Search results: 760 entries found.

Antoninus Pius
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (26 mm); 10.40 g (2)
ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ; draped bust of the Senate (youthful), left
ΕΠΙ ΠΡΥΤΑΝΕΩϹ ΚΛΑ ΑΤΤΑΛΟΥ ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; turreted Amaltheia standing, right, holding long sceptre and infant Zeus; to right, goat, standing, right, head, left
Kölner Münzkabinett 107 (07/10/2017), 254 (part) 

Antoninus Pius
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (26 mm); 10.40 g (2)
ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ; draped bust of the Senate (youthful), left
ΕΠΙ ΠΡΥΤΑΝΕΩϹ ΚΛΑ ΑΤΤΑΛΟΥ ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; turreted Amaltheia standing, right, holding long sceptre and infant Zeus; to right, goat, standing, right, head, left
Mu: Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich (Germany)  
SNG 329, under 'Mostene' = J. Hirsch 13 (1905), coll. Rhousopoulos, 4055, pl. XLVII (under 'Mostene') = Kraft, p. 195, pl. 96.51.a, under 'Mostene', reverse legend tooled ΜοССΗΝΩΝ(sic) ΛΥΔΩΝ; therefore no external die-link between Mostene and Synnada as postulated by Kraft for his »Southern Workshop, 138–80« (Kraft, p. 63 and and p. 195, pl. 96.51a-b; 'die-link' 309, GRMK, p. 122 considered the coin to be a forgery 
 27 8.72   12 

Antoninus Pius
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (26 mm); 10.40 g (2)
ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ; draped bust of the Senate (youthful), left
ΕΠΙ ΠΡΥΤΑΝΕΩϹ ΚΛΑ ΑΤΤΑΛΟΥ ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; turreted Amaltheia standing, right, holding long sceptre and infant Zeus; to right, goat, standing, right, head, left
Düsseldorf: Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Germany)  06516, non vidi

Antoninus Pius Marcus Aurelius (Caesar)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (24 mm); 8.45 g (3)
Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙ; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (youthful - lightly bearded), right
ΑΤΤΑΛΟΥ ΠΡΥ ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; helmeted Lakedaimon standing, facing, head, right, wearing cuirass, holding spear and the Palladium
Afyon: Afyonkarahisar Archaeological Museum (Turkey)  Inv. 1319, found at Karaadilli
 23 7.3  

Antoninus Pius Marcus Aurelius (Caesar)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (24 mm); 8.45 g (3)
Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙ; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (youthful - lightly bearded), right
ΑΤΤΑΛΟΥ ΠΡΥ ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; helmeted Lakedaimon standing, facing, head, right, wearing cuirass, holding spear and the Palladium
Afyon: Afyonkarahisar Archaeological Museum (Turkey)  Inv. 1508
 24 8.42  

Antoninus Pius Marcus Aurelius (Caesar)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (24 mm); 8.45 g (3)
Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙ; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (youthful - lightly bearded), right
ΑΤΤΑΛΟΥ ΠΡΥ ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; helmeted Lakedaimon standing, facing, head, right, wearing cuirass, holding spear and the Palladium
Afyon: Afyonkarahisar Archaeological Museum (Turkey)  Inv. 2203
 24 9.63  

Antoninus Pius Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (26 mm); 7.86 g (2)
ΑΠΟΚΑΤ(Ε) ΑΥΤΟ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ ΙΩΝΩΝ; Akamas standing, right, wearing kalathos, holding small statue of Athena; to right at his feet, prow, right
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  2053
Wa 6538 
 28 8.25  

Antoninus Pius Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (26 mm); 7.86 g (2)
ΑΠΟΚΑΤ(Ε) ΑΥΤΟ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ ΙΩΝΩΝ; Akamas standing, right, wearing kalathos, holding small statue of Athena; to right at his feet, prow, right
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  2054
Wa 6539 
 28 7.47  

Antoninus Pius Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (26 mm); 7.70 g (6)
ΑΠΟΚΑΤΕ ΑΥΤΟ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ ΔΩΡΙΕΩΝ; helmeted Lakedaimon standing, facing, head, right, wearing cuirass, holding spear and the Palladium
V: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (Austria)  GR 31995
 28 8.88  

