@prefix nm: . @prefix doap: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix geo: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix oa: . @prefix crm: . @prefix pelagios: . @prefix dcmitype: . @prefix relations: . @prefix nmo: . @prefix edm: . @prefix void: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix svcs: . rdf:type ; skos:prefLabel "RPC I, 732"@en; skos:definition "RPC I, 732"@en; dcterms:source ; dcterms:replaces ; nmo:representsObjectType ; nmo:hasManufacture ; nmo:hasDenomination ; nmo:hasDenomination ; nmo:hasAuthority ; nmo:hasIssuer ; nmo:hasIssuer ; nmo:hasIssuer ; nmo:hasMint ; nmo:hasRegion ; nmo:hasStartDate "0027"^^xsd:gYear; nmo:hasEndDate "0028"^^xsd:gYear; nmo:hasObverse ; nmo:hasReverse ; void:inDataset . nmo:hasLegend "TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST IMP VIII"; dcterms:description "bare head of Tiberius, left"@en . nmo:hasLegend "C VIB MARSO PR COS NE CAE Q PR A M GEMELLVS F C D D P P"; dcterms:description "Livia seated, right, holding patera and sceptre"@en ;