ΚΥΙ ΕΡΕ ΑΙΤΡ ΜΕϹ ΔΕΚΙΟΝ ΕΠΙΦ ΚΕϹΑΡ; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Etruscus, right, seen from rear
ΑΔΡΙ ΔΕΚΙΑΝωΝ ΜΟΨΕΑΤωΝ, Ε ΗΙΤ; Sarapis standing left, raising arm, holding sceptre, and Isis standing left, holding sistrum and cornucopia; at right, crab
[ΟΥ Ο]ϹΤΙΛ ΜΕϹ ΚΥΙΝΤΟΝ [ ]; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Hostilian, right, seen from rear
ΑΔΡ ΜΟΨΕΑΤωΝ ΗΙΤ; nude Dionysus (youthful) seated left, head right, on panther lying, right, holding thyrsus, right hand on head
SNG Pfälzer 944 2
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΕΒωΝΙΟϹ ΓΑΛΛΟϹ ϹΕΒ; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallus, right, seen from rear
ΑΓΩΝ ΚΡΙϹΜΟϹ ΑΔΡΙ ΜΟΨΕ(Α), ΘΙΤ; nude athlete standing right, placing crown on his head and holding palm
vA Mopsos 79 corr., 80 6
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΕΒΩΝΙ ΓΑΛΛΟϹ ϹΕΒ; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallus, right, seen from rear
ΑΔΡ ΓΑΛ ΜΟΨΕΑΤΩΝ, ΘΙΤ; lighted altar on table; below, crab
Levante 1354 2
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΚΥ(Ι) ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΔΕΚΙΟϹ ϹΕΒΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear
ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ ΝΑΥΑΡΧΙϹ, ϚϘϹ (on the sail); lighthouse with light-fire; galley, left, with seated helmsman entering harbour
Haymann 219 7
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΚΥ(Ι) ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΔΕΚΙΟϹ ϹΕΒΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear
ϹΕΥ ΑΔΡ ΑΙΓ[ΕΑΙωΝ] ΝΕωΚΟΡΟΥ, ΘΕΟΦΙΛ[ΟΥϹ], ϚϘϹ; horse advancing right, wreath on back
Haymann 221–2 2
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΚΥΙ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΔΕΚΙΟϹ ϹΕΒΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear
ϹΕΥ ΑΔΡ ΑΙΓΕ[ΑΙωΝ] [ ], ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, ϚϘϹ; a Tyche (?) standing right, clasping hands with another Tyche (?), standing left, holding vertical sceptre; between them, goat kneeling left, head right
Haymann 220 1
ΕΡ ΚΥΠΡΕ ΕΘΡΟΥϹΚΙΛΛΑ ϹΕΒΑ; diademed and draped bust of Etruscilla, right, on crescent
ϹΕ ΑΔ ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ [ ] [ΝΑΥΑΡ]ΧΙϹ ϚϘϹ, ΠΙϹΤΗ[ ]; Amaltheia standing, facing, head right, holding cornucopia and infant Zeus holding wreath; to left, goat
Haymann 2020, p. 67 no. 4 2
ΕΡ ΚΥΠΡΕ ΕΘΡΟΥϹΚΙΛΛΑ ϹΕΒΑ; diademed and draped bust of Etruscilla, right, on crescent
[ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ] ΝΑΥΑΡΧΙϹ, ϚϘϹ (on the sail); galley right with six rowers
Haymann 217 4
ΕΡ ΚΥΠΡΕ ΕΘΡΟΥϹΚΙΛΛΑ ϹΕ; diademed and draped bust of Etruscilla, right, on crescent
ΑϹΚΛΗΠΙΟΥ ΠΟΛΕ ΑΙΓΕΑΙω, ϚϘϹ; goat, reclining left, head right; within the circle of Zodiac
Haymann 223 3
ΕΡ ΚΥΠΡΕ ΕΘΡΟΥϹΚ[ΙΛΛΑ ϹΕ]; diademed and draped bust of Etruscilla, right, on crescent
Haymann 2020, p. 67 no. 6 1
ΕΡ ΚΥΠΡΕ ΕΘΡΟΥϹΚΙΛΛΑ ϹΕΒΑ; diademed and draped bust of Etruscilla, right, on crescent
ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ ΝΕωΚΟΡΟΥ ΘΕΟΦΙΛΟΥϹ, ϚϘϹ; veiled, turreted and draped bust of Tyche, right
BMC 38 1
ΑΥ ΚΥ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΔΕΚΙΟϹ ϹΕΒ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Decius, right, seen from rear
ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ [ΝΕωΚΟΡΟΥ? ϚϘϹ?]; goat, kneeling left, within wreath
Haymann 218 3
Κ ΕΡ ΕΤ Μ ΔΕΚΙΟϹ Ε ΚΥ ϹΕΒ; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Etruscus, right, seen from rear
ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ ΝΕωΚΟΡΟΥ ΘΕΟ, ΖϘϹ; bust of Asclepius, right, with traces of drapery; at right, serpent staff
Haymann 224 4
Γ ΟΥ ΟϹ Μ ΚΥΙΝΤΟϹ Θ ΚΥ ϹΕΒΑ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Hostilian, right, seen from rear
ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ ΝΕωΚΟΡΟΥ, ΖϘϹ; draped, veiled and diademed bust of Hygieia, right, serpent around shoulder feeding from patera
Haymann 225 6
ΑΥ Κ Γ ΟΥ Τ ΓΑΛΛΟϹ ΕΥ ΕΥΤ ϹΕΒ; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallus, right, seen from rear
ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ ΝΕωΚΟΡΟΥ ΝΑΥΑΡ ΗϘϹ; Artemis Brauronia, helmeted, standing right, on short basis, holding spear and shield
Haymann 227 3
ΑΥ Κ Γ ΟΥ Τ ΓΑΛΛΟϹ ΕΥ ΕΥΤ ϹΕΒ; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallus, right, seen from rear
ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ ΝΕωΚΟΡΟΥ ΝΑΥΑΡ ΗϘϹ; draped bust of Sarapis, right
Haymann 2020, p. 63 no. 10 1
Γ ΟΥΙ Γ Α ΟΥΟΛΟϹϹΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Volusian, right, seen from rear
ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ ΝΕωΚΟΡΟΥ ΝΑΥ, ΗϘϹ; veiled and draped bust of Demeter, right
Haymann 228 4
Γ ΟΥΙ Γ Α ΟΥΟΛΟϹϹΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Volusian, right, seen from rear
ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ ΝΕωΚΟΡΟΥ ΝΑΥ ΗϘϹ; draped bust of Isis, right, wearing Isis crown
Haymann 228A 4
ΑΥΤ ΑΙΜΙΛΙΟϹ ΑΙΜΙΛΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Aemilian, right, seen from rear
ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ ΝΕωΚΟ, ΝΑΥΑΡΧΙϹ, ΘϘϹ; nude Alexander(?) standing left, holding patera, spear and drapery; at feet, left, bull lying; at top, left, city gate with towers
Haymann 230 8