@prefix nm: . @prefix doap: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix geo: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix oa: . @prefix crm: . @prefix pelagios: . @prefix dcmitype: . @prefix relations: . @prefix nmo: . @prefix edm: . @prefix void: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix svcs: . rdf:type ; skos:prefLabel "RPC IX, 1432"@en; skos:definition "RPC IX, 1432"@en; dcterms:source ; dcterms:replaces ; nmo:representsObjectType ; nmo:hasManufacture ; nmo:hasDenomination ; nmo:hasDenomination ; nmo:hasAuthority ; nmo:hasMint ; nmo:hasRegion ; nmo:hasStartDate "0249"^^xsd:gYear; nmo:hasEndDate "0251"^^xsd:gYear; nmo:hasObverse ; nmo:hasReverse ; void:inDataset . nmo:hasLegend "IMP CAES CAI CVIN DECI TRAINO EVS SE"; dcterms:description "radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear"@en ; nmo:hasLegend "MALLO COLONIA FELIX S C"; dcterms:description "Decius standing left, offering small statue of Marsyas to Fortuna standing right, holding cornucopia; at right, Amphilochus standing left, holding branch and crowning the emperor, near yoke of oxen; below, boar; all within wreath"@en .