Antoninus Pius Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (26 mm); 7.70 g (6)
ΑΠΟΚΑΤΕ ΑΥΤΟ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ ΔΩΡΙΕΩΝ; helmeted Lakedaimon standing, facing, head, right, wearing cuirass, holding spear and the Palladium
Afyon: Afyonkarahisar Archaeological Museum (Turkey)  Inv. 1570
 29 6.3  

Antoninus Pius Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (26 mm); 7.70 g (6)
ΑΠΟΚΑΤΕ ΑΥΤΟ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ ΔΩΡΙΕΩΝ; helmeted Lakedaimon standing, facing, head, right, wearing cuirass, holding spear and the Palladium
Afyon: Afyonkarahisar Archaeological Museum (Turkey)  Inv. 5375
 27 6.57  

Antoninus Pius Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (26 mm); 7.70 g (6)
ΑΠΟΚΑΤΕ ΑΥΤΟ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ ΔΩΡΙΕΩΝ; helmeted Lakedaimon standing, facing, head, right, wearing cuirass, holding spear and the Palladium
Winterthur: Münzkabinett der Stadt Winterthur (Switzerland)  
Bloesch 2, no. 4228 = KM 294, no. 15, ex coll. F. Imhoof-Blumer 
 27 8.58  

Antoninus Pius Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (26 mm); 7.70 g (6)
ΑΠΟΚΑΤΕ ΑΥΤΟ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ ΔΩΡΙΕΩΝ; helmeted Lakedaimon standing, facing, head, right, wearing cuirass, holding spear and the Palladium
C: Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (UK)  Mossop reverse lightly double struck
 28 8.25  

Antoninus Pius Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (26 mm); 7.70 g (6)
ΑΠΟΚΑΤΕ ΑΥΤΟ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ ΔΩΡΙΕΩΝ; helmeted Lakedaimon standing, facing, head, right, wearing cuirass, holding spear and the Palladium
Afyon: Afyonkarahisar Archaeological Museum (Turkey)  Inv. 4836
 28 7.6  

Antoninus Pius Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (18 mm); 4.06 g (2)
ΑΥ ΚΑ[ ] ΑΝΤ[Ω]Ν[Ε]ΙΝο[Ϲ]; laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; Mên standing, left, wearing Phrygian cap, holding patera and long sceptre; behind his shoulders, crescent
Afyon: Afyonkarahisar Archaeological Museum (Turkey)  Inv. 5713
 18 3.7  

Antoninus Pius Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (18 mm); 4.06 g (2)
ΑΥ ΚΑ[ ] ΑΝΤ[Ω]Ν[Ε]ΙΝο[Ϲ]; laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; Mên standing, left, wearing Phrygian cap, holding patera and long sceptre; behind his shoulders, crescent
Biga Numismatics EA 29, 24 Mar. 2024, lot 343 
 18 4.41  

Antoninus Pius Marcus Aurelius (Caesar)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (24 mm); 4.37 g (1)
[Μ] ΑΥΡΗ [ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙ]; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (lightly bearded - short beard), right (?)
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; Athena(?) standing, facing, head, left(?), resting arm on shield, holding spear
Afyon: Afyonkarahisar Archaeological Museum (Turkey)  Inv. 1326, found at Suhut-Cobankaya
 25 4.37  

Antoninus Pius Marcus Aurelius (Caesar)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (24 mm); 6.89 g (4)
Μ ΑΥΡΗ(Λ(Ι)) ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙ; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (lightly bearded - short beard), right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports; between two stags
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  (Löbb)
 25 7.96  

Antoninus Pius Marcus Aurelius (Caesar)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (24 mm); 6.89 g (4)
Μ ΑΥΡΗ(Λ(Ι)) ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙ; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (lightly bearded - short beard), right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports; between two stags
Falghera 929 
 25 6.9  

Antoninus Pius Marcus Aurelius (Caesar)
Synnada  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Synnada)
Æ (24 mm); 6.89 g (4)
Μ ΑΥΡΗ(Λ(Ι)) ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙ; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (lightly bearded - short beard), right
ϹΥΝΝΑΔΕΩΝ; cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports; between two stags
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  I-B
KM 295, no. 20 
 27 5.97