Search results: 665 entries found.

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 3.70 g (7)
ϹΕΞΤΟϹ ΝΕΟϹ ΜΑΚΑΡ; bare head of Sextus, right
ΑΝΔΡΟΜΕΔΑ ΝΕΑ ΛΕϹΒΩ; bust of Andromeda, right
L: British Museum, London (UK)  1901,0602.15
NC 1902, p. 334 
 19 4.54  

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 3.70 g (7)
ϹΕΞΤΟϹ ΝΕΟϹ ΜΑΚΑΡ; bare head of Sextus, right
ΑΝΔΡΟΜΕΔΑ ΝΕΑ ΛΕϹΒΩ; bust of Andromeda, right
Mu: Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich (Germany)  
SNG 777 
 19 3.37  

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 3.70 g (7)
ϹΕΞΤΟϹ ΝΕΟϹ ΜΑΚΑΡ; bare head of Sextus, right
ΑΝΔΡΟΜΕΔΑ ΝΕΑ ΛΕϹΒΩ; bust of Andromeda, right
Mu: Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich (Germany)  formerly Lebedus
 19 3.94  

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 3.70 g (7)
ϹΕΞΤΟϹ ΝΕΟϹ ΜΑΚΑΡ; bare head of Sextus, right
ΑΝΔΡΟΜΕΔΑ ΝΕΑ ΛΕϹΒΩ; bust of Andromeda, right
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  I-B
ZfN 20 (1897), p. 235, pl. X, 25–6, readingΜΑΡ[ΚΟΥ?] 

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 3.70 g (7)
ϹΕΞΤΟϹ ΝΕΟϹ ΜΑΚΑΡ; bare head of Sextus, right
ΑΝΔΡΟΜΕΔΑ ΝΕΑ ΛΕϹΒΩ; bust of Andromeda, right
Leipzig: Universität Leipzig, Münzkabinett  
ZfN 20 (1897), p. 235 

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 3.70 g (7)
ϹΕΞΤΟϹ ΝΕΟϹ ΜΑΚΑΡ; bare head of Sextus, right
ΑΝΔΡΟΜΕΔΑ ΝΕΑ ΛΕϹΒΩ; bust of Andromeda, right
CGT coll. = Naville Numismatics 20, 7 Feb. 2016, lot 276 = Niggeler 2, lot 613 
 18 3.24  

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 3.70 g (7)
ϹΕΞΤΟϹ ΝΕΟϹ ΜΑΚΑΡ; bare head of Sextus, right
ΑΝΔΡΟΜΕΔΑ ΝΕΑ ΛΕϹΒΩ; bust of Andromeda, right
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  269
 18 3.18   12 

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 3.70 g (7)
ϹΕΞΤΟϹ ΝΕΟϹ ΜΑΚΑΡ; bare head of Sextus, right
ΑΝΔΡΟΜΕΔΑ ΝΕΑ ΛΕϹΒΩ; bust of Andromeda, right
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  270
 20 4.24   12 

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 3.70 g (7)
ϹΕΞΤΟϹ ΝΕΟϹ ΜΑΚΑΡ; bare head of Sextus, right
ΑΝΔΡΟΜΕΔΑ ΝΕΑ ΛΕϹΒΩ; bust of Andromeda, right
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  271
 19 3.39   12 

Trajan Plotina (Augusta) ; Matidia (Augusta)
Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (25 mm); 9.81 g (1)
ΜΑΤΤ (sic) ϹΕΒ ΠΛΩΤ ϹΕΒ; draped busts of Matidia and Plotina facing each other
ΑΡΤΕΜΙϹ ΠΕΡΓΑΙΑϹ ΜΥΤΙ; Artemis Pergaia walking right, drawing arrow from quiver with her right hand, holding bow in her left; at her feet, dog jumping to right
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  302
 25.4 9.81  

