@prefix nm: .
@prefix doap: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix skos: .
@prefix geo: .
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix oa: .
@prefix crm: .
@prefix pelagios: .
@prefix dcmitype: .
@prefix relations: .
@prefix nmo: .
@prefix edm: .
@prefix void: .
@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix svcs: .
rdf:type ;
skos:prefLabel "RPC III, 2073"@en;
skos:definition "RPC III, 2073"@en;
dcterms:source ;
dcterms:replaces ;
nmo:representsObjectType ;
nmo:hasManufacture ;
nmo:hasDenomination ;
nmo:hasDenomination ;
nmo:hasAuthority ;
nmo:hasMint ;
nmo:hasRegion ;
nmo:hasStartDate "0117"^^xsd:gYear;
nmo:hasEndDate "0138"^^xsd:gYear;
nmo:hasObverse ;
nmo:hasReverse ;
void:inDataset .
dcterms:description "laureate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian right, with aegis"@en ;
nmo:hasPortrait .
nmo:hasLegend "ΕΦΕΣΙΩΝ";
dcterms:description "temple with eight columns on podium with three steps within which cult statue of Artemis Ephesia with supports; the columns are of Ionic order and the base of the columns are decorated; in pediment, four statues, two reclining in the angles and two probably female on either side of the central window: each has one arm raised towards the window and one lowered"@en .