗΡΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤ draped bust of Otacilia Severa, right ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ Zeus seated left, holding patera over eagle and sceptre Levante, Antiocheia 3 Pecunem Gitbud & Naumann 38, 6 Dec. 2015, lot 471 9.4 27 1 no no no|1577|471|914fe3a852a36b834a0af73e3b859cf3 [show] [edit]
VIII 2294 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Philip II [ ]ΙΛΙΠΠΟ[ ]ΑΙϹ[ ] bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip II, right, seen from rear [ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ] ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ Dionysus standing left, holding cantharus over panther and thyrsus Levante, Antiocheia The attribution to Philip II seems very likely but is not entirely certain. 1 Roma EA 119, 24 Apr. 2024, lot 1216 = Roma EA 112, 7 Sept. 2023, lot 846 = Roma EA 99, 7 July 2022, lot 852 5.72 23 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
VIII 2294 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Philip II [ ]ΙΛΙΠΠΟ[ ]ΑΙϹ[ ] bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip II, right, seen from rear [ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ] ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ Dionysus standing left, holding cantharus over panther and thyrsus Levante, Antiocheia The attribution to Philip II seems very likely but is not entirely certain. 2 V. Prokhorov coll. 7.76 24 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 1 L 1979,0101.2562 13.17 28 6 1 1302 2340 ex vA no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 2 B Löbb. 19.03 1 1302 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 3 Mu 12.08 1 1302 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 4 O 10.27 27 6 1 1302 2340 no no yes [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 5 Bern Righetti 1518 11.3 1 1302 2340 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 6 Auctiones 6, 30 Sept. 1976, lot 257 13.13 1 1302 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 7 Benett coll. = Levante, CC, 27 8.98 1 1302 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 8 SNG Levante 477 = CNG MBS 64, 24 Sept. 2003, lot 632 = CNG MBS 64, 24 Sept. 2003, lot 632 7.83 1 1302 2340 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 9 Lindgren I, 1457 11.67 1 1302 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 10 A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz 386 7.45 26 6 1 1302 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 11 CGT coll. 9.19 28 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 12 Leeds-UL 1549 12.55 30.8 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 13 Numismad 9, 8 Sept. 2023, lot 924 10.78 30 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 14 Agora Auctions Numismatic 31, 28 Apr. 2015, lot 81 (Valerian) 9.39 27.1 6 1 no no no|2301|81|35391262a478c5abe357453de4a65ed7 [show] [edit]
IX 1310 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (28 mm) Trajan Decius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΙΝ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in talons Levante, Antiocheia 25–31 15 Lindgren 1457 (Valerian) 11.67 28 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IX 1311 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Herennius Etruscus ΚΥΙΝΤΟΝ ΕΡΕΝ ΕΤΡ ΜΕϹϹΙΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Etruscus, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ Zeus seated left, holding patera and sceptre Levante, Antiocheia —, SNG Pfälzer 387 1 A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz 387 8.64 26 6 1 29308 29309 no no yes [show] [edit]
IX 1311A Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (22 mm) Hostilian ΓΑΙ ΟΥΑ ΟϹΤ[ΙΛ] ΜΕϹϹΙΟΝ ΚΥΙΝΤ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Hostilian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ Zeus (?) standing right, holding sceptre (?) and thunderbolt (?) Levante, Antiocheia 1 CGT coll. = Naumann 99, 7 Feb. 2021, lot 508 4.36 22 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 1 L 1979,0101.2561 SNG vA 5530 8.98 26 6 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 2 C Leake 18 17.6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 3 NY 1970.142.700 9.16 27.4 7 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 4 A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz vi.388 11.26 27 7 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 5 A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz vi.389 8.54 25 7 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 6 A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz vi.390 9.69 25 6 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 7 A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz vi.391 8.32 25 