Æ 13.16 g.
[IMP CAES M AVRELIO?] ANTONINVS AVG P M; laureate head of Marcus Aurelius with traces of drapery, right
C L I COR; Vulcan/Hephaestus standing, left, holding hammer and bar of metal
BCD Corinth 780 corr. 3
Æ 11.53 g.
M AVR ANT[O]N[INVS AVG P ?] M; laureate head of Marcus Aurelius with traces of drapery, right
C L I COR; Aesculapius/Asclepius standing, facing, head, left, holding serpent-staff
BCD Corinth 695 2
Æ 12.65 g.
M AVR ANTONINVS AVG; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass, right
C L I COR; agonistic table with statue of Melikertes-Palaimon lying on back of dolphin and pine wreath; beneath table, amphora; to left, thyrsus(?), to right, trident
BCD Corinth 717 2
Æ 11.84 g.
IMP M AVR ANToNINVS AV[G]; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C L I COR; Bellerophon riding on Pegasus, right, stricking downwards at Chimera jumping, left
BCD Corinth 705, Cop 317 3
Æ 12.04 g.
I M AVR ANTONINVS AVG; laureate head of Marcus Aurelius, right
C L I COR; Bellerophon riding on Pegasus, right, stricking downwards at Chimera, jumping, right
BCD Corinth 706 9
Æ (26 mm) 14.33 g.
[I M AVR] ANTONINVS AVG; laureate head of Marcus Aurelius, right
C L I COR; Chimera seated, right, on thin base
Cop 324 1
Æ 9.71 g.
[I] M AVR ANTONINVS AVG; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass, right
C L I CoR; Chimera walking, left
Æ 11.12 g.
I M AVR ANTONINVC(sic) AVG; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass, right
C L I COR; circular temple of Melikertes-Palaimon with dome-shaped roof and six columns on flight of stairs with arched doorway; to left, bull standing, right; behind bull, pine-tree
BCD Corinth 714, BMC 614 6
Æ 12.92 g.
M AVR ANTONINVS AVG; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass, right
C L I COR; Diana/Artemis advancing, right, having quiver at shoulder, holding bow and torch; to left, stag, jumping, left; to right, dog jumping, right
BCD Corinth 692 3
Æ (26 mm) 9.47 g.
[I]MP M ANTONINVS AVG; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C L I COR; emperor (Marcus Aurelius) galloping, right, wearing military dress, brandishing spear; before, two foes: left one bound and on knees, right one fallen
Æ 11.44 g.
[I M] AVR ANToNINVS AVG; laureate head of Marcus Aurelius, right
C L I CoR; Melikertes-Palaimon lying on back of dolphin, right; behind, pine-tree
BCD Corinth 701 3
Æ (26 mm) 12.09 g.
M AVR ANTONINVS AVG; laureate head of Marcus Aurelius, right
C L I COR; Melikertes-Palaimon lying on back of dolphin, right; behind, pine-tree
BCD Corinth 700 5
Æ (26 mm) 8.73 g.
IMP M ANTONINVS AVG; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C L I COR; Melikertes-Palaimon lying on back of dolphin, right; between two pine-trees
BCD Corinth 704, BMC 611, Cop 328 corr. 5
Æ 12.28 g.
M AVR ANTONINVS AVG; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass, right
C L I COR; Minerva/Athena standing, left, holding Victoria/Nike over altar and spear; to right, owl standing, facing
BCD Corinth 688 6
Æ 11.17 g.
IMP M AVR ANToNINVS AVG; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C L I COR; Neptune/Poseidon seated, left, holding dolphin and trident
BCD Corinth 775 corr. 2
Æ 11.84 g.
M AVR ANTONINVS AVG; laureate head of Marcus Aurelius with traces of drapery, right
C L I COR; nude Jupiter/Zeus standing, left, holding eagle and long sceptre
Æ 12.13 g.
IMP M AVR AN[ToNINVS AVG]; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C L I COR; nude Mercury/Hermes seated on rock, left, wearing petasus, extending right hand over ram, holding caduceus and chlamys
Æ 8.33 g.
IMP M ANTONINVS AVG; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C L I COR; Peirene seated on rock, left, holding water jug, resting left hand on rock
Price-Trell, pp. 80–1 2
Æ 12.18 g.
I M AVR ANTONINVS AVG; laureate head of Marcus Aurelius, right
C L I COR; temple of Venus/Aphrodite with four columns on summit of Acrocorinthus; at the foot of the rock, pediment of temple (?) in front of which are two trees; on each side of rock, small arched niche; to left of rock, tree
BCD Corinth —, BMC — 1
Æ 13.13 g.
IMP M ANTONINVS AVG; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C L I CoR; turreted Concordia/Homonoia (or Fortuna/Tyche?) standing, facing, head, left, holding patera over altar and cornucopia