Trajan Pankratides
Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (21 mm); 9.73 g (3)
ΠΑΝΚΡΑΤΙ-ΔΗϹ; bare male head of Pankratides, right
ΜΥΤΙ ΔΑΔΑ; Demeter veiled, wearing chiton and peplos, standing left, holding ears of corn in her right hand
L: British Museum, London (UK)  
BMC 163 (and pl. XXXIX, 4) 

Trajan Pankratides
Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (21 mm); 9.73 g (3)
ΠΑΝΚΡΑΤΙ-ΔΗϹ; bare male head of Pankratides, right
ΜΥΤΙ ΔΑΔΑ; Demeter veiled, wearing chiton and peplos, standing left, holding ears of corn in her right hand
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  286 (D 2751)

Trajan Pankratides
Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (21 mm); 9.73 g (3)
ΠΑΝΚΡΑΤΙ-ΔΗϹ; bare male head of Pankratides, right
ΜΥΤΙ ΔΑΔΑ; Demeter veiled, wearing chiton and peplos, standing left, holding ears of corn in her right hand
A: Numismatic Museum, Athens (Greece)  BG NP 2208
 21 8.58  

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 5.76 g (8)
ΜΥΤΙ ΔΑΔΑ; draped female bust (Dada?) with double stephane (resembling Matidia), right
ΠΑΝΚΡΑΤΙΔΗϹ; youthful male figure (Pankratides?), naked, standing left, resting with his right hand on column around which a serpent is coiled, chlamys in left
L: British Museum, London (UK)  
BMC 161 (and pl. XXXIX, 2) 

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 5.76 g (8)
ΜΥΤΙ ΔΑΔΑ; draped female bust (Dada?) with double stephane (resembling Matidia), right
ΠΑΝΚΡΑΤΙΔΗϹ; youthful male figure (Pankratides?), naked, standing left, resting with his right hand on column around which a serpent is coiled, chlamys in left
L: British Museum, London (UK)  
BMC 162 (and pl. XXXIX, 3) 

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 5.76 g (8)
ΜΥΤΙ ΔΑΔΑ; draped female bust (Dada?) with double stephane (resembling Matidia), right
ΠΑΝΚΡΑΤΙΔΗϹ; youthful male figure (Pankratides?), naked, standing left, resting with his right hand on column around which a serpent is coiled, chlamys in left
L: British Museum, London (UK)  1922,0602.6

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 5.76 g (8)
ΜΥΤΙ ΔΑΔΑ; draped female bust (Dada?) with double stephane (resembling Matidia), right
ΠΑΝΚΡΑΤΙΔΗϹ; youthful male figure (Pankratides?), naked, standing left, resting with his right hand on column around which a serpent is coiled, chlamys in left
P: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (France)  303
 19.4 4.97  

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 5.76 g (8)
ΜΥΤΙ ΔΑΔΑ; draped female bust (Dada?) with double stephane (resembling Matidia), right
ΠΑΝΚΡΑΤΙΔΗϹ; youthful male figure (Pankratides?), naked, standing left, resting with his right hand on column around which a serpent is coiled, chlamys in left
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  407/1901

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 5.76 g (8)
ΜΥΤΙ ΔΑΔΑ; draped female bust (Dada?) with double stephane (resembling Matidia), right
ΠΑΝΚΡΑΤΙΔΗϹ; youthful male figure (Pankratides?), naked, standing left, resting with his right hand on column around which a serpent is coiled, chlamys in left
B: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)  Löbb.

Mytilene  Lesbus Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (19 mm); 5.76 g (8)
ΜΥΤΙ ΔΑΔΑ; draped female bust (Dada?) with double stephane (resembling Matidia), right
ΠΑΝΚΡΑΤΙΔΗϹ; youthful male figure (Pankratides?), naked, standing left, resting with his right hand on column around which a serpent is coiled, chlamys in left
A. Cahn 68, 26 Nov. 1930, lot 1865 = Gorny & Mosch 261, 4 Mar. 2019, lot 476 
 19.1 4.99