6 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 8 A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz vi.392 6.64 26 6 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 9 Anamur SNG Turkey 2.189 8.7 24 6 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 10 V-ON SNG Leypold 2320 9.75 27 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 11 V-ON SNG Leypold 2321 8.55 27 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 12 Yale 2004.6.3314 7.53 26 6 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 13 CGT coll. = CNG 351, 20 May 2015, lot 543 ex CNG 135, 15 March 2006, lot 54 8.35 28 12 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 14 CGT coll. = Zeus EA 24, 24 April 2022, lot 368 9.3 26 6 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 15 CNG E303, 29 May 2013, lot 243 10.7 28 6 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 16 CNG EA 228, 24 Feb. 2010, lot 254 7.89 27 6 1 30812 no no no|667|254|beb5dc9131be98454e9c54a3f53077d6 [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 17 Dara Antiques EA 3, 6 Nov. 2021, lot 1386 8.5 26 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 18 Gorny & Mosch 212, 5 Mar. 2013, lot 2484 9.73 26.3 1 30812 no no no|999|2484|ec7b34b34929c09b683ff84da09acfd6 [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 19 Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles 112, 3 Sept. 2019, lot 1618 13.89 27 1 30812 no no yes [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 20 Leu EA 9, 7 Sept. 2019, lot 763 7.3 26 7 1 30812 no no no|3183|763|cea342c358331ddf014f15fadaca4391 [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 21 Leu WA 27, 9 Sept. 2023, lot 1265 = Naumann E-Auction 107, 5 Sept. 2021, lot 1206 9.2 27.5 6 1 30812 no no no|5484|1265|5de2e9fe21d56858361a6332d4b8837e [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 22 Righetti = Aufhäuser 4, 10 Oct. 1987, 439 9.88 1 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 23 SNG Levante 478 9.93 25 1 30812 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4013 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (26 mm) Valerian ΑΥ Κ Π (Λ) ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ (Ν reverted) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ (Ν reverted) ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ eagle standing facing on wreath, head left Probably all from the same obverse die. 24 Süddeutscher Privatbesitz = Zuhlsdorf Düsseldorf 6, 1976, 124 = Ziegler 1989, no. 188 8.81 29 7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4014 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (24 mm) Gallienus ΑΥ Κ Π Λ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ Τ[ Dionysus standing left, holding thyrsus in left and emptying cantharus over panther with right Levante, Antiocheia 42 corr. (ΛΙΚ) 1 SNG Levante 479 8.27 24 1 29521 no no yes [show] [edit]
X 4015 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (24 mm) Gallienus ΑΥ Κ Π Λ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ Τ[ Zeus seated left, holding patera in extended right and sceptre in left Comment at SNG Pfalz vi: “Die Zuweisung erfolgte v. a. aufgrund der Vorderseiten-Stempelgleichheit mit Levante, Antiocheia 42.” 1 A-KIKPE SNG Pfalz vi.393 5.9 24 7 1 29521 29522 no no no [show] [edit]
X 4015 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (24 mm) Gallienus ΑΥ Κ Π Λ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ Τ[ Zeus seated left, holding patera in extended right and sceptre in left Comment at SNG Pfalz vi: “Die Zuweisung erfolgte v. a. aufgrund der Vorderseiten-Stempelgleichheit mit Levante, Antiocheia 42.” 2 Naumann 92, 2 Aug. 2020, lot 621 (Trajan Decius) = Zeus Numismatics Prime 5, 14–15 Mar. 2020, lot 1443 (Trajan Decius) 5.09 25 1 29521 29522 no no yes [show] [edit]
X 4016 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (20 mm) Valerian ΑΥΤ [ ]ΑΛ[ ] laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ [Τ]Η[Ϲ] [ΠΑΡ] front view of temple with four columns with arcuated lintel, within which cult statue of Tyche seated, left, wearing kalathos, holding cornucopia and rudder 1 V. Prokhorov coll. 20 1 30810 no no yes [show] [edit]
X 4017 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (20 mm) Valerian ΑΥΤ Κ Π ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ, ΘΕΜΙϹ inscribed prize crown with two palm branches Levante, Antiocheia 43 1 B Löbb. 5.97 20.5 12 1 30810 30811 no no yes [show] [edit]
X 4017 Cilicia Cilicia Antioch ad Cragum Æ (20 mm) Valerian ΑΥΤ Κ Π ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟΝ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΟΥ, ΘΕΜΙϹ inscribed prize crown with two palm branches Levante, Antiocheia 43 2 V. Prokhorov coll. 4.63 20 4 1 30810 30811 no no no [show] [edit]